King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

whose face was getting as red as a beet, and exclaimed: “Now tell us what your way of thinking has done for you!” While the audience cheered the old lady, the lec­ turer left the platform. It is useless for our “American” Atheists to present themselves as the real advocates of morality, and wail about the impurities of the Bible. Unbelief is, and always has been, a destitution of the only efficient principles by which the moral and spiritual life can be sustained. Why is it that 'anarchists, the leaders of terrorism who are ceaseless in their efforts to wreck organized society and prevent lawful procedure, are all Atheists? The wreckers of Faith and the wreckers of law and order seem to march under, one flag. As well expect a canary bird to sing in an air-tight box as to expect the genuine exercise of real goodness from those who have no use for God and no respect for the Book that has proven itself the one miracle-working Book of history. lp$P The Isle of “ Somewhere” /CARD INA L O’CONNELL, the Romanist archbishop of Boston, has banned the use of the so-called hymn “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere” at Catholic funerals. He characterizes it as not only vulgar, but trashy and inane. After identifying “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere” as among several English compositions “composed by people who have no faith but plenty of maudlin sentiment,” the Cardinal gives notice that organists and . choir directors who permit its use will be immediately suspended or dis­ charged. The Cardinal’s action received public endorsement from several leading Protestant clergymen, among them Dr. Massee and Dr. Conrad. We. have-often wondered why this hymn should be a favorite with so many people, as it contains no Gospel whatever and surely does not express the Christian hope of any instructed believer, for there is something far more real for him and his departed loved ones in Christ than “a beautiful isle of somewhere,” Perhaps it is the pleasing musical setting which appeals. We should like to pass on some lines which may be sung to this setting, the author’s name being unknown to u s : “Friend of all friends the dearest: ■ King of my heart is He. In heaven and earth the fairest; Dearest than all to me. Chorus:

N ow R ead y for Action f 77 ie B. B. B. B.J The King’s Business now offers its subscribers for free circulation two new tracts answering lit­ erature of the A. A. A. A. 1. Believe Y e in God? —a reply to one of similar title widely circulated by the A. A. A. A. 2. Nuts for A. A .’s to Crack —a reply to “Holy Bible in a Nutshell,” published by Junior Atheist’s League. This tract presents scien­ tific proof of the inspiration of the Scrip­ tures which no critic has been able to answer although challenged by this evidence for sev­ eral years, Let’s get these tracts in circulation. We must be assured that they will be wisely circulated. They are free while they last— -you pay the post­ age. . After the first edition is exhausted, their con­ tinuance will depend upon contributions to our B. B. B. B. fund. Thèse leaflets will not he'sold. Who will help us supply these freely where they are most needed? calm in their lives which he does not possess; he sees them giving themselves wholeheartedly to the service of their fellow men in the Name of the Christ, in whom the Athe­ ist does not want to believe, and then he is possessed to rob those of that which is their greatest comfort and in­ spiration in life. He has nothing to offer that can take the place of what he would destroy. There is not a single constructive thing in all his teaching. He does nothing but pull down. What a calling! He is like a man who sees a poor cripple going down the street—and without his crutches the cripple could not proceed at all—but he slips up behind the cripple and knocks his crutches out from beneath his weight. He then stands back and laughs at the plight of the man in his help­ less estate. Even though it were possible for the Atheist to demon­ strate that the Christian Faith is but a bubble, he cannot but see that it is the one consolation of multitudes of suf­ ferers and unfortunate people—that it has enabled thou­ sands to face death with a song—and that millions have been lifted out of the gutters of degradation through the preaching of the gospel. What a thankless task to spend one’s breath and money trying to get men to believe that they die like dogs, need never reckon with God either for their good or evil deeds and have no hope whatever! “Your hopes are all a dream,” said one of these wreck­ ing experts to an aged Christian man. “Then shut up,” returned the old man, “and don’t arouse me.” An infidel speaker on one occasion challenged his audi­ ence to prove that there is a God. A gray-haired Christian woman arose and said: “I would like to give my testi­ mony.” She proceeded to tell of the peace and joy of her heart and of the remarkable leadings that had come to her through prayer. Suddenly she turned upon the speaker,

“Jesus, Jesus, never a friend like Jesus : He is my King, and His praise I ’ll sing, Never a friend like Jesus. “When comes the fierce temptation, Jesus is always near. His blood can bring salvation :

His voice can banish fear.. “Never a love so tender; Greater than all our sin, He is a Strong Defender, Helping the weak to win.”

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