King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

KALOl>TITUNS' •’ are used in thousands of schools and churches. This lin.e of projection • ) lanterns,—-.for glass slides, opaque objects arid;“strip” film is the largest and complete in the World. St'iiil for llln*lr/iteil'l.ilcrtitnrc BAUSCH& LOMBOPT 1 CALCO. 72 8 St. PaulSt-. Rochester. N. Y. B I O P R O F I T S . For Your Church O rganization G OTTSCHALK’S METALSPONGE REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. "T h e M o d e rn D is h C lo tK ’ — WRITE TOR FULL INFORMATION-" METAL SPON GE SA LES C O R P O R A T IO N . ■ DEPT A LEHIGH AND MASCHER STREETS PH ILA. ( < $ m n \ u n i o n W a r e o f Q u a l i t y B esttfa teria îsJ^£ j ®&ÜSÉÈN «MNINBHor 1 E - fiÿ y SILVER PLATE individual r glasses • FINEST W orkmanship Lowest Prices * Send fa r illustrated Catalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO Room <56 1701"1705 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia.!^ I OfferMm ■

As to the values of Christian Endeavor, these can best be told by those whose lives have been benefited by its meetings. A greater part of the time in this meet­ ing should be given to testimonies, the leader announcing one week in advance that all members will be expected to tell briefly what the society has meant to them. The main values of Christian En­ deavor are embodied in the pledge, of which we offer the following as a sug­ gestion for testimonies. Assign the dif­ ferent phrases of the pledge to various members for them to speak upon. —o— T he P ledge „ “Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for strength.”—Surrender to Christ as Lord of our life. Rom. 12:1. “I promise Him that I will strive to do whatever He would have me do.”-—Obedi­ ence. John 14:23; 15:14. Not in our own strength, Phil. 4:13; John 15:5. “That I will make it the rule of my life to read the Bible every day.”—Feed our soul as well as our body. Jer. 15:16; Ps. 119:97. “That I will attend the services of my own church.”—Loyalty to our church. Heb. 10:25. “I will endeavor to lead a Christian life.”—Separation from the things of this world. Col. 3:1-3; 1 John 2:15-17. “I promise to be true to all my duties.” —Faithfulness to the society. Matt. 25: 21; 1 Cor. 4:2; Rev. 2:10. Summing up the many values of Chris­ tian Endeavor, we find that the first and greatest value is in bringing us into that right relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of our lives. Its next greatest value is in creating a love for the reading of God’s Word, thus causing us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord. Christian Endeavor gives us a deep sense of our responsibility to the church and to others. It fosters, team work; promotes wholesome Christian fellowship; fosters the right kind of self-assertiveness, thus developing the God-given talents; develops leadership; promotes a true missionary spirit, thereby obeying our Lord’s last command. Matt. 28:18-20. —o—• C hoice N uggets “I cannot paint, nor write, nor sing; And yet there seems for me some quiet niche to fill, Somewhere in God’s great world, I stand and wait Where He may find me ready for His will.” —o— “No movement, however big, no Chris­ tian, however gifted, can maintain spirit­ ual life and spiritual strength apart from prayer and pondering of the Word of God.” Rev. James Mursell —o— “Christian Endeavor is the workshop where Jesus, the carpenter’s son, sharpens the instruments which He uses in the daily construction of His churches.” “Christian Endeavor is the mint where metals are coined and stamped with the King’s own likeness.” -—O"■— “Christian Endeavor reaches upward with faith, reaches forward with hope, and reaches outward with love.”

S IN G S T H E GO SP EL IN TO P E O P LE’S H EA R TS Drives out fear— Plants the “ Word” 107 Inspiring Gospel Songs by Stebbins, Harkness, Sankey. Gabriel, Tovey, Hooker, etc., entitled “ H YM N S FROM T H E H E A R T” By Mrs. James Henry Larson, Editor, Voice Student, Boston, New York and Paris Price per 100, $12.50. Send 25c for single copy or request returnable inspection copy FREE. Rev. J. H . L arson. L ake G eneva. W is.

M M s U M M Any church, school or class can publish a parish paper by using our co-operative plan. A parish paper fills.empty pews, keeps community informed, speeds up church work, Free Samples and Particulars. Our plan provides a paper for your church without cost to you. The National Religious Press Grand Rapids. Mich.

Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4 Octave Double Reed

In order to introduce our L A T E S T M O D EL L IB E R T Y P IP E -TO N E F O LD IN G ORGANS e i t h e r leatherette covered, or 3-ply oak case, we will accept for a limited time orders at $40.00 each (list price $70.00). A . L. W H IT E MFG. CO. 205 Englewood Ave.. Chicago. III.

Make $15 a day selling this w o i k derful newhousehold article that has taken the country by storm. It is CED-O-BAG a moth-proof, damp- proof, dust-proof, germ-proof stor­ age bag for clothes, blankets and furs. It is the greatest, fastest sel- the housewife a CED-O-BAG and take ling household article that has come her order. We deliver and collect. You ® . i c t ? get your profits at once, and move on to on the _market tor years. Lyery tj,e next house and take another order, housewife wants one, buys on Sight. Everyone buys. Geo. Jones took 22 orders CED-O-BAGS are made from rubberized in two days spare time-and had a clear fabric which has been chemically treated. profit of 322. 21 agents report an average They are patented. Nothing else like them. profit of 33 an hour. Instead of a small easily torn paper bag « m l M .- .y n Q You Want7 or a clumsy, expensive cedar chest, a BIIIUI lllUlfcj UU IUU lld lll. CED-O-BAG provides adequate space for Would you like to make an extra 3100 two to four garments. And yet, with all or 3200 a month, m your spare time? of these distinctive advantages CED-O- Would you like to gather a lump sum of BAGS are priced for quick sale. 3500 or 3600 in a couple of months? If _ . — n> ^ n . . . you would, here is your chance. Mail me Ced-O-BagS O ff 61 Big Profits the coupon and I will tell you all about There is a chance for you to clean up this money-making proposition. I will show a lot of money in your town at once just you how you can make 315 a day or more by taking orders for CED-O-BAGS. L. H. in this easy, pleasant, engaging work. I Green went out and made a clear profit of will show you the way to quick profits 312 in one afternoon. J. V. Davis took five big profits. Mail the coupon now.

H | H M C. E. Comer, H ie Comer M fg. Co. richer. Edith Phil- D ep t.l0 3 6 -E - - - Dayton, Ohio lips made 333 in —— ¡Ma i l T h is Now ! You c a n d o as w ell, g c _ E ComWi The C om er M fg. C o., I o r b e tte r. | D ept. 1036-E, D ayton, Ohio. | I* I Dear Sir: Please send me full details of g llO Experience > your money-making proposition by which I . - ■can make $15 a day in cash. Thisdoes not J Needed l obligateme in any way. 1 You don’t need g. Name________ ;___-_______ _______ _ g experience or train- g1. ,. | ing. Every home in | Address.....................................................E I your town is a live 1‘_________________ - ________• lave to do is show



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