King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


cover more than one page, thus making them easy to remember and convenient for reference. Nearly every testimony closes with an appropriate verse of song or poem form­ ing a fitting climax for the incident re­ lated. Published by John Ritchie, Kilmorrock, Scotland. —A. S. P. ■ ■' ?p—r ' This is a day when some believe that the prayer taught by our Lord to His dis­ ciples is not a Christian prayer. It is often said that this was a prayer on legal ground, and not a prayer in Christ’s name. Perhaps these theories have caused many to neglect the actual study of the prayer, which was surely intended as a prayer model. Dr. James A. Francis, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Los Angeles, wrote his book on “Chirst’s Mould of Prayer’*?some years ago, but a new edi­ tion of it has been brought out by the Winston Company ($1.00) in a popular .size and beautiful volume. It will do many Christians good to think through) with Dr. Francis, this most precious re­ ligious document, known as “the Lord’s prayer.” It may help to rid some of the re­ cent notions regarding this prayer which our Lord based upon, relationship to God as Father, and of which He Himself said, in addressing His followers: “After this manner pray ye.” It is time some of us submitted our praying to some of the tests of this model. We shall find that some real discipline is needed in our prayer life if our asking is to he brought into the proportions suggested by our Lord. Read this little book, by all means, if you have not done so, and a real bless­ ing is assured. —o— Songs From Sightless Lands B y R ev . H oward W. P ope The many friends of Mr. Pope who have known of his total blindness for sev­ eral years past, have eagerly awaited the spiritual messages that have from time to time come from his pen in the form of verse. Mr. Pope for eight years was Superintendent of men at the Moody Bible_ Institute. For twenty years he was associated with Mr. Moody! He is the author of .many effective gospel tracts. When blindness came to him some years ago, he found that his spiritual vision had been quickened. This beautiful little volume published by the Colportage As­ sociation gives us many of his best poems. Christian workers will find here some excellent quotations to be used in messages. —o — COMMENTS ON C. E, TOPICS Little did Doctor Francis A. Clark, founder of Christian Endeavor, realize what a mighty oak would grow out of the tiny seed sowiT when he gathered a few young people in the parlor of his home in Portland, February 2, 1881. Through this worthy organization thou­ sands of young people have been won to Christ while scores have gone out into definite Christian service (see statistics under “Choice Nuggets”). Christ’s Mould of Prayer B y D r . J ames A. F rancis (continued from page 49) T houghts on T he T opic

F o r F ifty -th r e e Y e a r s Seledt N o te s AMOS R. W ELLS, L ift: D , LL. D. h a s b een th e S u n d a y S ch o o l a W o rk ers’ B est F riend In dispensable ■ As a n u p -to -d a te C o m m e n ta ry o h th e U n ifo rm L essons fo r 1928,; H elp, g u id ­ a n ce , in s p ira tio n , a n d s a tisfa c ­ to ry p re p a ra tio n all Can be fo u n d in it. C om prehensive It c o n ta in s ev-; e ry th in g n e ce ssa ry to a te a c h -; e r’s p re p a ra tio n e x p la n a to ry . n o te s of te x t, to p ic s fo r d iscu s- sio n , illu s tra tio n s o f a ll k in d s, ; su g g estiv e m e th o d s to develop th e le sso n , m a p s; c h a rts , e tc . In sp ira tio n a l N o te a c h e r c a n u se ; th is w o n d e rfu lly selected m a te ­ ria l w ith o u t g a in in g a s p iritu a l in s p ira tio n a s to ho w it m a y best be im p a rte d . P rice S I.90 -$2.00 delivered • A t a ll b o o k sellers . W . A. W ILD E COM PANY M ! U l Clarendon Street, Boston..Mass! 5 0 0 0 C= T WANTED to sell Bibles, T estam ents, good books an d handsom e velvet S crip tu re m ottoes. t Good comm ission. Send fo r Free C atalog an d P rice L ist GEORGE W . NOBLE, PUBLISHER D ept. No. 7C, M onon Bldg. C hicago, 111.

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THE FILLMORE MUSIC HOUSE, 528 Elm St., Cincin­ nati, O., Dept. X, publishers of “The Beautiful G a r d e n of Prayer,” the most popular s a c re d s o lo o f th e d a y , a r e a n n o u n c in g se v e n o th e r n e w , h ig h -c la s s g o s p e l so lo s th a t th e y b e lie v e to b e w h a t so lo s in g e r s w ill p riz e . A s p e c ia l c u t p r ic e o n th e s o n g s w ill b e g iv e n f o r th e p u r p o s e o f in tr o d u c in g th e m . S e n d p o s tc a r d n o w fo r a fu ll d e s c rip tio n o f th e m . T im e lim ite d .

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