King's Business - 1928-01


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

January 1928

Bible Food for Preacher and Teacher

He filleth thee with the finest of the wheat. Psalm 147:14

the Wheat

Finest of

consist of attending to individuals, and getting things done one by one, simply, quietly, and with persistent patience. There are'hours for demonstration, for under some circumstances, 4f men do not shout, stones will cry out. For the most part, the way of the Lord’s service is the way of plodding perseverance in the do­ ing of apparently small things. The his­ tory of the Church shows that this is. one of the lessens most difficult to learn. It also proves that the measure in which it is learned and practiced is the measure of real co-operation with God. *>---------------- !------- S SAYINGS ABOUT THE SAVIOR . I - ------------------------ ------------------4 “Aman whocan readthe New Testa­ ment and not see that Christ claims to be more than a man, can look all over the sky at noon on a cloudless day and not see the sun.”—Biederwolf. * * * “The inspired writers give Him all the titles of theMost High God.”—John Wesley. * * * “You must tear the Book to shreds ’and scatter the fragments to the four winds if you would get rid of the great truth of the divinity of Christ.”—Adeney. * * * “The testimony of the Christian cen­ turies is that to feel the full impact of His life involves the necessity of calling Him God.”SHough. * * * “If Christ be not divine, every impulse of the Christian world falls to a lower octave and light and love and hope de­ cline.”—Beecher. * * * “If Christ were only a man, I see no reason why the great artists could not satisfy our noblest thought concerning His personal appearance; but because of that infinite element, deity, which blends with His manhood, no human hand has yet been able to accomplish what I must believe to be an impossible task.”^iC. C. Hall. * * Hi S fChrist is the one transcendent and in­ describable Personality of history.”— Mains. * * * “I do not ask.myself if Christ was di­ vine; I should rather be tempted to ask myself if He could have been merely human.”—de Lamennais. * * * “Since ninety-nine hundredths of all Christians in all ages have rendered di­ vine worship to Christ,' it follows that either He is entitled to receive worship or He has, as a religious teacher, so failed in His mission as to lead nearly all His pupils into the idolatry of creature wor­ ship.”—Binney. * * * “Christ presents a character, a spirit, a sympathy, a doctrine, as broad as man-

Offended in Jesus “Blessed is he whosoever shall find no occasion of stumbling in Me” (Matt. 11:6). These are the final words of the mes­ sage which the Lord sent to John the Baptist, when he inquired as to whether He was indeed the Christ, They consti­ tute a warning which we all need to bear in mind. There can be no question that John was perplexed by the methods which the Lord was adopting, and that perplex­ ity was due to the fact that even he had not fully apprehended the meaning of Messiahship. Had Jesus preached,so as to raise a revolution' and create an army^ John would have been more satisfied. This is a perpetual peril. It is not easy yet to Understand, why God does not do something more startling. It is that idea which underlies the question which we sometimes hear as to why God does not do thus or so. It is that idea which in­ spires all those activities in the Name of Christ which are attempts to improve upon His methods. To- all such restless impatience, He utters the same warn­ ing. We are called upon to trust Him so completely as to be content to follow Him in those quiet, persistent methods which

s EARCH - L IGHT S FROM THE WORD By Dr. G. Campbell Morgan (Permission Fleming H. Revell Co.) “Jesus” - t h e Salvation of Jehovah “It is He that shall save His people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). 'T'HE whole value of this statement is A found by placing the emphasis upon the “HE.” The name which the angel ■ commanded Joseph to give to Mary’s Child was one that was common at the. time. It had a wonderful history. It had been made by Moses for his immediate successor, by the weaving together of his name, Hoshea, which meant Salvation, with isome .of the letters of the Divine name Jehovah, so that its full significance was “The Salvation of Jehovah.” Thus the Name Jesus, is equivalent to the Jehovah of the Old Testament, combined with the revelation of the ultimate mean­ ing of that name, that of Salvation, in all the completeness of the great fact. As Jehovah-—or Yahweh—meant, “The Be­ coming One,” or “The One Who Be­ comes,’^J-that is, the God of Grace, Who becomes to His people whatever they need, so, when in the fulness of time, He, in His Son, “became flesh,” the Name given to Him signified the ultimate in this mighty, •but condescending Grace, This is indeed, then, the Name which is above every name. The hope expressed in the Name was about to be fulfilled. Through the One Who was now to bear it, salva­ tion from sin was to be made possible. This contrastive value abides. Still there is none other name which stands for that possibility. Infinite are the glories of Him Who received that Name anew when He was exalted to the right hand of God, but among them all, for us who are sinning men and women, this is central and supreme. This we should ever remember for our personal comfort, and in all our service. As we are per­ petually engaged in the struggle against sin, it is for us to fight in the assurance that He is able to deliver us, not only from the penalties of wrong-doing, but from the power of evil in every form. That also must ever condition our ser­ vice. However varied the claims of our Lord may be, and however wide the area over which it is our business to insist upon His Lordship, everything begins, continues, and ends, in this glorious fact that He deals with sin, forgiving its pen­ alty, cleansing from its pollution, and de­ stroying its power.

Who Is He? Matt. 26:66.

PILATE, what do you think of this man? “I find no fault in him at all.” JUDAS? “I have sinned in that I have betrayed the inno­ cent blood.” CENTURION, what is your testimony concerning this One? “Truly this was the' Son of God.” JOHN THE BAPTIST? “Be­ hold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world 1” AND JOHN? “He is the bright and morning star.” PETER? “Thou art the liv­ ing Christ, the Son of the living God!” THOMAS, what is your tes­ timony? “My Lord and my God!” PAUL, what do you think of Christ? “I count all things loss for the excellency of the knowl­ edge of Christ Jesus my Lord.” ANGEL IN HEAVEN, what is your testimony ? “Unto you is born a Savior which is Christ the Lord.” A N D O U R HEAVENLY FATHER? “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

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