This is an interactive virtual catalog of the artist Giovanni Decunto's paintings.
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BIOGRAPHY......................................................................... 4 ABSTRACTS ........................................................................ 6 ALLEGORY/FIGURATIVE ................................................... 52 FLOWER POWER .............................................................. 90 GOD SERIES .................................................................... 108 PORTRAITS ..................................................................... 138 SOCIAL COMMENTARY .................................................. 214 SPORTS ........................................................................... 262 STOLEN 13 ...................................................................... 278 COLLECTIONS................................................................. 294
The contemporary issues confronted in DeCunto’s work provoke a response, both emotional and intellectual, and symbolize the struggle towards birth that our society now faces. Giovanni DeCunto was born and raised in Lawrence, Massachusetts, once a large industrial center in America. The oldest of 3 siblings, coming from an artist background, his father was a house painter, and he was raised under modest means. His interest in art started at a young age. He says that he was born a painter. At the young age of seven, he displayed remarkable talent and ability to recreate nature. By the age of twelve, his work was being exhibited in local places and sold his first piece for $35. DeCunto moved out of his family’s home at 15 and began to support himself, living on the streets. After graduating high school early, he decided to follow his passion and study fine art. Despite his
turbulent upbringing he prevailed and went on to create a substantial presence in the art world. He began his studies at the Vesper George School of Art, studying commercial art there for a year, then transferred to The Art Institute of Boston and spent another year studying fine arts. He took time off from school and got an apprenticeship with Napoleon Setti studying color and design. Along his journey, he met a man named Eino Keerd. Keerd and his wife Vivian became DeCunto’s life mentors. They gave him guidance and direction in his life, Giovanni largely credits Keerd in this way. Boston University is where he perfected his classical and modern painting techniques. At BU he was taught under artists of that learned directly from the great German Expressionists. This training began to influence his art, realizing he is an expressionist.
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The German Expressionist style and movement still has an impact on his art today. In 1978, after graduating from BU, he accepted a fellowship with the University of Padua in Italy. During this time he focused on studying renaissance art and art history. Studying in Italy helped him digest everything he had learned thus far and began to combine it all to create his artistic voice. When he returned home to the US in 1989, he continued to learn under independent artists to continue to grow as an artist. American artist Giovanni DeCunto is changing the course of modern art by developing an innovative method of painting to bridge the gap between the old and new. Resonating with the Baroque and contemporary painters, as well as being heavily influenced by culture and humanity. His work consists of abstract and representational forms made with acrylic paint – often poetic and gracefully
formed and at times boldly colored – that hang in an uncanny, perfect balance, having had many significant accomplishments in his career. In 2016, DeCunto was awarded the key to the city of Lawrence, MA for his outstanding artwork. This award has only been granted to two other recipients, Robert Frost and Leonard Bernstein. Giovanni DeCunto’s work can be found in museums throughout the world such as the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston MA, the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C., the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University and The City Hall of Padua in Italy to name a few, as well as inside the private homes of high profile celebrities such as Lionel Richie, Shaquille O’Neal, Tom Cruise and George H.W. Bush..
A B S T R AC T “I start my abstracts the same way I start my other paintings. The colors build up, layer upon layer upon layer, and then they start to move. Soon, the movements become currents and waves. My abstract paintings come alive, full of bold colors and tremendous energy. Sometimes a layer interrupts the previous layer and then it takes on the characteristics of a landscape and or a huge land mass. My abstracts suck in my energy and later, the energy of the viewer. The viewer rides the wave and becomes part of the movement. I am simultaneously exhausted and energized.” -Giovanni
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48 x 48 in Acrylic 2014 $12,000 SOLD E-10-12-139
Abstract Amber “Is wealth measured in feet of miles?”
Amber is a product of certain types of trees, which fossilize when they harden, trapping inside them insects, tiny prehis- toric creatures. Because of this amber holds history and is a precious untouched product of the past. Gold appears again here but this time thicker and more prominent, sending itself out in wild weins from the center. There is a concentrated grounding feeling at the center uniting the entire piece.
