
MIND-BODY-SPIRIT This Precious, New, Now Moment

BY TRISH HALL There is only this precious, new, now moment! What are you doing with it? What is a “past life experience”? How far before this moment does the experience need to be to be considered a “past life experience”? Some people believe such an experience predated their arrival in this present human form. They attribute present conditions to things that occurred before they were born. If they judge this life to be good, they assume they are the beneficiaries of good energy deposited in some ce - lestial bank that is there for them to withdraw. If they deem this life to be filled with turmoil and trials, they believe atonement is being exact - ed upon them. This perspective leaves the individual a disempowered victim of external circumstances for which they are not responsible and, alas, powerless to change. Some believe themselves to be victims beset by the effect of some far distant past cause. Other people believe their human ancestry dictates how their lives will unfold; and yet others claim the society into which they were born mandates conformity and predetermines the outcome of their lives — totally out of their control. I invite you to consider that how life came to be the way it is, is ir- relevant. There are myriad possibilities that might explain how ‘what is’ evolved. You are welcome to choose whichever explanation suits you with one caveat: guide your choice to one that does no harm to you or anyone else. Be open. Make your selection in the present moment rather than reverting to an old thought-habit. Choose to say ‘yes’ to re-relating to your choice. Reposition yourself in relation to it rather than blindly returning to an old pattern. Be new in this new, now mo- ment. This human journey has subjected us to the beliefs of well-meaning (and some not so well-meaning) authority figures in our lives. Often, they have instilled fears and anxieties in us in the guise of protecting us from an array of possible threats. They may, in fact, have diminished our ability to deal with our environment by not giving opportunities to develop our own discernment and decision-making abilities through testing, failing, trying again, succeeding or failing again, and learning. Since I cannot change whatever may have happened in the past, I tend to release concerns about how we got here and focus on what is.

It’s the only thing I can influence at this point, and it is the only time in which I can take actions that will affect my future life experiences. What we do with our every moment is relevant. Are we using these precious moments to enrich, uplift and serve others, and in so doing enrich and uplift our own life? Are we instilling present moments with elements that are most likely to insure the greatest possible array of opportunities to celebrate the Oneness of All Creation and glorify our Creator? In Grist for the Mill: Awakening to Oneness , Ram Dass and Ste - phen Levine shared …

So we ask ourselves, ‘How do I use my every moment to get there?’ ... dancing, trusting, quieting, flowing. It’s got to be done with the flow of love and the quietness of mind. It’s like the women in India who go to the well and come back with jugs full of water on their heads. They’re talking and gossiping as they walk, but they never forget the jugs of water on their head. The jug of water is what our journey is about. In the course of it we do what we do in life, but we don’t forget the jug of water. We don’t forget what it’s all about. We keep our eye on the mark. At first, we have to prime the pump a little bit to do it; and we keep forgetting and remembering and forgetting and remembering. That’s what the illusion is. The illusion keeps pulling us back into forgetting. Lost in our melodrama... And every now and then we remember. We sit down and we meditate, or we read [a holy text] and suddenly, “oh yeah, right; whew! That’s what it was about.” And we remember again. And then a moment later we for- get. But what happens is the balance shifts... and that’s the beginning of awakening. And we come in, and we sit down and meditate, and suddenly there’s a moment when we feel the perfection of our being and our connection and even beyond that, we just are... Over and over, this happens, and [eventually] we find that we naturally just want to sit down and be quiet... The balance has shifted …”

Carrying our water jug, the intuitive flashes of awareness entrusted to us, is the dawning of our purpose, freeing us to dance and sing and celebrate life. In life, there seem to always be distractions — events that cause us to resume old thought patterns and revert to behaviors that generated our present ‘what is’ … the ‘what is’ that we desire to change for the better. We wander along toting all those beliefs and attitudes that have obstructed our view and embodiment of what could be. Much like an - cient travelers who sought shelter and sustenance in the magical, op- ulent walled city, we have been gifted the key that unlocks the door to our most wonder-filled world of love, peace and prosperity. However, we must comply with the conditions that make the key work. We are each blessed and cursed with the gift of volition — that amazing power of choice. We get to use it to choose wisely, and we get to use it to choose unwisely. We have the opportunity to draw to us the life we desire — call it heaven. We have the power to make choices that do not serve us — call it hell. We get to choose how we relate to what is. This super-power determines the quality of our lives: we can enjoy and bring joy to the simplest of lifestyles, or the most opulent. Joy is not dependent on circumstance — it arises from within. Contem- plating how making choices affects every area of my life, I find myself called to actually become the person I desire to be, now and flowing into the future. I realize I am the cause of my own evolution. Realizing that I hold the key to the ‘magic kingdom’ just beyond to -

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60—PATHWAYS—Winter 23

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