King's Business - 1928-01


T h e ' K I n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

January 1928

J 0 CK 0 -H 0 M 0 HEAVENB 0 UND A satire on th e ape-m an “ Chrysalis** th a t w as unveiled in a New Y ork C hurch. PUDDLE TO PARADISE D iscusses th e pilgrim age of evolution and th e ta ils o u r “ ancestors*’ w on and lost. THE TOADSTOOL AMONG THE TOMBS Show ing th a t self-sufficient hum an b rain m ay be a liability ra th e r th a n an asset. Parents: If they teach your children they are cousins o f apes, six evolutionary' hops ahead of ' a toad, you neea these books. N o books on this I subject ever had more friends and enemies. W e have hoped some leader among evolutionists •would try to answer them. If your ancestors were all hu­ man, send for one book; you will want the others, i T h ey have 25 cartoons. Each book 20c. Six books ! (3 to read, 3 to loan) lor $1, postpaid. Dollar bill | or check will do. Do it before you lose this ad. Author’s reply to Brisbane, “ When Snakes Began

Tarbell’s Teacher’s Guide—1928 By M artha T arbell The 1928 International Sunday School lessons in the Gospel of Mark arid in the Church Epistles are, from the standpoint of Scripture selections alone, rich in help­ fulness, Miss Tarbell, who year after year has put hundreds of Sunday-school teachers in debt to her for her lesson helps, seems to have left nothing to be desired in her 1928 lesson book. As ever, it abounds in illustrations, facts and prac­ tical applications. Revell is the publisher. The price, postpaid, $2.00. Dr. Sell is the author of a series of twelve other Bible study textbooks put up in uniform size and style, of which over 350,000 copies have been sold. This latest volume, put out by the Revell Com­ pany, is made up of very informing chap­ ters concerning cities , prominent in the Bible. Among the list he considers Baby­ lon, Nineveh, Jerusalem, Antioch, Eph­ esus, Athens, Corinth, Rome and Caper­ naum. Dr. Sell shows that the perplexing problems of the city are not new. The Bible has much to say about these same problems. By a study of these cities of Bible times, we can come to a better un­ derstanding of the Bible and its relation to our modern cities.’■ Price in cloth is 75 cents. Other late books of this series are “Studies of Famous Bible Women” ; “Great Bible Characters” ; “Bible Studies in Vital Questions” ; “Studies in the Four Gospels.” — o— The Gospel According to Mark B y D r . G. C ampbell M organ Those who have learned the value of Dr. Morgan’s great book on the Acts of the Apostles will not be slow in purchas­ ing the newest volume of exposition and exegesis from his pen. In connection with the International Sunday School lessons which for the first half of 1928 are con­ fined to Mark’s Gospel, this volume will be found a great source o f light both upon the outward wording and the inner meaning of this Gospel. With his well- known analytic, synthetic and homiletic power, Dr. Morgan discusses the Gospel chapter by chapter and section by section. The price placed on this book by Revell is $2.50. — - o — Triumphs of Grace B y J ames S hields , E vangelist Is a book highly commended to Mission workers and those laboring in the evan­ gelistic field. It contains, as the title suggests, more than one hundred true testimonies of God’s saving grace. These testimonies are gathered from workers in the Evangelization Society, “the sole reason for its existence being the distinct and clear call it had at its be­ ginning, 63 years ago, and continuously since that time sending forth its ‘laborers into the harvest field.’” The scope of its work is in all parts of England. The object and principles of this Society are set forth in the preface of the book. A unique feature of a book of this na­ ture is that very seldom does a testimony Studies of Great Bible Cities B y D r . H enry T. S ell


^ to Nurse Their Young” and “ 100 Questions lor vJO C K O -H O M O Teachers o f Evolution*' (each 8 pages) free with - H B A V P M u n in k m #1 order. (Quantities at half price,) HOMO PUB. CO. - - R ogers. O.

