

Winter 2023: The Clues Are Around Us


Every so often in history, we go through a time period in which upheaval creates changes that herald a revolution. While this feels like it occurs overnight, it actually starts slowly, perhaps like a quiet pulse, and keeps going until it becomes a great drumbeat or throbbing of the heart. By the time you hear the sound, you feel as if it were sud- den and unexpected; yet all the clues were there. There were just too many other personal situations getting in the way. The revolution is not quite here, and will still take a bit longer before we recognize what the revolution is and how it impacts us. But the clues are around us as we look to various astrological events, especially the re-entry of Pluto for another short time period into the sign of Aquarius. Although you want to rush out into the world at the time of the new Moon on December 12, 2023, you still feel the need to be cautious. With the Sun and the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, you’re excited to try new things and experience the world. But with this new Moon also forming a square to Neptune and a quincunx to Uranus retrograde, you realize not all is as it seems. Things are happening behind the scenes and you’re not getting all the information you need. If you have to start a new project, pay attention to what is being left unspoken to get clues to the details that will help you succeed. Paying attention to the unspoken clues becomes easier on Decem - ber 13 th when Mercury in Capricorn turns retrograde. As a matter of fact, you want to re-evaluate your job and place in society. Situations at work are undergoing changes. You may no longer be able to contin- ue working remotely. Or, you may realize you made too many commit - ments, and those commitments are interfering with your personal life. While making changes at the time of Mercury retrograde isn’t easy, you do need to take the time now to either re-write that resume, limit your commitments, or research new lifestyle choices. When Mercury

Illustration © Alioshin |

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PATHWAYS—Winter 23—19

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