Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes and Obesity in Women

Educate and Inform important role to play when it comes to sharing health information In fact, according to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, employ- ers are one of the most trusted sources of information for both men and women across all ages and management titles. 71 That’s important because a global survey of over 9,000 healthcare consumers from the U.S., U.K., Germany, Brazil and Japan found that women don’t know what sources of healthcare information to believe. Of the women surveyed, 78% don’t fully trust their insurance provider, 83% don’t fully trust the pharmaceutical company that makes their medicine, 35% don’t fully trust their physician and 31% don’t trust online sources. 72 Tb rhoechheuarlet sh apnl adn oytohue wr ionrfko rwmi taht ii os nl i kaevlayi laa gbrl ee aot ns loi nu er c ae nodf hi ne apl trhi ni nt , f oa rnmd amt i aonny; ma lossot mm aa kk ee celviennictisa.ns and thought leaders available for webinars and other types of informational You can promote relevant messages and link them with the programs you offer by key - ing off health awareness months or weeks—American Heart Month (February), Wom - en’s Health Week (Mother’s Day week) and Diabetes Month (November), for example. The American Heart Association’s “Go Red for Women” signature campaign 73 offers lots of shareable information; the American Diabetes Association and the American Obesity Treatment Association are other important resources to mine for content. Implement Awareness Campaigns Lack of awareness among women about the risks of heart disease is an important issue. Recognition that heart disease is the leading cause of death in women declined tt oi o4n4a %l S ui nr v2e0y1. 9T hf reo m1 06- y5e%a ri nd e2c0l 0i n9e, ai nc caowr da irnegn teos sa w2 0a 1s 9o bAsme revr ei cda na mH oe na rgt aAl ls sr oa cc ii aa tl ,i oe nt hNnai c- and age groups except women ages 65 and older. 74

71 %2520Trust%2520in%2520the%2520Workplace%2520FINAL.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0viVyKHMdDTr_Z-yn9tQ_9&opi=89978449 72 73 74


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