King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

spirit down; no feverish dreams to haunt the vision; no dark forecasting of the day’s events, or returning memory of the griefs of yesterday. I 4'^ sis>

“Best” Books S unday School T ea ch e rs will find th ese books on th e Gospel of M ark to be of g re a t assistance in helping them tea ch th e S unday School lesson m o re intelli­ gently, interestin g ly a n d efficiently. The Gospel According to Mark By D r. G. C am pbell M organ T h is is D r. M o rg a n ’s la te s t w o rk an d , lik e h is g re a t b o o k o n “ T h e A c ts of th e Apostles,** th is v o lu m e is a t th e sa m e tim e a n e x p o sitio n a n d a n ex eg esis. It reflec ts o n e v e ry p a g e th e a u th o r ’s k e e n a n a ly tic a l p o w ers, a n d it th ro w s a n a b u n d a n c e of lig h t o n th e o u tw a rd w o rd in g a n d o n th e in n e r m e a n in g o f M a rk ’s G ospel. C loth $2 .5 0

F ebruary 5, 1928 Text: Isa. 43:1-2

We never prize the precious words of promise till we are placed in conditions in which their suitability and sweetness are manifested. We all of us value those golden words, “When thou zvalkest through the fire thou shalt not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee," but few if any of us have read them with the delight of the martyr Bilney, to whom this passage was a stay, while he was in prison awaiting his execution at the stake. His Bible, still preserved in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, has the passage marked with a pen in the margin. Perhaps, if all were known, every promise in the Bible has borne a special message to some one saint, and so the whole volume might be scored in the margin with mementoes of Christian ex­ perience, every one appropriate to the very letter. In the French revolution, a young man was condemned to the guillotine, and shut up in one of the prisons. He’was greatly loved by many, but there was one who loved him more than all put together. How know we this ? It was his own father, and the love he bore his son was proved in this way: When the lists were called, the father, whose name was exactly the same as the son’s, answered to the name, and the father rode in the gloomy tumbril out to the place of execution, and his head rolled beneath the axe instead of his son’s, a victim to mighty love. See here an image of the love of Christ to sinners; for thus Jesus died for the ungodly. Your Bible Reading For 1928 B y G eorge T. B. D avis . W HAT is the secret of your success and of your power?” I once asked the late Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman. Never can I forget his reply: “I find that I have power just in propor­ tion as my soul is saturated through and through with the Word of God.” Many Christians do not realize the rich blessing of soul'and delight of mind that come from reading the Bible through once each year. To many it would appear to be a strenuous undertaking, but in reality it is very simple. By reading three chapters daily, and five on Sunday, and dividing the 119th Psalm into eleven portions of sixteen verses each, one can complete the reading of the Bible through in twelve months. L ist of W eekly C hapters to R ead F ebruary 6, 1928 Text: 1 Pet. 2:24

The Gospel of Mark By C harles R . E rdm an This volum e of outline stu d ies is a splendid aid in fixing th e th o u g h t of the read er o r Sunday School class upon th e successive, sw iftly changing scenes of th e story, th ereb y arousing an incentive fo r deeper devotion tb the M aster and inspiring w ider service in H is nam e. Every teach er should . o rd er a copy of th is helpful, illum inating book. It is beautifully bound and printed. Lim p C loth 60c

The Servant of Man By K eith L . B rooks T his is th e Gospel of M ark, verse-by-verse com m entary to be w ritten by y ourself; filling in th e blank spaces a fte r look­ ing up th e references. There is no m ethod of Bible study th a t so im presses one w ith the heights a n d dep th s of Divine tru th s a s th e cross-reference m ethod. N early every difficult statem en t/ finds clear explana­ tio n in o th e r p o rtio n s of the S cripture. P a p e r 50c

Expository Thoughts on the Gospel o f St. Mark By Bishop J. C. Ryle

T h e s e e x p o sitio n s o n S t. M a rk also h a v e th e te x t co m ­ p lete, a n d e x p la n a to ry n o te s— m a k in g it a sp len d id v o lu m e fo r h e a d s o f fam ilies in th e c o n d u c t o f fam ily p ra y e rs— o r to b e u se d b y th o se w h o v isit th e sic k a n d th e p o o r a n d d e s ire to re a d to th em — o r as a n a id to S u n d a y S ch o o l te a c h e rs a n d a ll re a d e rs o f th e B ible in th e p riv a te stu d y of G o d ’s W o rd . C loth $1.50

People s Question Book on The Gospel of Mark

By Edw in W . R ice, D.D. This volum e con tain s fo rty -eig h t lessons in th e second Gospel. These lessons include every verse in th e Gospel of M ark, w ith b rief n o tes an d explanations, questions an d p ra c tic al ap p lica­ tions, giving th e read er a larg e am o u n t of inform ation in com ­ p a c t form .

B oard 35c The Gospel According To St. Mark By Rev. A. Plum m er, D.D. T his volum e enables readers of th e New T estam en t to see for them selves som e of the p artic u la rs in w hich the Second G ospel b rin g s us closer th a n an y o th er to o u r Lord, as H e w as know n to th o se who w atched H is a c ts a n d listened to H is teaching. Com plete w ith m aps, notes an d in tro ­ duction. C loth $1.90

Studies in Mark’s Gospel

By P ro f. A. T. R obertson, D.D. T he teach er an d read er will find in th is volum e th o se rare qualities of sty le a n d th o u g h t for w hich th is m aster of New T estam en t exegesis is fam ous. It is a book b o th in terestin g an d in stru ctiv e— one w hich will appeal to all stu d en ts of the personality, purpose and teachings of th e Savior. C loth $1.00

Jan. 1-7, Gen. 1-23. Jan. 8-14, Gen. 24-46.

Mar. 26-April 1, 2 Sam. 10- 1 Kings 8. April 2-8, 1 Kings 9-2 Kings 9. April 9-15, 2 Kings 10-1 Chron. 7. April 16-22, 1 Chron. 8- 2 Chron. 1. April 23-29, 2 Chron. 2-24. April 30-May 6, 2 Chron. 25- Neh. 1. May 7-13, Neh. 2-Job 1. May 14-20, Job 2-24. May 21-27, Job 25-Psa. 5. May 28-June 3, Ps. 6-28.

The Gospel According to St. Mark By Rev. G. A. C hadw ick, D.D. A n exposition th a t clears u p m any difficult p assag es in M ark’s Gospel an d furnishes a n abundance of helpful inform ation to the teach er or stu d en t. The book th ro u g h o u t show s evidence of deep stu d y an d keen, clear thinking. Those w ho give it a c are ­ ful reading will surely grow in th e know ledge of the fullness of the W ord of God. C loth $1.25 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods are to com e by m ail a d d 10% fo r postage. Send fo r a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of B ooks, B ooklets, T rac ts, etc. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

Jan. 15-21, Gen. 47-Ex. 19. Jan. 22-28, Ex. 20-Lev. 2. Jan. 29-Feb. 4, Lev. 3-25. Feb. 5-11, Lev. 26-Num. 21. Feb. 12-18, Num. 22-Deut. 8. Feb. 19-25, Deut. 9-31. Feb. 26-Mar. 4, Deut. 32-Josh. 20 . Mar. 5-11, Josh. 21-Judg. 19. Mar. 12-18, Judg. 20-1 Sam. 17. Mar. 19-25, 1 Sam. 18-2 Sam. 9.

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