URGENT CALL FOR) RUSSIAN BIBLESl By Pastor William Fetler G eneral D irecto r of th e R ussian M issionary Society

A PARALLEL to the French R evolution has tak en place, only in a m uch larg er way, in R ussia, as a resu lt of w hich th o u san d s upon th o u san d s of R ussian Refugees, belonging to th e R ussian aristo c ra cy an d th e educated classes, have been sca tte re d all over Europe an d o th er p a rts of the w orld. G erm any, Scandinavia, C zecho-Slovakia, Y ugo Slavia, and especially F rance, a re ’full of them . W e w ere told th a t in one facto ry in P aris alone th ere were 6,000 of these R ussian Refugees, form erly officers of the C zar’s arm y, law yers, doctors, etc., w orking a s o rd in ary facto ry hands. The tim e w ill com e, we are sure, w hen m o st of these people will be able to go back to th eir beloved n ativ e land. B ut w hile in th e ir g reat need, during th eir scatterin g , th is is ’th e tim e to reach them w ith th e M essage of Hope an d S alvation th ro u g h ou r L ord Jesu s C hrist. The R ussian M issionary Society h as felt th e Call of God to give th e B read of Life to these sca tte re d scores p f th o u san d s of people. • . 1 1 Some four years ag o w e published 81,000 copies of the R ussian Bible— th e la rg e st edition of -the R ussian Bible ev er published by an y Society,— an d we could do th a t th ro u g h o u r Shilling Bible Fund, as th e entire book c o st a t th a t tim e only 25 cents com plete, ow ing to th e fa c t th a t we w ere ab le to have it p rin ted b y one of th e larg est firm s in G erm any, w hen th e ra te of the M ark w as exceedingly low ; otherw ise th e book w ould have co st us th o u san d s of dollars m ore. R egretfully we found, how ever, th a t no sooner had th e Bible been printed, an d w e w ere a b o u t to s ta r t th e binding, th a n th e M ark w as stabilized, an d in stead of g ettin g for $5.00 one million M arks, o r a billion, we could get only th e norm al 20 M arks to th e $5.00. It th u s enabled us to bind only a b o u t 16,000 copies of th e Bible, th ere being no fu rth er funds available a t th a t tim e. A t th e tim e of w riting, n early all these Bibles are gone, an d now th ere is a v ery g reat dem and to sp read th e rem aining p a rt of th is edition am ong the needy R ussian R efugees all over th e w orld. W e feel th is o p p o rtu n ity will never retu rn , and th a t th is is th e strateg ical m om ent fo r evangelizing th e form er u p p er classes of R ussia. It is a g re a t sorrow to us th a t we w ere com pelled to sto re th e 65,000 Bibles aw ay in sheets in large boxes in th e cellars of o u r M ission H ouse, an d we feel th a t no tim e should now be lost w hen th is precious W ord of God should find its w ay b ack to the daylight. T hese books should b e speedily bound in o rd er th a t th e hunger of th e poor R ussian people for th e W ord of God m ay be speedily satisfied. Tw enty-five cents is needed to bind one copy of th e Bible, a n d we feel prom p ted in our h e a rts to m ake th is u rg en t call all over th e C hristian w orld. W e th erefo re have launched our Sixty-five T housand Shilling Bible Fund, an d ask God’s people everyw here to p ra y a n d co­ o p erate th a t th is w ork m ay be speedily accom plished. The blessing reached hereby m ay be incalculable, n o t only for the R ussian R efugees, b u t la te r fo r th e en tire R ussian Em pire. W e su g g est th a t each class in all Sunday Schools over th e w hole co u n try co n trib u te ONE BIBLE— th a t will go a good w ay tow ard o u r aim . The sam e applies to each C hristian E ndeavor an d Y oung People’s Society a n d . other sim ilar organizations. N aturally th e churches as such an d individual C h ristian friends can co n ­ trib u te a g reat deal m ore. 25 cen ts will supply ......................................................... 1 Bible $5.00 “ “ ..............i'li....................................... 20 Bibles $50.00 | I ................................ .......................... 200 $ 125.00 I 1 ...... WHMmaSSSM ...................... 500 $250.00 1 1 ............................ H t ..................1000 $500.00 ’* “ .......................................... ..............2000 “C ast th y bread upon th e w aters, for th o u sh alt find it a fte r m any d ay s.’’— Eccles. 2:1. PLEA SE CUT OUT HERE To Rev. E. E. Shields, H om e D irector & T reasu rer, The R ussian M issionary Society, 1844 M onroe S treet, C hicago, Illinois. D ear Mr. Shields: I am deeply sym p ath etic w ith th e w ork of giving the Bible to the th o u san d s of R ussian Refugees, an d have p leasure in enclosing m y co n trib u tio n for th is cause.


(S tate w hether Rev., M r., Mrs., or M iss)

A ddress.

“A nd th is I do for the G ospel’s sake, th a t 1 m ight be p a rta k e r thereof w ith you.’’— 1 Cor. 9:23.

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