King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

F ebruary ,1, 1928 Text : Rom. 8:28, 31

“Best” Books

A sincere, pious old Southern colored man was asked to talk at the funeral of a little child. He was talking on the text. “All things Work together for good to them that love God.” He said in substance: “Brethren, we can’t take one of God’s dealings by itself. We got to put them all together. He don’t say his dealings work by themselves. He says dey work together for good. You hear dat. brass band? Take all dem horns sep’rate —be mighty poor music. De high tenor horn makes shrill music by itself. It takes all de horns together to make de music. Dis is like de notes ob de big bass. horn. • Dere’s no music here. But let us wait in faith till God brings in de other instruments, and den dere will be music. Dis is de bass horn ob death, a solemn sound. We will wait for de horn ob de resurrection, for de horn ob de ascension, for de angelic horn. When all de horns in, God’s great band of providence get together, den dere will be music; in heaven.”

Refreshing Books for Pastors, Teachers and Laymen

Familiar Failures

By C lo v is G . C h a p p e ll A n e w v o lum e o f in tim a te stu d ie s b y a w ell-k n o w n m a s te r a n a ly st, in w h ic h th e c h a ra c te rs a r e d e lin e a te d w ith k e e n s p iritu a l in sig h t, a n d sta n d o u t b e fo re y o u as real, liv in g h u m a n b ein g s. T h e p r e a c h e r w h o w a n ts to le a rn h o w to “ p u t his m essag e a c ro ss” w ith th e a v e ra g e a u d ie n c e , sh o u ld s tu d y th e se se rm o n s, b o th fo r th e ir m essag e a n d th e ir m e th o d . C lo th $ 1 .6 0 O th e r b o o k s b y D r. C h a p p e ll— S e rm o n s o n N ew T e s ta m e n t C h a ra c te rs .......................... $ 1 .6 0 S e rm o n s o n O ld T e s ta m e n t C h a ra c te r s ........................... 1 .6 0 S erm o n s o n B iblical C h a ra c te r s ............................................ 1 .5 0 M o re S e rm o n s o n B ib lical C h a ra c te rs ................. ............... 1 .5 0

The Smaller Sunday School Makes Good D r. W . E. R affety This is one of th e m o st com ­ plete m anuals for Sunday- school w orkers th a t we know of. Its d irect, concrete m es­ sage b rin g s p ractical help, courage an d vision. It is filled w ith helpful suggestions of definite value to every Sunday school, no m a tte r how sm all— o r large. C loth $1.50

The Self-Disclosure of Jesus By D r. G eerhardus Vos One of th e m o st notable books on theology w hich h as ap p eared in m any y ears. Dr. Vos reveals w ith am azing clearness th e im p o rtan ce of M essianism in th e divine plan an d its significance in the m ind of Jesus. Be sure to order a copy of th is new book. C loth $2.00

F ebruary 2, 1928 Text: Josh. 1 :7-8

Very ,few people read the Bible regularly and prayerfully. In some homes the only Bible in the house is the large family Bible, lies untouched on the table for days, and weeks. A Sunday-school teacher, desiring-to encourage Bible reading in her class, gave each a Scripture lesson to read during the week. Sunday morning she inquired: “Johnny,, have you read your Bible lesson this week?’’ And he replied: “No’m; ma’s pressin’ autumn leaves in the Bible, and I darsn’t to monkey with it.”

The Pedagogy of Jesus In The Twilight of Today

B y W a lte r A lb io n S q u ire s V e ry a b ly th e a u th o r c o n tra s ts th e te a c h in g id eal of Je su s w ith a p e d a g o g y b ased u p o n a p sy c h o lo g y w h ich re g a rd s m a n as a m e re m ach in e, sh o w in g w h e re in th e m e th o d of Je su s is sc ien tifically so u n d a n d c a n b e m ad e h ig h ly effectiv e in m o d e rn situ a tio n s. C lo th $ 2 .0 0 106 Sermon Outlines By D r. U. G. Foote Five Thousand Best Modern Illustrations D r. G. B. F. H allock

F ebruary 3, 1928 Text :,,1 John 5 :16,-17

' Scientists tell us that a cork put ten feet tinder the ocean’s surface will quickly rise to the top when released. Press it down twenty, thirty, forty, fifty feet, and release it, and it will rise to the top. Press if on dqwn one hundred feet, and release it. and it will rise to the top. Press it on down, down, down, two hundred feet, and it will never rise. The pressure of the water holds it down. A sinful life may sink down to great depths and rise again, but there are awful depths to which a sinner may go from which he may never rise. .

Dr. ro o te h as a positive genius for delving in to a su b ­ je c t an d bringing lig h t upon it- from m any u n u su al an d u n ­ expected sources. T hese o u t­ lines cover a w ide ra n g e of them es and will be of in calcu la­ ble help to th e b u sy m inister. _____________________C loth $1.50

This is a new cyclopedia of illu stratio n s fo r every occasion an d need, an d th e collection is so skillfully arran g ed and in ­ dexed th a t each su b ject is imm ediately available. C loth $4.00

F ebruary 4, 1928 Text: T it 2:12-14

Christianity and Anti-Christianity In Their Final Conflict By R ev. Sam uel J. A ndrew s

Fry tells of a poor peasant on the Welsh mountains who. month after month, year after year, through a long period of declining life, was used every morning, as soon as he awoke, to open his casement window, towards the east, and look out to see if Jesus Christ was coming. He was no calculator, or he need not have looked so long; he was no student of prophecy, or he need not have looked at all ; he was ready, or he would not have been in so much haste; he was willing, or he would rather' have looked’another way; he'loved,’or it would not have been''the first thought" of the morriing. His Maáféf did not co'rrie, but a mes­ senger did, to’ fetch the ready one home. The same preparation sufficed for both, the longing soul was satisfied with either. Often when, in the morning, the child of God awakes, weary and encumbered with the flesh, perhaps from troubled dreams, per­ haps with troubled thoughts, his Father’s secret comes presently across him, he looks up, if not out, to feel, if not to see, the glories of that last morning-when the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall arise indestructible; no weary limbs to bear the

This is a sterlin g book fo r p a sto rs, Sunday-school teachers, m issionaries and C hristian w orkers— a m ost tim ely m essage for th is generation. H ere are no w ild fancies, no foolish setting of dates, no sensational in te rp reta tio n s of prophecy, b u t a calm settin g fo rth of w h at th e Bible says on th e m ost im p o rtan t su b ­ ject for these tim es. 358 p ag es; C loth $2.00

The Letters of St. Paul

By A rth u r S. W ay Dr. W ay is one of th e m ost accom plished of English tra n s la ­ to rs, an d th is excellent tra n sla tio n of th e 'le tte rs of St. Paul to seven churches an d th ree friends, w ith th e le tte r to the H ebrew s, brings ou t the full m eaning of th e A postle’s w ords to the reader, w ithout his having recourse to notes o r a com m entary. C loth $3.40 If m oney does no t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods are to com e by m ail add 10% for postage. Send for a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of Books, B ooklets, T rac ts, etc.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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