Bema, Flexo Wash (Cont’d from Page 1)

Experience the power of SWED/CUT ® “Any defect, any mid-run press stop, can entirely eliminiate margin from a job. As QA Manager, it is up to me to prevent waste before it happens. That’s why I rely on FLXON’s products and support to gain our competitive advantage. QA Manager, Wide Web Pressroom

This new company has expanded its capabilities to include a fully-integrated manufacturing process from creation of the bags to printing them on its flexographic presses. Prior to its introduction to Flexo Wash cleaning systems, the company devoted more than six hours a day one day a week for a “big cleanup” where one to two employees would spend their shift manually cleaning the anilox rolls, press parts and plates. Continued cleaning lasted from Friday af- ternoon/evening and finished up Saturday morn- ing before the printing on Monday began. Previ- ously employees would clean parts manually in wash tanks with alcohol. They also used a media blasting cleaning unit. Making Connections Bema connected with Flexo Wash sales agent Bill Malm at various trade shows in the area and saw live demonstrations of the cleaning systems. Bema employees then traveled to the now- closed Fox Valley demo center with their own an- ilox rolls and press parts to clean them in Flexo Wash machines. The demo went well and cleaned their anilox rolls and press parts to their satisfaction. They purchased the anilox cleaner in January 2017 and the parts washer in April 2017. Their overall process improved with the introduc- tion of both of these cleaning systems. According to Production Manager Jason Galloway, there were “faster wash up times for the press, better cleaning and less damage on the aniloxes were immediate benefits.” Also automating the cleaning process cut the cleaning time in half. Galloway noticed a difference right away. ROI was about six months, but in reality, it was less than that in actual working days. After success with both of these cleaning systems, Bill Malm introduced the Flexo Wash Plate Washer to Bema in 2022. He brought it to Bema for the employees to clean their plates in their pressroom. They purchased a plate washer in January 2023. Now armed with a trifecta of Flexo Wash ma- chines, Bema press manager Jason Galloway stat- edthat they “allow us to run a clean press with less issues due to dirty ink pump parts, chambers, and drip trays. It allows us to spend more time printing and less time cleaning week to week.” When asked why Flexo Wash cleaning systems worked for them, the answer was: “Good reliable cleaners allow us to focus on printing with repeat- able results.”

Columbus, OH - Booth #854


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