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40 x 40 in Acrylic 2014
Abstract Sapphire “Sapphire blue.”
In this iteration of the explosion series, another color flashes through Giovanni’s mind: vivid sapphire. The sapphire lares out from the center along with meteors and comets of gold. An erratic white and purple pass through the current of the painting. The ambient color is as blue as the sea. When Giovanni is painting he is a control freak that constatly loses control.
48 x 48 in Acrylic 2014 $12,000 SOLD E-10-12-140
Abstract Emerald
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36 x 36 in Acrylic 2018 SOLD
Aquamarine “Looking out the window of Acqualina, a sky view of the sea.”
The tides of turquoise surf into the currents of silver, and emissions of purple, like gasoline, trail through the ocean. Blooms of algae, hot molten silver, all churning like a stew, and in the background the shining of copper. It is the reve- lation of Miami’s turbulent sea from a skyscraper with a glass floor. For Giovanni DeCunto, just another afternoon but for us, an insight into his interior vision. In it is the spirit of Miamis ocean. Capturing and revealing the movement of Florida’s aquamarine waves.
76 x 76 in Acrylic 2012 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-406
Metallic Abyss “A perfect example of quantum physics and how ideas connect.”
Here is the ice moon Europa. Its surface is as of nickel, criss-crossed by lines, as if someone had taken a box-cutter and had his wasy with rage. ‘Metallic Abyss,’ its background is as cold as the moon and is cutwith quick slashes of black. But this metallic silver seems to rust with gold while aquamarine blooms upon the silver metal. The entire painting runs over with intense energy. A painting of sheer energy, in which the thickness of paint seems to rise up and give forth strange life.
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48 x 48 in Acrylic 2013 $40,000 Studio E-10-12-101
MixMedia Original
60 x 68 in Acrylic 2013 $55,000 Studio E-10-12-190
Quantum Relations
MixMedia Original
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48 x 48 in Acrylic 2012 $30,000 SOLD E-10-12-34
Calamander Wood “When energy bursts it leaves a footprint.”
Calamander Wood is a type of precious material used for funiture and is highly valued for its unique fading color. This painting is one of the darkest in the series, in terms of pigment. The same central series, in terms of pigment. The same central explosion as in ‘Oh, Sweet Sage’ occurs here but it is easier on the eyes. What possessed Giovanni that he started a series of such energentic abstracts, each of which has a different movement? ‘Calamander Wood’ is closest to ‘Abstract Amber’ and ‘Oh, Sweet Sage,” in that the energy seems to discharge from the very center of the canvas. These capture a vision in several different forms.
24 x 24 in Acrylic 2012 $8,000 SOLD E-10-12-58
Bold and Brilliant 1
“Lines of communiation.” Vertical colorful lines fill this painting, resembling rows of trees in a forest. The image places you present in a forest. Looking around the forest and suddenly everything is changing color. The bark of the trees seem to be. swept by winds of color. You are in this forest and as time passes by you are acutely aware of everything that is going on. In this moment you see everything as ‘Bold and Brilliant.”
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24 x 24 in Acrylic 2012 $8,000 SOLD E-10-12-59
Bold and Brilliant 2 Print MixMedia
58 x 58 in Acrylic 2012 $40,000 Studio E-10-12-199
Galactic Butterfly
MixMedia Original
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24 x 24 in Acrylic 2015 $9,500 SOLD E-10-12-502
Nautical Twilight “A passageway to another world.”
A nautical twilight comes on gradually; the sun bathes itself in the horizon and sets forth a weak, fragile and transient glow over the blue. Nautical twilight is a time for peace and reflection. The snaking silver and gold travel around the painting leading you through the piece. Everything seems to bleed into one another as if the colors fit perfectly togeth - er. The draw of this painting is a twilight and explosion of energy. Giovanni prefers colors not often seen in nature and which seem man’s invention, his money, his emission, the things written in his soul.
