King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

I l lu s t r a t e d D a i ly T e x t

The New Book By Dr. John M. Maclnnis Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles Is Now Ready For Delivery

J a n u a r y 6, 1928 Text: Isa. 53:4-6

It is said that during the direful scourge of yellow fever in New Orleans the people anxiously prayed and waited for the frost which, it was said, would kill the germ and stop the dread­ ful disease. One morning during the great scourge the people awoke to find a hoar frost all over the city. It is said grateful fathers, mothers, husbands; and wives hurried out of their homes, and whenever they found the hoar frost on plank or fence they pressed their lips to it and kissed it, while tears of gratitude rolled down their joyous faces: grateful for the agent that had come to destroy the germs of death. Do you not see in it a pic­ ture of Calvary? When death was abroad in the land, there was no hope, except in the blood of Christ, and as His blood came forth on Calvary to destroy the germs of sin and death, how our grateful hearts ought to sing: E’er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And* shall be till I die. : i&i J anuary 7, 1928 Text: Psa. 34:1-3 . A young girl with a beautiful set of teeth had dropped from one a small gold filling. She was complaining and quarreling at the breakfast table, grumbling at her defective teeth, complaining that she should have to go to the dentist to have this filling replaced, and making the whole meal unpleasant by her com­ plaints. Her old ■ grandmother, seated at the table, was silently munching away at her food, when a little sister said: “Grandma, you ain’t got but two teeths, is you?” She replied: “No, darling; but, thank God, they meet.” The fact that her only two teeth were left one above the other, permitting her to masticate her food, was a matter of profound gratitude to the grandmother. I ji? J a n u a r y 8 ,1928 Text: Mark 9:38-40 During the Peninsular War, the Duke of Wellington saw one of his officers of artillery serving a gun with wonderful accuracy and execution on a group of men in a grove to the left. He rode up and said: “Well aimed, captain; but you are firing on our own Ninety-ninth.” How often we fire our cruel shots into each other, when our guns ought to be turned on the enemy! • Aife. J anuary 9, 1928 Text: Rom. 11:33-35 An infidel, trying to understand God and comprehend all religious truth, reminds one of a little story told of St. Augustine. As he walked on the seashore one day he saw a child with a little cup, dipping water from the ocean and pouring it into a little hole in the sand. He said: “What are you doing, my child ?” The little child replied: “I am going to put the ocean in this hole.”

Peter The Fisherman Philosopher A Study in Higher Fundamentalism A n illu m in a tin g , p e n e tra tin g d iscu ssio n of su c h v ital q u e stio n s a s : W h a t is th e o rig in a n d m e a n in g o f th e w o rld ? W h y d o es it seem e a s ie r to do w ro n g th a n to do rig h t? W h a t is th e n e w ro y a lty ? W h a t is th e g o al of h isto ry ? Is a crisis th e o lo g y p h ilo so p h ic a lly so u n d ? Dr. G. Campbell Morgan Says: “ D r. M a cln n is h a s d e m o n s tra te d b e y o n d th e p o ssib ility of d en ial th e c le a r a n d c o n s iste n t p h ilo so p h ic th in k in g o f P e te r . . . . . F ro m th e sta n d p o in t of in te lle c tu a l in ­ te re s t th e b o o k is a re a l d e lig h t; b u t its g re a te s t v a lu e is th a t it w ill h elp m a n y w h o a r e b e w ild e re d b y th e c o n ­ flict a n d c o n tro v e rs ie s of th e d ay s in w h ic h w e live, to c le a r th in k in g u p o n th e re a lly fu n d a m e n ta l th in g s o f o u r fa ith a n d life.” Super Cloth $1.50 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. Send fo r a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of Books, B ooklets, T racts, etc.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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