

ples of this include: the final years of the American Revolution and the years of the French Revolution; or the time period when England dis- posed of the Roman Catholic Church to create the Anglican Church; or the coronation of Charlemagne; or even when the Spanish invad- ed South America. Revolutions also occur in critical communications techniques that impact the masses, such as the Chinese invention and use of moveable type in printing. Pluto initially entered the sign of Aquarius on March 23, 2023, and went up to only 0 degrees and 21 minutes of Aquarius when it turned retrograde and began its motion backwards to re-enter the sign of Capricorn on May 25, 2023. From May 25, 2023 until January 20, 2024, it sits in the sign of Capricorn. This time Pluto will be in the sign of Aquarius a little longer, but still not that long. Pluto will go to 2 degrees and 6 minutes, before pulling back again. Pluto will turn ret - rograde on May 2, 2024, and once again re-enter the sign of Capricorn on September 1, 2024. On November 19, 2024, just a few weeks after the US national election, Pluto will finally enter the sign of Aquarius and remain there for a little more than 18 years until March 9, 2025. This back and forth is common with the planet Pluto because of its erratic orbit. Yet when you look at Pluto from a spiritual perspec- tive, this back and forth energy makes sense. Pluto represents passion, which can overtake your sensibilities. It also represents your method for processing information, which leads to long-term psychological and life changes. On a mundane level, Pluto represents various value systems that are either embraced for their similarities or disdained for their differences. When Pluto initially entered the sign of Aquarius in March, AI (Ar - tificial Intelligence) dominated the news. The AI Revolution had be - gun, and various industry experts issued warnings that the race to de- velop AI was moving too quickly and was perhaps even out of control. In March, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and others signed an open letter asking for a six-month suspension. Now it’s over six months lat- er and no suspension has occurred. AI is just the tip of changes that will influence your life when Pluto

finally enters the sign of Aquarius. Others involve the increased use of digital currency in lieu of cash for payments…the virtual appoint- ments with doctors and professionals in lieu of personal meetings… the other systems developed to “help” make your life more efficient yet somehow lessening your individuality in how you approach matters. Basically, technology is going to be the major revolutionary change when Pluto is in Aquarius. AI is only the beginning. This is the time to understand just how technology will impact your life and what value it will bring to you. This is also a time to focus on your personal relationships with acquaintances, friends, and family so you can maintain a system built on love and support. Finally, during this second time Pluto is in Aquarius, approach life in a creative man- ner that supports your individuality. Developing a firm foundation is so important at the time of the full Moon on January 25 th . With the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo, the energy of Pluto re-entering the sign of Aquarius continues to be emphasized. There is also a fixed T-square created with the Sun, Pluto, and Moon forming a square to Jupiter retrograde. What this means is you find it important to understand circumstances as fully as possible before you move on with any plans. You may even feel you need to hold on a little longer because the timing to make changes is not quite right; and if that’s the case, that’s alright. Once you have complete un- derstanding, you will move quickly to make the necessary changes in your life, which give you that firm foundation you need. A few weeks later, on February 9 th at the time of the new Moon, you realize there were a few pieces of information you missed as you started to make changes in your life. That’s indicated by the Sun and Moon in Aquarius forming a square to Uranus. Basically, you took your needs into consideration but you may not have taken the needs of your loved ones into consideration. All you need to do today is com- municate with them. Ask them what they need. By hearing what they have to say, you can actually improve circumstances in your life. As the winter quarter draws to an end, you experience a full Moon continued on page 22

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PATHWAYS—Winter 23—21

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