King's Business - 1928-01


January 1928

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

T h e

Sept. 17-23, Ezk. 40-Hos. 2. Sept. 24-30, Hos. 3-Amos 8. Oct. 1-7, Amos 9-Hag. 1. Oct. 8-14, Hag. 2-Matt. 4. Oct. 15-21, Matt. 5-27. Oct. 22-28, Matt: 28-Luke 6. Oct. 29-Nov. 4, Luke 7-John 5. Nov. 5-11, John 6-Acts 7. Nov. 12-18, Acts 8-Rom. 2. Nov. 19-25, Rom. 3-1 Cor. 9. Nov. 26-Dec. 2,1 Cor. 10-Gal. 3. Dec. 3-9, Gal. 4-2 Thess. 2. Dec. 10-16, 2 Thess. 3-Heb. 7. Dec. 17-23, Heb. 8-1 John 4. Dec. 24-30, 1 John 5-Rev. 19. Dec. 31, Rev. 20-22.

June 4-10, Ps. 29-51. June 11-17, Ps. 52-74. June 18-24, Ps. 75-97.

“Best” Books —Teachers’ Annual Lesson Helps for 1928 Tarbell’s Teachers’ Guide By M a rth a T arb ell, Ph.D . N o m a tte r h ow m a n y o th e r “ H e lp s’* y o u use, “ T a r- b e ll’s T e a c h e rs ’ G u id e” is in d isp e n sa b le fo r te a c h e rs w ho w a n t to g et th e b e st m a te ria l fo r th e ir classes o u t of th e 1928 In te rn a tio n a l S u n d a y S ch o o l L esso n s. T h e v o lum e is a ttra c tiv e ly b o u n d in clo th , p ro fu se ly illu stra te d , a n d c o n ta in s all so rts of n ew c om m en ts, sid elig h ts, h in ts a n d su g g e stio n s to te a c h e rs— re p re s e n tin g th e su p re m e re a l­ izatio n of its p o sitio n as “T h e L esso n H a n d b o o k W ith o u t a P e e r.” P u rc h a se th is g u id e fo r th e e n tire m em b e rsh ip of y o u r class, if p o ssib le, b u t by all m ean s o rd e r a co p y fo r y o u rself, to d ay I C lo th $ 1 .9 0

June 25-July 1, Ps. 98-119:32 July 2-8, Ps. 119:33-Ps.l33. July 9-15, Ps. 134-Prov. 6. July 16-22, Prov. 7-29. July 23-29, Prov. 30-Isa. 1. July 30-Aug. 5, Isa. 2-24. Aug. 6-12, Isa. 25-47. Aug. 13-19, Isa. 48-Jer. 4. Aug. 20-26, Jer. 5-27. Aug. 27-Sept. 2, Jer. 28-51. Sept. 3-9, Jer. 52-Ezk. 16. ■ Sept. 10-16, Ezk. 17-39.

Peloubet’s Select Notes on the International Sunday School Lessons for 1928 F o r over fifty years Pelou­ b et’s uniform series of select notes— edited by skilled and train ed ex p erts— have proved a never-failing source of help and insp iratio n to S u n d a y school teach ers everyw here. In ad d itio n to thoroughly cov­ ering the fifty-tw o lessons for 1928, th is volum e contains colored m aps, several full- page halftone pictu res in col­ ors, and over 125 illu stratio n s in th e general text. 368 pages; __________Cloth postpaid $2.00

Arnold’s Practical Commentary on the International Sunday School Lessons for 1928 For reliability, ap tn ess of exposition an d sp iritu al su g ­ gestions, this popular help is especially comm ended. W ith its h in ts to teachers, daily Bible readings, illustrations, b lackboard exercises, com ­ m ents on w ords and phrases, questions. Golden T ext expla­ nations, one-m inute m ission talk s, m aps, teaching plans for prim ary, junior, interm e­ diate, senior and ad u lt de­ p artm en ts, Bible dictionary, etc., this helpful book has for m any y ears supplied the need for a good, all-round comm en­ ta ry a t a po p u lar price. _____________________ C loth $1 00

G etting Around Toward th e Bible Again I F those brought up on evolutionary teaching and the radical ideas growing out of it concerning companion­ ate marriage, polygamy, temporary unions and the care of offspring by society, will not listen to Bible teachings, per­ haps they will take notice of the statements of a well- known scientist. Professor Herbert S. Jennings, of John Hopkins Uni­ versity, declares that he has demonstrated that monogamy is the most efficient system on scientific grounds. Of course, he says it is “the highest product of evolution” ; and we will allow him the comfort of this notion, though we have not been able to see how evolutionary teaching tends to monogamy. Dr. Jennings turns his hottest fire on the familiar doc­ trine often enunciated by Socialists, saying: “In some quarters we meet an aspiration for a system similar to that found in insects, in which from the beginning the social group as a whole shall care for the offspring, thus making the family unnecessary. In this way the individual parents are to be set free, each to pursue his or her life career without interference from offspring or mate. “The aspiration appears largely dominated by the desire to give full satisfaction to the mating impulses, to facilitate change of mates, making it unnecessary to remain tied to one another longer than fancy dictates. If we examine this aspect of the matter in animals that have fully carried out this system of public care for the progeny, we find a surprising result. The system has resulted, not in freeing the mating impulses, but in their suppres­ sion, their almost complete extinction, the essential desex- ualization of society. “Only isolated individuals continue to be occupied with mating and. propagation; the rank and file are sexless. If man must look to this result, possibly the enthusiasm for this system will abate.” Dr. Jennings points out that man’s long and helpless infancy, the high development of the mating and parental impulses, and the diversified and exacting nature of his life career, appear to be met. most adequately by the life­ long monogamous family. People of common sense long ago came to the same conclusion, but it is heartening to have that conclusion supported by the science of biology.

A Daily Digest of the Sunday School Lesson for 1928 By Am os R. Wells T h e e d ito r of P e lo u b e t’s S elect N ptes com p iled th is p ra c tic a l d ig est of th e U n i­ form S u n d ay S ch o o l L essons. It c o n ta in s e x p la n a to ry n o te s of th e tex t, w ith a s p ir ­ itu al in te rp re ta tio n a n d a p p lic a tio n to m o d e rn life, also m ap s, c h ro n o lo g ic a l c h a rts a n d o th e r v a lu a b le d a ta . V est- p o c k e t size, 128 p ag es. Bound in Silk C loth 3 5 c ; L eath er 50c

The Gist o f the Lesson

By R. A . T o rrey , D.D. A co n cise, v e s t-p o c k e t size e x p o sitio n of th e In te rn a ­ tio n a l S u n d ay S ch o o l L esso n s fo r 1928. It fu rn ish es te a c h e rs o r sc h o la rs in th e S u n d a y sch o o l w ith th e tex t of th e In te rn a tio n a l L essons, a n d su g g e stiv e c om m en ts th e re o n , in su c h a fo rm th a t th e y m a y alw ay s h a v e th em w ith th em , a n d th u s im p ro v e sp a re m om en ts o n th e tra in , tro lle y s a n d elsew h ere. In a d d itio n to th e d ig e st of th e lesso n s, c om m en ts, etc., it c o n ta in s a c a le n d a r fo r the y e a r, a tte n d a n c e re c o rd , b la n k p a g e s fo r n am es a n d a d ­ d resses, a n d th e T e n C o m m an d m en ts. C loth, ro u n d c o rn ers 35c If money does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage. Send for a free copy of our complete Catalog of Books, Booklets, T racts, etc.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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