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Functional Medicine Treatment for Long COVID


When thinking about COVID-19, consider how far we have come since the outbreak of the pandemic in spring of 2020. While COVID-19 is no longer considered the crisis that it was in this country, and glob- ally, we are still dealing with it as a persistent health concern, and with the reality that it is here to stay. The existence of Long COVID is the other reality here to stay, and about which we still have much to learn. Long COVID, also known as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) or long-haul COVID, refers to the condition where individuals experience a range of persistent symptoms that last be- yond the acute phase of a COVID-19 infection. These symptoms may continue for weeks or months after the initial infection has resolved. The Long COVID condition can affect individuals of any age, includ - ing those who initially had mild or asymptomatic cases of COVID-19. The symptoms can vary widely and affect multiple organ systems, leading to a significant impact on the physical, mental, and cognitive well-being of the affected individuals. Furthermore, Long COVID may not affect everyone the same way. People with Long COVID may ex - perience health problems from different types and combinations of symptoms that may emerge, persist, resolve, and reemerge over dif- ferent lengths of time. The unpredictability in both the variance and severity of symptoms, and their duration, consequently impairs the ability of affected individuals to carry out daily activities and may re - sult in a reduced quality of life. Symptoms of Long COVID There is a long list of common symptoms associated with Long COVID, affecting practically every major system in the body in some way or at some point. Here is a brief overview, much of which I’ve seen in my own practice: • Fatigue - Persistent and overwhelming exhaustion, which can greatly impact daily functioning. • Shortness of breath - Difficulty breathing or a feeling of breath - lessness even during mild physical activity. • Brain fog - Cognitive difficulties, such as problems with concentra - tion, memory, and thinking clearly. • Muscle and joint pain - Persistent or intermittent pain in muscles and joints. • Headache - Frequent or persistent headaches of varying intensity. • Chest pain or tightness - Discomfort or pressure in the chest area. • Sleep disturbances - Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, or having unrefreshing sleep. • Loss of taste and/or smell - Persistent or recurring loss, or changes in taste and/or smell. • Anxiety and depression - Increased levels of anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. • Gastrointestinal symptoms - Digestive issues such as nausea, diarrhea, or stomach pain. Some individuals may also experience ongoing issues with the re- spiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, or neurological system. Functional Medicine and Long COVID Like the condition itself, the treatment of Long COVID typically de - mands a multifaceted approach. Functional Medicine is ideally suited

Laser Dentistry is Better Dentistry No Anesthesia • No Injections No Pain • No Drills Faster Healing

Why Laser Dentistry is Better:

• Reduce snoring and sleep apnea by re-firming sagging mouth tissue • Bone regeneration, activates new growth • Lip/Tongue tie release • Stimulates natural collagen production

• Gum Disease and reshaping • Treats canker and cold sores • Prevention of root canal by 90% • Reduces tissue inflammation • Eradicates bacteria and virus • Biopsies • Wisdom Teeth Exposure • Regenerating damaged nerves • Removing benign oral tumors

Other Specialized Services:

• Ultra Low Dose CT Imagery detects hidden jaw infections • Jaw expansion for kids and adults with Gentle Appliance/ALF • PRF: your own natural stem cell for grafting • TMJ therapy for facial pain and jaw discomfort • Sleep Apnea treatment without C pap or surgery • Structural Airway and Breathing improvement • Biomimetic and Biologic Restorative Dentistry • Dental Material Immune Reactivity Testing • Ceramic Implantology • Ozone therapy • Orthodontics • Mercury Safe Removal (SMARTCertified/ IAOMT Fellowship Award)

Biologic, Biomimetic & Airway Focused Dentistry

Dr. Sheri Salartash DDS, MAGD, NMD IBDM, FIAOMT, FIAO, FAAO, FICOI, FAAIP Board of Dental Sleep Medicine Diplomate

703-775-0002 20755 Williamsport Place, #300, Ashburn, VA 20147

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PATHWAYS—Winter 23—23

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