

liefs in spirit, or may run away from them fearful of what they are experiencing. Other Ways to Mediumship . But what if you’re not born to mediumship? There are many other ways one can arrive at or develop these abilities. For example, another potential pathway is through Near Death Experiences (NDEs). Count - less mediums have found their abilities awaken after a NDE, as is the case with two of my mediumistic mentors, Michelle Whitedove and Reverend B. Anne Gehman. Whitedove, considered a top Spiritual Medium until her premature death in 2022, recalled her fatal car accident, where she crossed into the spirit world and was shown visions of heaven, forever changing her life and opening her gifts. Michelle was mentored by Reverend B. Anne Gehman, after they met on the set of the 2010 film, No One Dies in Lily Dale . Reverend Gehman, a world renowned medium and Spiritualist Teacher who predicted JFK’s 1963 assassination, opened to her natural gifts after her near-death experience. My friend and fellow medium, Susan Grau, who works as an Intui - tive Medium with Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle brand Goop , personally shared her near death experience. As a child, she was trapped in an abandoned freezer that closed on her, cutting off her air supply. Her NDE at the tender age of four impacted her profoundly. After she was rescued by her mother, who herself kept hearing Your daughter is in the freezer , Grau woke up and could see and communicate with spirit. Being born with the caul — the membrane that encloses the am- niotic fluid — where the amniotic membrane encloses the face, head, or entire body of the baby, has also long been seen as a sign of those born with abilities, as it is such a rare occurrence in birth. Being born with a veil (caul) is considered good luck. Carrying a child and giving birth seems to be another spark that has been shared with me by some of my students who reported having mystical and unexplained expe- riences during and after giving birth. And being born into a family lineage of mediums is a sign of possible mediumistic abilities as our DNA remembers. Sandra Ingerman, a world-renowned shaman, teacher, and author, has shared her own unique arrival to her gifts, writing, “From a clas- sical shamanic point of view, being hit by lightning is typically a sign of a shaman in the making…. It was the initiation into becoming a shamanic healer. So, in my own life, first I was hit by lightning when I was seven.” Finally, tragic, untimely deaths of loved ones are a few other ways that might spark an interest to explore mediumship, though it is not a sign or catalyst for mediumship. What Type of Medium Might I Be? Just as there are various paths to the destination of mediumship, once you get there, abilities can manifest through a number of outlets. The four main types of mediumistic abilities are: mental, physical, trance, and channel. Mental mediums (called Evidential mediums in the USA) tune in to the spirit world using their mind by listening, sensing, or see- ing spirits or symbols to deliver evidence of the afterlife and messages from loved ones in spirit. Within mental mediumship we have diverse ways of how we receive information from spirit, and one might refer to themselves as a spiritual medium, psychic medium, or intuitive me- dium. Physical mediums , who are the rarest of all the mediums, al- low spirits to use the medium’s physical body to share information. In addition, physical mediums can produce apports (objects such as jewelry and small objects), knocking, rapping, and other physical

manifestations from spirit, usually during a séance. They can produce ectoplasm , created from their own bodies, to produce a voice box that spirit is able to communicate through. Physical mediums are said to be naturally born that way rather than being able to develop into physical mediumship. Trance mediums allow themselves to go into a trance state, where they may stay aware or may be fully immersed into trance to allow the disincarnate to use their body, voice, and mind, to give mes- sages and advice. Edgar Cayce, often called “The Sleeping Prophet” due to the fact he would close his eyes to enter a state of altered con- sciousness, is probably the most well-known Trance medium. Channel mediums go into trance to receive messages from spe- cific sources such as Ascended Masters , like Buddha or Jesus, or from other spirits or angels. Seth (channeled by the late Dorothy Jane Rob - erts) and Abraham (channeled by Esther Hicks) are two of the most popular and currently channeled sources. Both offer sage and uplifting answers to the purpose and meaning of life and the ideas that we cre- ate our own reality. Other kinds of mediums include healing and medical mediumship that fall under one or all four types of mediumship, as you can be more than one type of medium. Trance mediumship healing is a way of allowing spirits or spirit guides to step into and blend with a medium’s energy to help channel and heal the sitter or client. If you ever get the privilege of having heal- ing services such as those offered in a Spiritualist church, please do so. It is an other-worldly experience you will not soon forget. Medical mediumship, recently made popular again by Andrew Wil - liams, who created a craze of drinking large volumes of celery juice, of - fers medical and health advice based on communications from spirit. Here again, Edgar Cayce was the first modern prophet to do this while under full trance with almost (if not) 100 percent accuracy. Although he died in 1945, his skills as a medium are still being studied today. Lastly, while not considered a form of mediumship, Reiki is a con- nection to a channel of healing that sensei Mikao Usui discovered on Mount Kurama, Kyoto, Japan, in 1922. At age 56, Usui underwent shugyo — an austere daily training, or in his specific case, a 21-day inner peace meditation — under an Osugi (cedar tree) until he had his revelation about a channel, or method of natural healing, he called Reiki Ryoho , or Spiritual Energy Healing Method. In practice, Usui Reiki Ryoho addresses the whole person on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

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