48 x 48 in Acrylic 2012 $30,000 SOLD E-10-12-140
Oh Sweet Sage “Everything comes from the center and grows from the center.”
A mystical expansion of gold and white occurs, like the creation of the universe. A crackling energy that flashes outward in streaks of paint, interrupted with electric blue and scattered vein of gold leaf. It is a vision, a burst of light and color. Here is the Big Bang of creativity itself, the energy inside the painter’s chest. Sweet passion and wisdom combined to create, ‘Oh, Sweet Sage’
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36 x 36 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2012 $35,000 SOLD E-10-12-194
Quake “Lights on, Lights off.”
Rarely does an abstract painting, so chaotic, so conceptual, immediately make sense. It is senuously beautiful. It is as if an uncontrollable burst of an iridescent sun of both silver and gold, an energy ripe as a field of wheat was reaped at once. Although, beautiful the chaos describes an earthquake and the destrcion that is can leave behind.
48 x 48 in Acrylic 2018 $40,000 SOLD E-10-12-2018
The Wall Series 1
“The Walls are made to keep the water in or keep the water out,” ‘The Walls’ all connect through energy and movement creating a larger than life chaotic presence. These panels appear as madness with order. Each one pulls you n and leads to another panel. The thick impasto technique causes the paintinng to jump out and move into the viewers space. There are so many directions and layers to this ainting. At first, the choas causes you to not know where to look but as your eyes settle you began to see the order and the method to the madness, There is a unifying concept to each of the paintings. The soul of the painter apperars uniquely in each variation. Inside is a fury of energy and urgency that is incited by a global sense.
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48 x 48 in Acrylic 2018 $40,000 SOLD E-10-12-2019
The Wall Series 2
48 x 48 in Acrylic 2018 $40,000 SOLD E-10-12-2020
The Wall Series 3
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24 x 24 in Acrylic 2013 $25,000 SOLD E-10-12-49
Yin-Yang Galactica
30 x 30 in Acrylic 2012 $2,5000 SOLD E-10-12-177
Black and Silver
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60 x 54 in Acrylic 2012 SOLD
Explosion Print MixMedia
76 x 20 in Acrylic 2018 SOLD
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76 x 20 in Acrylic 2017 SOLD
Communications “Communications break down.” Colors recall the garb of the ancient royalty, and yet the recklessness of the painting indicates the fury, chaos, ad destruction of ruling an empire. It is as much a freeplay in abstactionist colors as it is a political commentary. Two elements constitute the two engines of Giovanni’s spirit: an imaginative playground of color, and a desire to forward the progress of humanity
60 x 72 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2020 $60,000 Studio
Glowing Galaxy
MixMedia Original
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60 x 72 in Acrylic & Phosporescent 2022 $60,000 SOLD
Glowing Abyss
35 x 36 in Acrylic
Purple Rain
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48 x 48 in Acrylic 2013 $25,000 E-10-12-101
Abstract Untitled
20 x 72 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2014 $35,000 Palm Beach
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20 x 72 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2014 $35,000 Palm Beach
36 x 36 in Acrylic $35,000 Studio E-10-12-800
MixMedia Original
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48 x 48 in Acrylic 2014
Radioactive Print MixMedia
30 x 10 in Acrylic
Miami Lights “When energy bursts it leaves a footprint.”
Calamander Wood is a type of precious material used for funiture and is highly valued for its unique fading color. This painting is one of the darkest in the series, in terms of pigment. The same central series, in terms of pigment. The same central explosion as in ‘Oh, Sweet Sage’ occurs here but it is easier on the eyes. What possessed Giovanni that he started a series of such energentic abstracts, each of which has a different movement? ‘Calamander Wood’ is closest to ‘Abstract Amber’ and ‘Oh, Sweet Sage,” in that the energy seems to discharge from the very center of the canvas. These capture a vision in several different forms.
