nolok machine from Hudson Sharp. Another recent addition to its production floor was a new mount- ing machine from AV Flexologic. The company additionally just added a rack sys- tem from Flex Essentials, and solvent distiller from IFT was installed more than a year ago. The distill- er is a closed-loop systems that collects the plant’s contaminated solvents and returns them at a 90 percent yield so that they can be returned to the process of cleaning machinery. Being a family-owned and run company allows Josh Packaging the ability to make quick, decisive action. “Before joining Josh, I worked in the health- care sector and there was so much red tape,” Shlo- mo explained, “it was very difficult to get anything done. But, now with Josh, we have such speed and agility that we can bring improvements for our cus- tomers almost immediately when we see a need. In that regard we really must give praise to our fathers, Abe and Nejat. Change is difficult and without the buy-in from our fathers, none of our growth could be possible. It’s been a big change for the two of them to watch as the second generation comes on board and implement so much transformation. They have supported all our decisions, and the growth of the company would be impossible without them.” “With sustainability on the minds of everyone,” said Elie, “we’ve made a huge push in that direc- tion, developing compostable, recycled and post recycled packaging. We’ve been committing capi- tal and manpower to R&D the past several years, partnering with a number of suppliers. We’ve de- veloped recyclable pouch projects, compostable pouch projects and post-consumer resin projects. Every new challenge has hurdles but we’ll never say no. We’ll discuss it, brainstorm, create samples and talk it over with our suppliers. We know our customers are demanding sustainability and we will work as hard as possible to come up with solu- tions for them. “At the end of the day,” Elie concluded, “we just want to keep up with the trends and address all the needs of our customers.” Josh Packaging has continued to consistently make changes for improvement. The company recently installed another two Hudson Sharp ma- chines (Innolok and Pouch) to keep up with their growing market. Additionally, Josh Packaging has also successfully implemented and gone live on its ERP system (Netsuite). This project has been led by Micah Golshirazian and Josh Rahmani; the next stage will be to implement a connecting manufac- turing software (Tulip) for operators that will bring actionable data for the team.

Industry Events

Labelexpo Asia December 5-8, 2023 SNIEC Shanghai, China

Gulf Print & Pack January 9-11, 2024 World Trade Center Dubai, United Emirites

Labelexpo Summit March 12-13, 2024 Agora Bogota Convention Center, Bogota, Colombia

FTA Forum May 5-8, 2024 Lowes Kansas City Hotel Kansas City, MO

Labelexpo Americas September 10-12, 2024 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Rosemont, Illinois

Labelexpo India November 14-17, 2024 India Expo Centre & Mart Greater Noida, Delhi NCR

FTA Annual Meeting May 4-7, 2025 David L. Lawrence Convention Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

November 20, 2023 13

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