King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

The Purity Problem of Young People A pu rity p rob lem faces young p eo p le to d ay th a t is m o re intense an d terrific th a n in any e a r­ lier age. T h e unquestioned facts are appalling. A un iversity g radu a te , him self a young man, Christian leader, an d p ro fo u n d stu d e n t of hum an n a tu re an d th e Bible, has w ritten an ex trao rd in a ry study o f this vital question th a t is staggering paren ts, teachers, an d th e younger generation. H e deals w ith facts w ith pitiless fidelity; then he shows th e assured w ay out, the safe solution of th e p rob lem , offered in the W o rd o f G od . A n o th e r young m an has w ritten th e sto ry of one o f th e m o st am azingly refreshing stu d en t Chris­ tian organizations in th e w o rld tod ay , a t C am ­ bridge University. In this stro n g h o ld of intel- lectualism a spiritual w o rk is c arried on b y the studen ts th a t re a d s like ch ap te rs in th e Book of A cts. W hile colleges an d universities a re tu rn ­ ing ou t m an y agnostics, this article shows the o th e r side, an d how th e sam e thing can b e done everywhere. Both articles will app e a r, early in 1928, ex­ clusively in

W a r n

i m i t a i )

(published every week) T h e T im e s g iv es y o u a d o zen u n u su a l h e lp s e v e ry w e e k o n th e In te rn a tio n a l U n ifo rm S u n d a y S ch o o l L esso n s; te lls h o w th e a b le st S u n d a y -sc h o o l w o rk e rs a re g e ttin g re su lts in th e ir ow n sc h o o ls; gives y o u th e la te s t n ew s o f a rc h e o lo g y , w o rld su rv e y s of re lig io u s life, sa n e stu d y o f B ible p ro p h e c y , a n d d isc rim in a tin g b o o k rev iew s. S u b sc rip tio n ra te s a r e $2 a y e a r, o r $ 1 .5 0 in c lu b s o f five o r m o re co p ies, e ith e r to s e p a ra te a d d re sse s o r to o n e a d d re ss. 25 c e n ts w ith th e c o u p o n , fo r I 0 w eek s. r

K . B . 128 TH E SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES COMPANY Box 1550, Philadelphia, P a. F o r the 25 cen ts enclosed p lease send The Sunday School Tim es fo r 10 weeks to

N am e....................................................................

A ddress.

“Christian Endeavor is the electric cur­ rent in the battery of heaven uniting in Christian; love and enthusiastic; service those' of all Christian denominations.” , r ; ..■■£7- q Q . “Twice two; in spiritual arithmetic are more than plus two. According to the promise, if one can chase a thousand, two pan put not two thousand, but ten thou­ sand to flight. Twice two are ten. The Sunday school multiplied by Christian Endeavor, is a great deal more than the Sunday school plus Christian Endeavor. Added, they are four colors; multiplied they are a cathedral window.” Rev. F. M. Peloubet —o—■ Christian Endeavor has 80,000 societies, in 80 denominations. It is interdenomina­ tional, international, interracial. Every letter of the alphabet, except three, is the initial letter to a country or an island where it is found. Even Mount Carmel, where Elijah had his encounter with the priests of Baal, has its Christian En­ deavor societies. These societies stand for one divine life, one gospel, one God, one Savior, one goal, —o— Christian Endeavor literature is pub­ lished in all the leading languages of the world, and many of the less, important ones. —o— Counting from the beginning of Chris­ tian Endeavor, there are now or have been 15,000,000 members of the Christian Endeavor Society. Also 15,000,000 or more Christian Endeavor prayer meetings have been held. Think of the lives trans­ formed by prayer and testimony of these meetings! The largest society in the'world is in Bolenge on the Congo in Africa.

T O M O R R O W ; By W ILLIAM A. COREY, B.Sc. Member Southern California Premillennial Prophetic Association

tsiD iiea i, timely, inspiring, oenu )2 pages, paper covers—35 cents, Address

ior your copy today. 5 for $1.00, postpaid.

W ILLIAM A. COREY «030 Eagle St., Los A ngeles (B elvedere), Calif.

_ _ MOW OOsfe# IcSooL fundarnenM imme to the Hibit A B e e p lffsm ^ ^ l Exposition c f the InfiMoamnal L essop s, for Use in a ll w en om m a tw n s WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES AND%RICES t t Bible THE CHRISTIANALLIANCE PUBLISHING£°. e sta b l ish e d / a ee 2b0 WEST 44™ ST, NEWYORK-N.Y. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E vangelists an d Bible W om en w ho are being su p p o rted for from 60c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H. A. B arton, S ecy , Box B, 473 Greene A v e, Brooklyn, N. Y , fo r free literatu re.

G O S P E L S I N G E R S by the thousands are enthusiastic about our Special song books. EVANGELISTIC SOLOS AND DUETS SONGS N o . 2, SPECIAL I 01?'!8 ,N2'„ *■ an(i LILLENAS’ LADIES’ VOICES. Each book 60c postpaid, two for $1.00. NEW SONGS OP THE OLD FAITH Our 175-page gospel song book, 140,000 copies sold. Per copy postpaid, 25c. $20 the hundred not prepaid. L IL L E N A S P U B LIS H IN G CO. Indianapolis, Ind.

B eautify F u rn itu re PROTECT FLOORS an d Floor C overings by a tta c h in g G lass O nw ard Sliding ru rn itu re Shoe to y o u r fu rn itu re. If y o u r dealer will no t su pply you, w rite us. ONWARD MFG. CO. Menasha, Wis., Kitchener, Ont.

Choir-Pulpit Gowns E. R. MOORE CO. M akers since 1907 932-938 Dakin Street CHICAGO

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