King's Business - 1928-01



Will this year pass by without something worth while accom' plished in your life?

What are you going to write on the pages of the 7\[ew Tear?

Let Us Help You to Make the New Year One of Great Profit Prayer and careful study of God’s Word are the two main requisites for growth in the Christian life. Resolve Now to give more time to these essential matters during the coming year, and if carried out, you will surely say at the end of the year, “ This has indeed been one of the hap­ piest years of my life.” Do you lack a well defined plan for Bible study? We can help you. Enroll as a student of our Correspondence School in the Course (Enrollment Fee $3.50) The price of this Course includes all lessons in loose-leaf form, examinations, and certificate upon completion. Each student is given personal attention, and questions arising from the study are cheerfully answered by the Secretary. t Eight other methods of study to be had by correspondence from $1.00 to $7.00. Request prospectus —

What One S tuden t Writes “Trie enclosed examination w r ite s1Finis’ to th is particular course o f s tu d y , Course No. 5. However, it is no t a conclusion to Bible s tu d y , bu t more an opening to the study o f God’s Word, as it is m y intern tion to continue m y studies under d i' rection __ The fin ished work has been a jo y , never arduous, and has been m ost profitable to m e .”

C orrespondence School, Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, 536 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, C alifornia.

□ Enclosed please find $3:50 fo r w hich I desire to enroll as a stu d en t in C ourse No. 5, “T hrough X in the Bible in a Y ear.” square □ Send pro sp ectu s of- Bible stu d y courses to be had by mail. Signed.

A ddress....................................................... .................................................... II

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