

Hypnotic Help... ...continued from page 47

Long COVID... ...continued from page 25

deliberately calling up positive experiences in order to enjoy some of those pleasurable feelings here and now. Regardless of whether we are actually experiencing something or just intensely imagining it, our brains react in the same way, sending out corresponding signals and neurotransmitters. This can be an invaluable tool for boosting mood and opening ourselves up to helpful thought patterns, instead of neg- ative ones. How It Works Hypnosis can happen under a variety of conditions but often starts with relaxing and focusing within, much like a guided meditation practice. Some slow, smooth belly breaths can set the stage for slowing down and turning inwards. There are a number of wonderful, free re- sources online for guided practices of body scans or progressive mus- cle relaxation — ways of relaxing the whole body, part by part. Many major medical institutions recognize the benefit of these relaxation practices and have free audio or video tracks available to use — check out UCLA Health or Dartmouth College health resources for exam- ples. If you already have experiences with using a body scan medita- tion or progressive muscle relaxation, you can do that on your own, to ease into greater relaxation, in preparation for opening the benefits of the next steps of this process. After some relaxation of the body and breath, either guided or on your own, now is the time to employ the strategy of allowing the brain to experience something very pleasant, just like if it were happening right now. For managing S.A.D., many people find that they miss how they feel in the warmer, more light-filled months. Using the imagina - tion, many of those positive feelings and sensations can be replicated, even in the dark, cold winter months. Pick a favorite warm weather experience, either from memory or imagined, and bring in all the senses to make the experience as viv- id as possible. Move slowly through the senses, noting all the many things you can see, hear, feel, smell and taste in this imagined expe- rience. Even if it is an imagined beam of warm, glowing, golden sun- light, there can be a real sensation of warmth experienced in the body, much like just remembering an intense argument of the past can cre- ate real muscle tension in the body now. Invite yourself to relax deeper and deeper as you move through imagining the use of each of your senses in this delightful warm-weather scene. Take as much time as you like to drift and float through this pleasant experience, indulging in any enjoyable feelings and sensations. Once you feel this part of your experience is complete, you will hopefully be in a very relaxed and pleasant state of mind, open to help- ful thoughts and suggestions. This is a great opportunity to repeat a thought that you’d like to plant, like a seed, in your mind. For manag- ing winter mood concerns, helpful suggestions might include things like, “I feel light and energized”, or “I enjoy pleasurable activities with my friends”, or “I find enjoyment in the restfulness of this season, knowing more active times are coming soon”. It’s helpful to state these thoughts in the present tense, using positive language. After repeating this helpful suggestion to yourself a few times, you can return your full awareness to the present moment, perhaps stretch a bit, and then go on with your day knowing you can return to this practice any time that it’s helpful to access those resources within. Just like all skills, the more this is practiced, the easier it is to use. Take charge of your winter wellness by finding that warmth and light within that is available all year long. Used in conjunction with other treatments and supports, hypnosis is a great way to find relief from the winter blues. Beth Charbonneau, LCSW-C is a psychotherapist and hypnother- apist, practicing in College Park, Maryland & online. www.beth -

• Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Long COVID can cause signif - icant mental and emotional distress, including anxiety, depression, and Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM). Acupuncture can help calm the nervous system, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation, aiding in stress management and improving mental well-being. • Sleep Improvement: Many long COVID patients struggle with sleep disturbances and insomnia. Acupuncture can help regulate sleep patterns, promote relaxation, and alleviate insomnia by addressing underlying imbalances in the body. So much is still unknown about how, why and how long Long COVID and its mixed bag of symptoms will occur or can last. Since this is a health condition that is here to stay, it’s most important to note that the treatment for Long COVID should be personalized and tailored to individual needs. It should also be noted that everything written above is true for immune system enhancement during cold and flu seasons. The holistic health care approach of Functional Medi - cine in conjunction with acupuncture is an effective treatment method to consider if you are one of the countless sufferers looking for an - swers and relief. Helena Amos, M.Ac., L.Ac., is a licensed acupuncturist, European physician and Functional Medicine practitioner with 30+ years of clinical experience combining modern Functional Medicine with the ancient wisdom of Traditional Oriental Med - icine, as well as providing Biomeridian assessments, and treatments using natural, safe herbal and nutritional approaches. She is Founder/Owner of the Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Clinic in Rockville, MD, and is available for free 20-minute in-office and telehealth consultations. Visit for appoint - ments and to see her list of services offered and conditions treated. Ancient & Modern Solutions for Health Acupuncture • Chinese Herbal Medicine • Ayurvedic Healthcare Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Treats acute and chronic pain including but not limited to—back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, sports injuries, and fibromyalgia Women’s and men’s health issues including low libido, impotence, menstrual disorders, and infertility Chronic fatigue syndrome; mental depression, anxiety; general overall health optimization, dry needling, and much more

Often Insurance Reimbursable Telehealth and In person sessions available

Ayurvedic Medicine Ancient healing system of India, involves determining one’s individual constitution to optimize and maintain health. It treats health imbalances through lifestyle, dietary herbal therapies, and cleansing therapies; individual instruction in meditation is available. Consultations include Ayurvedic pulse and tongue diagnosis.

Center for Health and Wellness 8218 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 304 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Bethesda office: 301-654-9369 Columbia office: 301-807-5770

Don Diggs, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M., A.D. Nationally Board Certified in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, & Oriental Medicine. Ayurvedic Doctor (NAMA, AAPNA Credentialed)

Visit our website for more detailed information: •

48—PATHWAYS—Winter 23

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