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72 x 72 in Acrylic
Orange Abyss
48 x 60 in Acrylic & Gold/Silver Leaf 2023 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-2058
See You Next Thursday Bentley
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48 x 60 in Acrylic & Gold/Silver Leaf 2023 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-2059
The Sky Is the Limit Bentley
MixMedia Original
50 x 58 in Acrylic & Gold Leaf 2023 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-2060
Bentley Abstract 1 Bentley
MixMedia Original
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48 x 48 in Acrylic & Gold Leaf 2023 $48,000 Studio E-10-12-2061
Bentley Abstract 2 Bentley
MixMedia Original
48 x 48 in Acrylic, Phosphorescent, & Gold Leaf 2023 $55,000 Studio E-10-12-2062
D&G Abstract D&G Casa
MixMedia Original
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48 x 48 in Acrylic, Phosphorescent & Gold Leaf 2023 $55,000 Studio E-10-12-2063
Versace Abstract Versace
MixMedia Original
20 x 20 in Acrylic, Phosphorescent, & Silver Leaf 2023 $35,000 Studio E-10-12-2064
Rebirth Triptych 1/3 Versace
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20 x 20 in Acrylic, Phosphorescent, & Silver Leaf 2023 $35,000 Studio E-10-12-2064
Rebirth Triptych 2/3 Versace
MixMedia Original
20 x 20 in Acrylic, Phosphorescent, & Silver Leaf 2023 $35,000 Studio E-10-12-2064
Rebirth Triptych 3/3 Versace
MixMedia Original
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24 x 24 in Acrylic, Phosphorescent, & Silver Leaf 2023 $38,000 Studio E-10-12-2065
Cosmic Rebirth 1/3 Bentley
MixMedia Original
24 x 24 in Acrylic, Phosphorescent, & Silver Leaf 2023 $38,000 Studio E-10-12-2065
Cosmic Rebirth 2/3 Bentley
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24 x 24 in Acrylic, Phosphorescent, & Silver Leaf 2023 $38,000 Studio E-10-12-2065
Cosmic Rebirth 3/3 Bentley
MixMedia Original
Throughout my life, I have been inspired by great painters and progressive art movements, as diverse as Rembrandt from the Baroque period, to the great French Impressionists of the 19th century and the culture-rockin’ Pop artists of the mid-20th century. Like them, I try to capture light and darkness, and the very moment of action in my allegorical and figurative works. I turn the concept inside out, forwards and backwards, and create dimensions, depth, and tension. By layering, my paintings develop an otherworldliness. Images start to form. In between the architecture and geometry of the canvas, the figures are in action and dancing. The images jump off the canvas and at you. And yet, despite this chaos, my paintings are calming. -Giovanni
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60 x 58 in Acrylic 2022 $45,000 Studio E-10-12-103
MixMedia Original
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42 x 56 in Acrylic 2022 $35,000 Studio E-10-12-777
TAZ Devil
MixMedia Original
91 x 74 in Acrylic 2020 $160,000 Studio E-10-12-2020
Balance in the Singularity “A passageway to another world.”
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91 x 74 in Acrylic 2020 $160,000 Studio E-10-12-2021
Giovanni DeCunto’s “Balance in the Singularity” is a prophetic work about the rise of China. DeCunto’s respect for an- cient Chinese culture can be seen in the powerful dragons that come to the forefront of Time, surrounded by silver leaf and gold emblems. The painting, made in the time of COVID-19, evokes the way that Beijing has handled the COVID hazard, seemingly better than other nations. A traditional decorative medallion, painted in harsh red, forms the halo that centers the dragon’s fearsome face, embedding the dragon within a collar that is trying to hold the dragon back from attacking the viewer. But the dragon is surrounded by minor deities, smaller dragons writhing and contorting in the rebuffed air, as if trying to free the first dragon from where it is sealed in. Such energy and delight in the painting mark DeCunto’s apprehension and respect for the rise of China: it is no less than a work of prophecy.
