King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

J a n u a r y 19, 1928 Text : Heb. 12:1-2

“Best” Books

Your success in life depends on your motive. There is an old fable about a dog that boasted of his ability as a runner. One day he gave chase to a rabbit and failed to catch it. The other dogs ridiculed him on account of his previous boasting. His reply was: “You must remember that the rabbit was running for his life, while I was only running for my dinner.” The incentive is all-important. If you are in the race merely- for your dinner, you will not put the same vim and energy into your running as you will if your ambition is deeper and more serious. Get the right motive, and your chancelai success will be much greater. . . ...' iÀè J a n u a r y 20, 1928 Text: Rom. 10:10-11 • The Rev. J. Stuart Holden .relates the following : “I was one day in the Old Bailey, watching a criminal trial, and a wit­ ness? w'10 evidently been intimidated by the friends of the prisoner, was giving evidence. The examining Counsel drew it from her that she did not like to say all she knew in view of the threatened consequences to herself. I remember the words of the judge to that woman right to this day. He said : ‘Tell all that you know, and remember that the whole power of England is behind ÿou to protect youj’so you need not be afraid.’ ” To those of us who are His witnesses, all the power of God is about us to protect usj, ~ W m J a n u a r y 21, 1928 Text: 2 Tim. 2:24-25 .Newman Hall wrote a little book entitled “Come'tô Jesus.”' Afterwards he fell into a bitter discussion and wrote a very vin­ dictive book, read the manuscript to his friend and asked him to' suggest a title. The following title was given : “Go to the Devil,” by the author of “Come to Jesus.” Is this not something of the same spirit sometimes revealed by those who are trying to do the Lord’s work? We do not recommend Christ to .any other man when we reveal a lack of control of our own temper. We cannot master others until we ourselves are mastered. Éê A clergyman, who had the réputation of taking a little wine occasionally, was being shaved by a negro barber who was very- dissipated. He undertook to shave the clergyman one, day while in a very nervous condition, resulting from a spree. He brought the blood from the clergyman’s face. The clergyman reproved him by saying : “John, I have often told you of the evil of drink.” The darky replied : “Yes, sir, boss ; it sho’ do make the flesh tender.” üyi J a n u a r y - 23,. 1928 Text : Matt. 20:26-28 One of the most beautiful points in Mr. Moody’s life was his extreme earnestness and fidelity in doing little things for God’s work. Bishop McCabe says that on one occasion Moody heard him preach Christ to the people. At the close of the sermon Moody said : “Chaplain McCabe, I want you to preach that ser­ mon in my Illinois Street Church to the poor sinners whom I will gather there for you.” Moody held this service at midnight. When Bishop McCabe walked into the room with Mr. Moody, there was not a soul present. Moody said: “You sit down here, and I will go and get the audience,’,’ He went out on the street, and in about a half hour returned, followed by a great crowd of toughs from the street. McCabe grew ecstatic as he told of the JA N U A R Y' 22 , 1928 Text : Rom. 2:1-3

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The Second Coming of Christ By B ritto n R oss

T his is a volum e of evangelistic serm ons covering six highly im p o rtan t questions concerning th e second com ing of C hrist. The a u th o r exam ines th e testim ony of th e S crip tu res reg ard in g th is event an d p resen ts his fa c ts an d conclusions in a c lear an d p ungent style. P a p e r 35c If m oney does no t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods a re to com e by m ail add 10% fo r postage. Send fo r a free copy of ou r com plete C atalog of Books, B ooklets, T racts, etc. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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