King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

J anuary 28, 1928 Text: Matt. 23:37; Jn. 5:40

"Best” Books

Dr. Kelman, in one of his books, tells this story: In the French Revolution a maddened crowd was rushing towards the apartments of the Queen, bent on murdering her. A young girl was in front of that wild rush, and when they reached the locked door she was driven against it. The door gave way, and she was flung, bleeding and unconscious, upon the floor. When the girl came to herself, the beautiful, compassionate face of Marie An­ toinette was bending over her, the womanly arm of the Queen supporting her, while with her handkerchief she sought to stanch the bleeding of the wound. The girl’s eyes opened, and filled with tears. Then, breaking into a passion of weeping, she said, “Oh, I never dreamed she was like this!” “So,” adds Dr. Kelman, “poor mortals, fleeing from their own salvation, think this and that of Christ, until the hour comes when they meet His eyes bending over them in undreamed-of tenderness to heal their wounds.” A pastor was passing a big department store, and followed a sudden impulse to go in and talk to the proprietor on the sub­ ject of his salvation. Finding him, he said: “Mr. T., I’ve talked beds and carpets and bookcases with you, but I’ve never talked my business with you. Would you give me a few minutes to do so?” Being led to the private offjce, the minister took out his New Testament and showed him passage after passage which brought before that business man his duty to accept Jesus Christ. Finally the tears began to roll down his cheeks, and he said to the pastor, “I’m seventy years of age. I was born in this city, and more than a hundred ministers, and more than five hundred church officers, have known me as you Rave, to do business with, but in all these years you are the only man zvho ever spoke to me about my soul." J anuary 29, 1928 Text: 2 Cor. 5:20-21

For Making Missions Real Missionary Methods for Church and Home By K a th a rin e S c h e re r C ro n k T h is n ew b o o k is a v e rita b le m ag ic to o l-c h est, in w h ich p a s to rs , m issio n a ry w o rk e rs in c h u rc h e s, S u n d a y sch o o ls a n d m issio n a ry so c ietie s w ill find b rig h t, p ra c tic a l id eas in p la n n in g p ro g ra m s , se c u rin g a n d h o ld in g a u d i­ en ces, th e re la tio n of lite ra tu re , m u sic, g iv in g a n d p r a y e r to m issio n ary p ro m o tio n ; also p ro je c t m eth o d s, p ro g ra m s a n d m a te ria l fo r m a k in g th e s to ry of C h ristia n m issio n s fa sc in a tin g a n d in sp irin g . C lo th $ 1 .5 0

From Every Tribe and Nation By Belle M. B rain

The Church and Missions

By D r. R o b ert E. Speer Setting fo rth th e scientific asp ects of m issionary e n te r­ p rise in an au th o rita tiv e and concise stu d y of the m ission­ a ry m otive in th e church, from th e days of the early disciples to the p resen t. Dr. Speer v iv ­ idly tra c e s th e ebb and flow of th e en terp rise th ro u g h the centuries a n d show s th e social ideals of th e founders of the m odern m ovem ent, th e new de­ m ands of foreign m issions now being m ade in the hom e churches, and the d irect ch al­ lenge on th e m ission fields created b y changing w orld c o n ­ ditions. C loth $1.75

T his com pilation of new m issionary sto ries tells of in ­ spiring lives of C hristian co n ­ v e rts on the foreign field. The fifty sto ries, each brief, co n ­ cise an d revealing, com e from all p a rts of th e w orld, an d re ­ la te incidents in th e C hristian experience of m en a n d women of all grades of life— poor and rich, hum ble an d fam ous, black, w hite, yellow, red and brow n. W orkers in S abbath schools,^ m issionary m eetings a n d m ission stu d y classes, an d also p reach ers of m ission­ a ry serm ons, will find them v ery usable an d effective. C loth $1.50

The Gospel and The New World By R o b e rt E . S p e e r

It is p la in th a t th e w o rk of fo re ig n m issio n s is o n e of th e in d isp e n sa b le fo rc e s in th e life a n d p ro g re s s o f th e w o rld , b u t w h a t a re th e n ew p ro b le m s o f th e m issio n ary u n d e rta k in g ? Is it n e c e s sa ry th a t it sh o u ld b e su b je c te d to a n y ra d ic a l re o rg a n iz a tio n o f m eth o d o r aim ? Is it d e sira b le th a t in v iew of c h a n g e d c o n d itio n s in th e n ew w o rld , fo re ig n m issio n w o rk sh o u ld b e m o d ified in its c h a ra c te r? T h e se a r e b u t a few of th e m an y v ital q u e s ­ tio n s c o n sid e re d in th is v o lum e. C lo th $ 2 .0 0

J a n u a r y 30, 1928 Text: Isa. 42:6-7

Crusading in the West Indies By W . F . Jo rdan

It is related of the saintly Frances Ridley Havergal that on the last day of her life she asked a friend to read to her the forty- second chapter of Isaiah. When the friend read the sixth verse —“I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee”—Miss Havergal stopped her. “Called—held—kept,” she whispered. “Well, I will just go home on that.” And she did go home on that, as oh a celestial chariot.

W e h eartily recomm end th is book for its splendid m issionary sp irit as well a s its in terestin g descriptions. It graphically p o r­ tra y s th e beautiful tro p ical scenery, th e d egradation of the poor, th e luxury of th e rich, the co u rtesy an d kindliness of all th e peo ­ ple, an d th e hopefulness of service for th e M aster am ong o u r W est Indian neighbors. C loth $1.75

Glimpses of Indian America

By W . F. Jo rd an Fourteen years of c o n sta n t trav el in th e L atin Am erican co u n ­ tries m akes the a u th o r well qualified to describe p resen t existing conditions in Mexico, C entral an d South Am erica. T his book presen ts a stu d y of n o t only a crying need, b u t an unexcelled o p p o rtu n ity fo r th e investm ent of effort in th a t m ost valuable a sse t of any land— its people. C loth $1.75 By M rs. A shley C arus-W ilson This stu d y in religious h isto ry is an appeal, to th e intelligent church-goer who reg ard s C hristian M issions a s unin terestin g an d u n im p o rtan t and gives casual aid an d y e t m ore casual th o u g h t to them . T he su b ject is considered in th ree p a rts— the Case fo r M issions, the C ourse of M issions, a n d th e C risis of M is­ sions. C loth $1.50 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. Send fo r a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of Books, B ooklets, T racts, etc. The Expansion of Christendom

J anuary 31, 1928 Text: Rom. 10:1-3

In a contest of painters for the mastery, an enemy to One of the painters slipped a drug in his coffee, which so affected his eyes as. to make him color-blind; one color appeared to be an­ other. The painter worked diligently upon his masterpiece, but it was rejected in great disgust. On learning the secret, he found that because of the damage to his eyes the color of his picture was wrong. This is one of the sharp tricks of the devil. He gives us a wrong view. “Every man’s way seemeth right in his own eyes” ; but the trouble is that the devil has been tampering with the eyes. At last character will be rejected ; eternal sorrow will set in, and the awful realization will follow that the devil has tampered with the eyes. We have seen things wrong.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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