King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

and rest, and peace. They know these things are not the outcome of self-reliance. Something tells them that these things are the gift of God. Let us return, therefore, to the Gospel of the Cleansing Blood. Let us do it with a devout enthusiasm which indicates the reality of the ¡truth for our own experience. For this is the meaning of: Cal­ vary. It means that there has been opened a fountain for sin and uncleanness; and, blessed be God, it means, also that-||p( Sinners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty stains. ■if*’ w ate We are glad that they sought to find a foundation for this view in the New Testament, for they cannot logically ob­ ject to our appealing to the plainest statements of Jesus, to show the utter falsity of their theory. Before we do so, however, let us sum up what we have here. 1. Jesus came into the world to live, not to die. .2. His mission was not to make remission for sin, but to establish the Kingdom on earth by teaching right living. 3. He became the victim of circumstances that were too strong for Him'and was martyred. 4. There was nothing superhuman about His death. 5. Salvation becomes a matter of following His ban­ ner—or trying to imitate Him in social uplift work. Is T h is T h e G o spe l ? NO! If this is the Gospel, it is indeed strange that there should ever have been opposition to Christ and the New Testament, unless it be from people of the most debased type. What person possessing an average degree of

be much more joyful proclamation about the cleansing blood of Christ than is the case at the present time, for when a man speaks of the cleansing blood, he is directing the Sinner’s attention to the Savior. He is pointing out that none but Jesus can do helpless sinners good. He is helping men to say:— We believe that the world is ready for a revival of this precious evangelical truth. The world has found that the way of transgressors is hard. In their moments of deep reflection, men and women of the world long for cleansing, Nothing in my hands I bring, Simply to Thy Cross I cling.

A Modern V iew Concerning Christ B y 'K . L. B.

RECENT article in The Commonwealth sets forth a view concerning the Person and work of our Lord, which probably expresses the position held by many of the present-day Liberalists. In brief, it is th is: Jesus did not come into this world to die, as so long taught in the church, but to set in motion a very definite plan of world salvation. The Kingdom of God on earth was His objective. In organizing for this, He met with opposition from just those elements in society who desired to keep things as they were. His death was in­ evitable. There is nothing mystical about it. It is per­ fectly human and reasonable. He did not come to appease by a bloody sacrifice an angry Deity. The simple Gospel is that by giving His life in the attempt to set up the King­ dom, Jesus has dyed the people’s flag the deepest red, and that all other sacrifices for the people’s freedom are summed up in the blood of the Lamb. Two writers in the paper mentioned, attempt to show that these are the plain teachings of the New Testament.

Here’s Bad News... For little boys who do not like to brush their teeth, and who, by di­ vers and ingenious , evasions, suc­ ceed in dodging the ordeal. Some of these boys who flout this sani- ■ tary practice, oft think that if they run away to Africa or some far place like that, they can es­ cape the punishing practice. Well, boys, it can’t be done. The tooth brush has arrived in Africa, and from the shores of the Mediter­ ranean to the blustery pinnacle of Good Hope, little boys and little girls are being initiated into the mysteries of mouth sanitation. As evidence of the new order in Africa, we show two young Sa­ hara denizens, taking their first lesson in the use of the tooth brush.

Herbert Photos, Inc.

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