King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

HOLY LAND FILMSLIDE LIBRARY F R E E ! W rite to d ay for details of SPECIAL OFFER on th e stan d a rd S.V.E. PICTUROL P ro jecto r an d th e com plete L ib rary of view s— 45 rolls, over 2000 w onderful pictu res, “The H oly L and and Its People”— FREE! T his film slide L ib rary com piled by Rev. J. E. Holley, c o v ­ ers an cien t p laces of Bible in te re st an d m od­ ern P alestine a n d its people a s well. (See list of the 45 titles in th is film slide L ib rary below .)

ship and rest. He and his family re­ mained undisturbed by cares of state; or even the recreations of literature, on Sun­ day. Sabbath desecration has become a na­ tional sin of staggering degree. Blessed is the man, spiritually, mentally, and phy­ sically, who “remembers the sabbath day to keep it holy.” A member of the U. S. Public Health Service, testifies that when he was in the drug business he was impelled to close his store on Sundays. “My business,” he says, “did not suffer in the least from my decision to honor the Lord’s Day, but in­ creased right along, and I sold it at a good profit.” - In our Scripture lesson we see the Pharisees endeavoring to put into effect one of their thirty-nine man-made pro­ hibitions on the Sabbath. These prohi­ bitions illustrate the tendency of mere law sooner or later to ruin moral prin­ ciple. It was against these Pharisaic per­ versions of the Sabbath that our Lord protested by act and word, reminding them that “the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath.” During our Lord’s earthly ministry He makes the Sabbath Day a day of gracious words and loving acts.. After His death, His ministry to the spirits in Hades hav­ ing been accomplished on the Sabbath (1 Peter 3:18-20; 4:6), He chooses the first day of the week for His resurrection ; and that day has ever been observed by His followers as the Lord’s Day, Sunday. The Sabbath was but a shadow of things to come. It is the duty and priv­ ilege of the Christian to observe the first day of the week in commemoration of his risen Lord and in loving gratitude for His salvation. Its observance is not com­ pulsory, but to those who have kept it unto the Lord, history has proven that those lives have been blessed, whereas in­ dividuals and nations who have tried to do away with one day out of seven as a day of rest have been brought to see their sad mistake. — o— C hoice N uggets “Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week.’jljp Longfellow. “Let it ever be the most joyful and praiseful day of the seven.”—Beecher. “Students of every age and kind, be­ ware of secular study on the Lord’s Day.” —Prof. Miller. “We believe that the first day of the week is the Lord’s Day, or Christian Sabbath; and is to be kept sacred to re­ ligious purposes, by abstaining from all secular labor and sinful recreations ; by the devout observance of all the means of grace, both private arid public ; and by preparation for that rest that remaineth for the people of God.”-—Baptist Church Manual. “Sunday, that day so tedious to the triflers of earth, so full of beautiful re­ poses of calmness and strength for the earnest and heavenly minded.”—Maria J. McIntosh. “He that remembers not to keep the Christian Sabbath at the beginning of the week will be in danger to forget before the end of the week that he is a Christian.” —Sir Edmund Turner. “The Lord’s Day is the core of civiliza­ tion, dedicated to thought and reverence. It invites to the noblest solitude and to the noblest society.”—Emerson.

S.V.E. PICTUROL P ro jecto r operates on any cu rren t, even on autom obile b a tte ry , hence, use is u n restricted . H as trip le condensing lenses, p aten ted double a p ertu re glasses and only p a te n ted H eat R ay F ilter. A bsolutely fool proof.


Joppa The Beautiful Plain of Sharon and the Judean Hills Bethlehem and Its En­ virons Hebron and Surround­ ing Country Shechem and Samaria Jezreel and The Plain Nazareth, Cana and Ti­ berias Around Galilee The Land of Judea Bethel and Shiloh

Mt. Hermon a n d The North Damascus The Buins of Baalbek Sidon and Tyre Olivet, Gethsemane and Bethany Down to Jericho The Jordan Valley Jehosephat and Hinnom Walks about Jerusalem Church of The H o l y Sepulchre Mosque of Omar

The Tabernacle and The Temples Men and Their Work Men of Leisure Women and Their Work Eastern Transportation The Flowers of Pales­ tine (1) The Flowers of Pales­ tine (2) Jewish Colonies in P al­ estine Bedouin Life The Grand B u i n s of Petra

The Via Dolosa Through Damascus Gate Bread Beyond Jordan The Dead Sea (west) The Dead Sea (east) The Samaritan People Exodus of Israel Enroute to Sinai Sinai Sinai to Canaan The Plague of Locusts Trees of Palestine Shepherd and His Sheep

SOCIETY FOR VISUAL EDUCATION, Inc. Manufacturers . Producers and Distributors o f Visual Aids 317 S. I/cÄjll«? S t. D E P T . - 21 C h ic a g o , I l W r i s -

C hoice N uggets “The mission of the Church is to seek and to save them that are lost.”—Aughey. “A lazy, indolent church tends toward unbelief; an earnest, busy church, in hand-to-hand conflict with sin and misery, grows stronger in faith.”—John Hall. “The church is made up of individuals. It can do nothing except as its members Work, and work together.”—Aughey. “The church may go through her dark ages, but Christ is with her in the mid­ night ; she may pass through her fiery furnace, but Christ is in the midst of the flame with her.”—C. H. Spurgeon. “Jesus organized the church, which is His vineyard. He commands all to go into the vineyard and work. All who are united to Christ by faith, and are thus members of His mystical body, should be members of His visible church.’’—Aughey. “And this is the mission of the church r—not better laws, purer legislation, social elevation, human equality, and liberty, but first the ‘kingdom of God and His righteousness’ ;' regenerated hearts, and all other things will follow.”—A. E. Kitt- edge, “In the Church of Christ one little worker can mar the whole by failing to fulfil his office. There is a place for each. Find your place if you are not al­ ready in it, and obey the Savior’s com­ mand, ‘Go work in my . vineyard’—the command of a king, which you disobey at the peril of losing the reward of the faithful,”—Aughey. — o— February 5 Topic: What are the Values of Chris­ tian Endeavor? Rom. 12:3-11. (Christian Endeavor Day.) “Christian Endeavor is a school Teaching us to trust and obey, To read and to. pray, To serve Christ and the Church in every way.” (continued on page 52)

January 29 Topic: How Our Church Does Its Work. Eph. 4:7-16. “When once thy foot enters the church, beware-— God is more there than thou: for thou art there Only by His permission. Then be­ ware, And make thyself all reverence and For this meeting the leader should be­ gin making preparations as far ahead as possible, for the information you may want to obtain may have to be had from your denominational headquarters. We so often find young people uninformed as to the history, teaching and form of gov­ ernment and present activities of their own church, that we feel the topic com­ mittee have wisely included this topic for study. Consult your pastor, who will be in a position to give you most of the ma­ terial for this meeting. It would be well to invite him to give a ten-minute talk on this subject to the Society. The Scripture assignment of this lesson is taken from the book of Ephesians, which presents to us the Church in the mind of God. In the verses chosen we have the gifts of Christ to His church. None are omitted in the great work en­ trusted by Christ to His followers. In the seventh verse we find that all possess some particular gift. All are not alike talented, but each has some gift of grace. The humblest member of the church of Christ is not without his gift. That these gifts qualify men for special work is seen in verse eleven. As no two lives exactly resemble each other, so no two lives are endowed in an exactly similar way. All the members and all the officers of the church are appointed and honored of God to be co-workers with Himself (1 Cor. 3:9). . —o— T houghts on the T opic

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