50 x 50 in Acrylic 2014
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52 x 72 in Acrylic 2000 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-52
Rendez-vous All of the elements in this painting set the scene. They create an inviting environment that pulls you into the piece. The impression a painting leaves can last forever; The feeling this painting creates leaves a lasting impression that takes you back to this place. This landscape involks a spiritual feeling, bringing you into a whole new world.
MixMedia Original
50 x 52 in Acrylic 2014 $25,000 SOLD E-10-12-153
Sun Drenched Pier “At least the waters warm.”
The pier leads fearlessly into the sea. A small structure obscuring the dying of the sun, which flames forth in wavy col - ors of orange, red, and the blue of the sky. Energy emitted by the sun. The waves come crashing onto the shore creating a serene ideal sunset scene. The pier stands strong and monumental. This is a scene from Giovanni’s mind painted so vividly to take you into that moment in time.
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75 x 56 in Acrylic 1999
Cherubs “Tragedy in the church.”
A group of cherubs create the main focus for this more traditional piece. The cherubs climb and play on the arches of the church. Cherubs have been used in art since the Renaissance period. The cherubims represent the altar boys and girls being raped in the church. It shows innocence at its most vulnerable state.
30 x 40 in Acrylic 1999 SOLD
Bouguereau’s Boogaloo “Bouguereau’s Boogaloo is a remake of one of my favorite french painters.” A reinterpretation of Bouguereau’s ‘Nymphs and Satyr.’ Giovanni’s painting depicts the same nymphs tearing at the satyr to lead him to a wild day of sexual pleasure, but this time with an abstract flare. Combining neoclassicism and contemporary styles. The painting’s background is draped in uneven movements, but it is the vertical slashes that ema- nates from the satyr’s body and are responsible for the energy of this reproduction.This energy is what brings the story to life and gives it a new and fresh plot twist.
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95 x 77 in Acrylic 2005 $80,000 Studio E-10-12-75
Colosseum “Man has pitted himself against \himself since the beginning of human time.” What would it be like to fight in a Roman colossum? Here Giovanni paints the colosseum over a background that re - semblesSaint Peter’s Basilica. An irony of juxtaposition: Roman death in front of Roman’s holiness. The gore of the col - osseum itsel takes on almost a psychdelic form, aslant, as if floating in space and not part of the normal order of things. Inside the bowl of the colosseum, a choas of dead bodies from Auschwitz lye in agony and slain. Giovanni’s vision of death here is unusual: it is painted not in colors of death, but in a calm mixture of bright tones. It is a death that is not grotesque which is dream-like and even cosmic.
MixMedia Original
64 x 64 in Acrylic 2023 $65,000 Studio E-10-12-2056
Versace Medusa Versace
MixMedia Original
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64 x 64 in Acrylic 2023 $50,000 Studio E-10-12-2057
Jungle Boogie D&G Casa
MixMedia Original
40 x 30 in Acrylic 2012 $11,000 SOLD E-10-12-8
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62 x 56 in Acrylic 2013 SOLD E-10-12-190
Quantum Physics
60 x 72 in Acrylic $60,000 SOLD E-10-12-139
Money Flag
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48 x 48 in Acrylic 2014 $12,000 SOLD E-10-12-139
Urban Fall
48 x 48 in Acrylic 2014 $12,000 SOLD E-10-12-139
Three Graces
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60 x 70 in Acrylic 2019 $55,000 Studio E-10-12-883
Red Skull
MixMedia Original
46 x 54 in Acrylic 2013 E-10-12-106
Skull 2
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46 x 54 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2013 SOLD E-10-12-107
Skull 3
46 x 54 in Acrylic 2013 E-10-12-108
Large Skull
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48 x 48 in Acrylic 2014 $12,000 SOLD E-10-12-139
I High on a ridge in the south of France
Overlooking a low-lying scape On such a cold day in Autumn The sun was sharp and the shadows deep As the Shepherd boy was huddled in the hollow of a tree. His face turned toward the sun Feeling its gentle caress, while leaves flickered, Dance round his numb body. Woke by a paper, which was caught in the wind, Slapped his face, throwing him from his dream. Looking up he saw that the sheep Had also been summoned by the wind Gone, he started in following But none were found.
