King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

to the rich man and said, “Do you see that word ‘Christ’ now ?”• He said, “No,’’ “Why?” said the preacher. “Because,” said the rich sinner, “the gold is in the way.” The preacher^said, “That is the trouble with your soul. You cannot see Christ because of your love of iiches.” ¿je a t e J anuary 15, 1928 Text: Job 13:16; Heb. 1 2 :7 There is a well authenticated record of a dog who when his master, who was a hunter, accidentally shot himself, remained in the woods guarding the 'spot, although he had neither food nor Water .for three days. At the last, he had to be shot beforp he could he taken away. Charles Darwin, who was probably , the most thorough scientist that ever lived;;displays more emotion in narrating an instance of, similar loyalty in the dog than any­ where else. He tells in one* of his’ books of a physician who owned a dog and, moved by that super-scientific spirit which is the parent of vivisection,, he placed the .little creature upon the operating table. After enduring torture for hours, the, poor animal, just before it died, finding an opportunity, turned , its head and, extending its tongue, licked the hand of its cruel master And Darwin, cold-blooded scientist as he Was, in commenting on the incident says that it was a picture to haunt a man’s memory to his dying day. It is questionable whether there is any case in the annals of human devotion which more completely" and per­ fectly illustrates the meaning of the text: “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.’® : . Hi . " a t e J anuary 16, 1928 Text: Eph. 2:8-9; 1 Cor. 15:10 Rowland Hill was introduced to an aged Scotch minister, who looked at him some time, and then said, “Weel, I’ve been looking for some time at your face.” “And what do you think of it?” asked Mr. Hill. “Why, I am thinking had not the grace of God changed your heart you would have been a rogue.” Mr. Hill laughed and said, “You have hit the nail on the head.” Cyrus Field was ten years in laying the Atlantic cable. The first time he tried to lower it the great rope snapped in mid-ocean, and when they grappled it and brought it to the surface it slipped away from them and was gone. Not until he had tried thirty times was the tireless patience of. the projector rewarded. In life’s school one of the hardest lessons is to learn persistence. A'e. ■ m J a n u a r y 18, 1928 Text: Psa. 37:23-24 Two brethren who differed on the question of the believer’s safety in Christ were discussing the question, and one said to the other: “I tell you, a child of God is safe only so" long as he stays in the lifeboat. He may jump out, and if he jumps'out he is lost.” To this the other replied, saying: “You remind me of an in­ cident in my own life. I took my little bon out .with me in a boat. I realized, .as he did not, the danger of his falling, or even jump­ ing, into the;water. So I sat with him all the time, and all the time I held him fast, so he could neither fall out, nor jump out, of the boat.” “But,” said the first speaker, “he could have wriggled out of his coat and got away in spite of you.” “Oh,” said the other, “You misunderstood me if you sup­ posed I was holding his coat; I was holding him.” • J a n u a r y 17, 1928 Text : 1 Cor. 15:58

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