King's Business - 1928-01

January 1928


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


B ook T ab le

Growth in Church Influence


The Other Side of the Door By W illiam C arter , P h . D., D. D. The Throop Avenue Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn is to be congratulated on the caliber and nature of its preaching if this little book is at all an indication of the type of work done by Dr. Carter in his weekly ministrations, It is Scrip­ tural and filled with fine common sense and helpful insights that lead to a true appreciation of the Scriptures treated by the preacher. Published by Fleming H. Revell Com­ pany. Price $1.50. ^.;A-J. m . M. Dr. Kretzmann, of the Concordia Semi­ nary, St. Louis, offers this little book (40c) as a book of outlines for adult class study, especially for the usé of min­ isters. It purports to present great Bible truths logically and arranged topically for class lecture purposes. Many of the out­ lines may be easily developed and used to good advantage by teachers. Such subjects as the following are taken up : Creation, God, Sin, Christ (His deity and work), the Holy Spirit, the Church, Jus­ tification, Resurrection, Inspiration, Prayer, etc. It should be understood that the author is a Lutheran, and some of the studies are presented strictly from the Lutheran viewpoint. For instance, under “Baptism” we are told that “to baptize means, to apply water in any manner in the name of the Triune God,” and that it is baptism which “works the forgiveness of sins” and “gives eternal salvation.” Regeneration in children, the author de­ clares, can ordinarily be wrought by bap­ tism only. There are other chapters which would not be generally accepted, yet the outlines are suggestive for pastors and should be of use to others than Lutheran ministers. Professor Robertson is without ques­ tion one of the greatest authorities in his department living today. In this book he throws light on many interesting problems connected with the autographs of the New Testament. There is really an element of romance that leads to an unusual appre­ ciation of certain characteristics found throughout its pages. He points out the losses and gains in the critical text in the New Testament ; and those who would understand why there is the variance in so many of our editions of the New Testament, should carefully study this book. He gives an estimate of some of the more recent translations of the New Testament. Like everything he does, it is worthy of careful thought and study. Published by George H. Doran Company. Price $2.50. Knowledge Unto Salvation B y P aul E. K retzmann Studies in the Text of the New Testament B y P rof . A. T. R obertson , D. D.

In business; we know that the more frequent the contacts* the more potent the influence. The same principle is at work in church affairs : the more frequent the church-contacts, the more potent the church- influence. If people do not come to church with sufficient regularity to be influenced, the church can come to them—can influence them to come. It can keep contact through the means of The ROTARY LETTERGRAPH —a simple little duplicating device which reproduces letters, sermons, tracts, hymns, music—anything that can be written, drawn or typed— at a cost of about 25c for 1000 copies. Postcard size up to 9 x 15. One color or more. Mechanically, the simplest made. A boy or girl can operate it. Stencils can be put away and used again and again. From every standpoint, the most economical duplicating device we know of. And it costs but $35 Complete including a complete set of supplies, You can start using it at once upon arrival. Thousands in use by business houses, churches, schools, institutions. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10-Day Trial Try the Rotary Lettergraph on your dwn work, under your own con­ ditions. If, after 10 days, you decide to keep it, send us $35. If not, simply return the Lettergraph and the deal is closed. THE HEYER DUPLICATOR CO., Inc. . (Established, in 1903) 925 West Jackson Blvd., - Chicago, Illinois TH E HEYER DUPLICATOR CO. 925 W . Jack so n Blvd., Chicago, III. □ Send th e R o tary L etterg rap h on 10-day tria l a t th e I [Send full p a rtic u la rs of end of w hich we will rem it $35 in full paym ent, o r I Ithe R o tary L etterg rap h . retu rn m achine. N am e...’......................................................................................................................

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