Fearing not the threat of his master’s hand, He took this paper and called it his mind And drew his sheep never to be lost again. He started to descend the rocky ledge. The night had readily passed. A night when no refuge was found.
Lost & Found Series 1-7 “Lost and Found is an autobiography conveyed through a poem.” ‘Lost & Found’ is a poem written by Giovanni Decunto. This poem is about finding your purpose in life. Giovanni wrote this at a time of clarity during his life. He has found his purpose through painting. The poem is sevens parts and was inspired by shakespeare and 90 hip hop. The images on the paintings give a dialect to who Giovanni is. All these elements formed an autobiography of Giovanni DeCuntos life. Sentimental and spiritual while filled with messages to humanity.
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78 x 60 in Acrylic 2013 Studio E-10-12-241
II Just before the sun had risen High enough to see on such a bleak damp morning. A young woman slept between silken sheets. She dreams of her lover’s misfortune, His weakness and strength, But she dreamt eternal. Far off through the haze The figure of a man crept slowly by. Deaf, dumb, and blind, Carting such a packed load. Now, looking through the semi darkness. Crows circled overhead Crying for the man of so many dreams, Unable to express his own. Those damn crows for took their freedom for the words he will never speak Still grudging the stumbling man Lost within himself wishing to give message to death Suddenly he fell from the ledge As the crows also met defeat. Sucked from the sky to his shallow hidden grave Where they laid their eggs. While screams far off bellowed And provoked her to awaken,
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78 x 60 in Acrylic 2013 Studio E-10-12-242
III Night was vastly approaching as now He found himself At the darkest corner of the forest After following a path.
His eyes fell upon a sight that seized His every fear of both love and hate. Light was throwing itself to the death of darkness Making a mirage as uncertain as any dream. Unfolding its luminosity Like one whose love we all do wish to find. There cradled between the limbs of a tree
Was an angel whose music was not that of the harp it held. But more the sound that would be appropriate for this darkness Which hovered and made every image naked Everything became uncertain of its origin in time and space. Watching the angels image grow strange Like one who wished to speak It played Being touch by the omnipresent body His limbs grew weak as all defense vanished At that very moment her music directed itself As he became her slave. So beautiful to feel the flesh of that white hot arrow
Make its mark to him in successions. Making swirling spiraling designs So bright it lit the sky.
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78 x 60 in Acrylic 2013 Studio E-10-12-243
IV Going past that diluted fantasy-
At first there were strange pangs of hunger: But finding retreat in the pleasures of appetite. He became fast asleep and Became embodied in a dream Much like that of a child who becomes enchanted By thoughts of persecution Lying motionless, half naked Obscure the beginnings comes flight Takes way falling nowhere Only to be suspended like a plaster puppet Knowing the while he was bound To the shell of flesh Still dreaming he opened his eyes As a woman;s face appeared soft and gentle
Woke by laughter he saw her image once more a virgin queen Mounted on a thrown of wax melting as the sun’s intensity Grew as now the Medieval precession had ended papers were Scattered thoughtlessly about creating shimmering patterns as Now the inhabitants woke scurrying towards the melting throne Scooped the wax to feel her innocence unborn fit in Crystal Chandeliers that hung from the ceilings in all the caves Otherwise desolate of all other wealth.
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78 x 60 in Acrylic 2013 Studio E-10-12-244
V Walking closer he saw one cave unlit. He found a man, his father.
The young man cried out a will and testament. To my degenerate father whose sperm gave me life And with this life brought me line damnation. To quench one’s thirst is to abort one’s life. Or as to sleep so peacefully alive in snuff out a dream Or to admire debutants whose bottled class Is used for fixture for cheering home losing teams.
