Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes and Obesity in Women

ww oo mr ke- fnr-ofmr i e- hnodml y eb felne xe ifbi tisl i ti ny,c laundde fcehr itlidl ict ya raen, de l df aemr cial yr ep, lma nant ei nr ngi. t yA asnudr vpeayt errenpiot yr t el eda vbey, Sj oHbRqMu ailni tJiue sn ewionmd iecna twe da nttheadt i“nptehres oi rnnael xatnpdofsaimt i oi lny. n e e d s b e i n g m e t ” to p p e d t h e l i s t o f 78 Ensure Access to Women-Friendly Healthcare Providers Studies have highlighted the benefits of patients having culturally competent provid - ers. 79 And ample research shows that women are misdiagnosed, underdiagnosed and offered inappropriate treatments far more often than men. 80 Increasing the gender, ra- cial and ethnic diversity of network providers is critical to improving health outcomes as tnodo de ndsuurriinngg et ha caht wh eoaml tehnc a—r e iennc cl uoduinntge rw. Ao ms pe rne vo if ocuosl loyr n—o t ef ede, lf es ma f ea ,l eh epaart di e na nt sd ouf nmd ae lre- cthaerdciaascepfohryspiacitaiennstshaovfefewmoarlseecaorudticoolmogeissttsh. an their male counterparts, which is not 81 Weight bias among providers is another issue that affects the quality of healthcare received by patients. 82 Ac ocmc eps os nt eonht eoa fl t ha cna ri ne ctlhuas ti vree fwl eoc rt sk eemn vpilrooyneme se’ nnte. eCdosl laanbdo rpart ei nf egr eanncde sc oi sn tarna ci tmi npgo rwt ai nt ht health plans and other vendors that value and understand the unique needs of diverse employee populations is one way benefits leaders can intentionally build more equita - ble benefits. Here are some questions you can ask your vendors to assess adherence to inclusive practices: • Can you provide data on employee claims, engagement and/or oountlycoomnerseqbuyessetx?, race and/or ethnicity? Can you provide it regularly or • Wm ehtahtopdesr ac er en tyaogue uosf ipnrgotvoi daet trrsaicnt ydoi vuerr ns iet tyw? o r k a r e w o m e n ? W h a t • Hpoopwuldaotiyoonurelepardesbeynetxinamclupsleiv?iDtyo?es your own leadership and employee • Horogwandizoaetsioyno’usrinocrlguasnivizeasttiorant’es gwyo? rk align with and support our • How do you engage women in evaluating how well your offerings meet their needs?

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