King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

J a n u a r y 10, 1928 Text: Mark 10:13-14

“Best” Books On Personal Ethics-—or Correct Christian Living

When Rev. Thomas Collins was' born, his father, John C. Collins, took him in his arms, put his left arm around the Bible, and put a pencil in his little fingers, and knelt down to give him to God, to bless his labors by word and pen. In after years this child grew to be a preacher, setting everything afire with his wonderful message. If more infants were sincerely and truth­ fully dedicated to God, and the dedication followed up by faith­ ful parental care and instruction, there would be more flaming firebrands for God and the right. Off from St. Augustine, Florida, is a revolving lighthouse, three hundred and sixty feet high. It has six sides. The glass is polished every day by the keeper, and through the clean glass the light gleams out for miles on the ocean to guide the mariner. When you enter the room of that lighthouse, the first thing the keeper says is: “Don’t touch the glass.” Keep the lenses of your life clean, my brother. “Let your light so shine!” Dr. J. B. McFerrin was General Bragg’s chaplain at the battle of Missionary Ridge. He found a Union captain wounded, on a cool November day of 1863. He knelt by his side, with Bible in hand, and said: “Captain, I am a Rebel chaplain and you are a Yankee soldier, but you are dying. God is our Father, and we are brothers. Let me read His word to you.” The wounded soldier said, “Oh, I am so thirsty, -so thirsty. Please give me a drink.” McFerrin dropped his Bible at his side and ran to the nearest water and brought him a drink in his hat. After he had slaked his thirst, McFerrin said: “Now let me read to you.” He said, “Oh, I am so coldl'l McFerrin took his own overcoat off and folded it around the soldier as tenderly as a mother "ever tucked the bed clothing about a child. Then the dying soldier looked up, with the tears trickling down his pale cheeks, and said: “Now, Chaplain, if there is anything in that Bible that tells why you, a Rebel chaplain, have treated me, a Yankee soldier, in this way, read that to me before I die.” A venerable colored minister who had been pleading earnest­ ly for foreign missions, closed with these words: “Bredren, I’ve heard-of churches dat’s dyin’ of ’spectability, I’ve heard of a church where de souls of de people is all shriveled up with self­ ishness, and I’ve heard of lots of churches like a barren desert, with no livin’ waters, no waters of ’freshment runnin’ in ’em, ’cause dey refuse to do de Lord’s will. But, bredren, who ever heard of a church dat died ’cause it did what de Lord said? Neber! Neber, bredren! Ef anybody would tell me of such a church in all dis wide universe, I’d make a pilgrimage to dat church, I would climb up its ivy-mantled walls, and to de top of dat temple, and say, ‘Blessed are de dead dat die in the Lord.’” Rowland Hill, the great English preacher, met face to face a very rich man and preached to him Christ and Him crucified. The rich man was very much interested, but seemed to be blind to everything the powerful preacher said. He pressed the accep­ tance of Christ on him. The man kept saying, “I cannot see it I do not understand it.” Rowland Hill took out of his pocket a pencil and paper and wrote on it the word “Christ” and held it up J a n u a r y 11, 1928 Text: Matt. 5:14-16 J anuary , 12, 1928 Text: John 13:34-35 1 t J a n u a r y 13, 1928 Text:. Luke 24:46-48 J a n u a r y 14, 1928 Text: Mark 10:25-27

The Romance O f Right Living

The Building of Character

By D r. J. R. M iller T he building of c h arac te r is th e m o st im p o rtan t business of life, fo r it is the one p o s­ session we ta k e w ith u s into th e next life— touched w ith glory, n o t d estro y ed by death. T rue c h arac te r m u st be b u ilt a fte r divine p a tte rn s and th is book furnishes the necessary plans an d specifications for th e builder to follow. Every C h ristian hom e should ow n a copy. C loth $1.50 By Am os R . W ells A volum e of fo rty brief ch ap ters, illu stra tin g th e jo y ­ ous an d ad v en tu ro u s side of C h ristian ity . The them es th is w ell-know n ed ito r b rings under discussion relate to th e ev ery ­ day experiences of every-day so rt of folk. Fresh, stim ulating and inspiring from first to the la st ch ap ter, a n d decidedly helpful a n d in stru ctiv e, too, are these little anecdotes an d in ­ cid en ts— to ld in Prof. W ells’ inim itable style. C loth $1.50 Character-—a Text-Book on Principles of Moral Conduct By Henry Varnum and Henrietta He^on T h is is a u n iq u e b o o k — th e o n ly te x t-b o o k ; o f its k in d o n th e m a rk e t. E a c h c h a p te r is a c o m p ila tio n o f b e s t th o u g h ts o n s o m e p r in c ip le o f m o r a l . c o n d u c t, s u c h a s c o n s c ie n c e , m o n e y , h o n e s ty , c h e e rfu ln e s s , d itty , fr ie n d ­ s h ip , p o lite n e ss» e tc . It is s u ita b le f o r a lb a g e s a n d c la sse s. Cloth $2.00

Christian Ethics By H ervin U. Roop In th is volum e th e a u th o r ex­ am ines th e m otives w hich en ter into C hristian living, the C hristian’s relatio n to his fam ily, his life-w ork, his p o s­ sessions, his social contacts,- his a ttitu d e to w ard s recreation, in d u stry , po litics and w orld problem s. It is a series of m o st helpful lessons on the m ost im p o rtan t of all studies— th e science of consistent C h ristian living. 400 pages, C loth $3.00

Criminal Obscenity By John F o rd The m ission of th is tim ely, fearless book is to s tir all decent m en a n d w om en into u n ited actio n for th e su p p res­ sion of crim inal obscenity— im pure p rin ts, plays and p ic ­ tu res— w ith w hich th e inno­ cen t m inds of the young are so ru th lessly being ta in te d and defiled. A s Ju stic e of th e S u­ prem e C ourt of th e S ta te of New Y ork, th e a u th o r know s th e u rg en t need of action. C loth $1.50

A System o f General Ethics

By Dr. Leander S.. Keyser W r itte n in s im p le a n d lu c id s ty le , th is w o r k o n G e n e ra l E th ic s w ill g iv e its r e a d e r s c le a r c o n c e p tio n s o f m o ra l re a lity , h e lp to m a k e th e m m o re s ta lw a r t in v irtu e , a n d c h e e r th e m in th e u s e o f th e ir e th ic a l p riv ile g e s a n d in th e p e rfo r m a n c e o f th e ir e th ic a l ta s k s . Cloth $1.75

Ideals For Earnest Youth

The Beauty O f Strength

B y A. T. Rowe In th is new book th e au th o r seeks to show y o u th w ith its Independence, H eroism , E n ­ thusiasm , an d F aith th e m any g re a t opportunities a t hand to m ake the u tm o st of life. A ctual incidents an d experiences of o u tstan d in g m en a re cited in w hich young people will find m uch food fo r th o u g h t. A fine book for young people’s m eet­ ings. C loth $1.00

By H enry H ow ard T his is a volum e of sh o rt, expository serm ons fo r boys an d girls in w hich th e appeal of Bible exposition is enhanced by the call of ad v en tu re and th e challenge of courage. These serm ons rep resen t a d istin c t ad v an ce in th e a rt of p re a ch ­ ing to th e y o u th of th e C hurch. They lay th e foundation fo r a real u n d erstan d in g of the Bible. C loth $1.50

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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