Pregnant with innocence my friends Tell me lies and crush the pigments Of my already condemned soul
To the heights and depths of their own admirations And to love that scorns me in my waking hours I leave myself to be free. Oh endless thoughts and endless nights The seem to console his vengeful ambition. A quality so comparative That I should benefit from this plentiful regret. Bring me to the corner of despair. Going towards a castle A woman stood by the opening
Beckoning to speed his inquiry lean The flesh gluttonous none will pass.
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78 x 60 in Acrylic 2013 Studio E-10-12-245
VI Truth is no justification of envy We all do invade a power beyond self. Once in he looked to the high ceiling walls Painting filled its moments suspended humans Destined to live bottled in a dream Going passed himself in that alley He ran to fall and cried in desperation. So say what end is man who feels his feverish pulse Pulverized in despair drives him to a rain forest Where everything is designed to grow. Going to a fancied tune Stumbling almost to fall A most stunning garden unveils his view. The sun and swaying trees bent over so gently As to appease the appetite of this poem’s rhyme A place where the water crystallized With no concentrated effort Whose drawbridge curved so harmoniously To the slope as a dense fog blanketed The other shores as a vague silhouettes played Recording the movements of Him and the tree light Cascaded this fancy well Flickered and brought the water to sleep.
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78 x 60 in Acrylic 2013 Studio E-10-12-246
VII Approaching the bridge he leaped With single step caught in the gold vault With no apparent space Somewhat reminiscent of the fog A passage to a two dimensional plane Where all is still and forgotten. His fee anchored to the soil The golden rod raised his back and Legs ever so gently Wanting to make him laugh as he did so often Did at some prankish deed he had done as a boy Feeling now only the movement in his eyes And the blood rushing through his veins Hovering with excitement drowsy brought him to a gate. A house and barn came to view A cow and ass looking gracefully turned to gaze. Going toward the house all the essential Objects were old and the same hue. The once white walls Once white now tinged with yellow As a man and woman sat at a porcelain table Sitting between them the drawing of the sheep They also turned to gaze at him A moment later he was vomited back To the hollow of the trees to stay The end
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78 x 60 in Acrylic 2013 Studio E-10-12-247
Flowers are beautiful. It sounds cliché to say that but it’s true throughout every culture worldwide. For me, flowers remind us to be responsible inhabitants of our fragile planet. My paintings embrace color and structure. They pay homage to the great French artists like Manet, Cezanne, and Gauguin. Each tells a story through bold colorations and textures. When I finish a painting with flowers, I’m happy and relaxed. -Giovanni POWE R F LOWE R
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40 x 62 in Acrylic 2012 SOLD
Purple Rain “All you need is love, love is all you need.”
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48 x 50 in Acrylic 2012 SOLD
My Girl
48 x 50 in Acrylic 2012 SOLD
Cry Baby
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40 x 40 in Acrylic 2013 SOLD
Roses are Red
40 x 40 in Acrylic 2013 SOLD
Mary Ann
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20 x 20 in Acrylic 2009 SOLD
Raspberry Girl
54 x 50 in Acrylic 2011 SOLD
Lucy in the Sky
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40 x 40 in Acrylic 2010 SOLD
Autumn is Her Name
48 x 48 in Acrylic 2013 SOLD
Armani Orchid
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40 x 40 in Acrylic 2013 SOLD
Cinnamon Girl
66 x 66 in Acrylic 2013 SOLD
Claudine’s Peony
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48 x 50 in Acrylic 2013 SOLD
In Bloom
54 x 50 in Acrylic 2011 SOLD
Blue by You
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36 x 36 in Acrylic $35,000 SOLD
Playing in the Sunshine
36 x 36 in Acrylic $15,000 SOLD
Singing in the Breeze
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36 x 36 in Acrylic $35,000 SOLD
Years ago, I started to think about the world I live in. I thought about the environment and the poverty near me and everywhere else. I asked myself why things seemed to be getting worse, not better. The different subject matters in my paintings create different narratives that don’t neatly align. My paintings create a drama, just like a Shakespearean tragedy. I always use the word “God” backwards and forwards. The very word “God” cradles our beliefs and our trust in a higher power. I try to depict what can be the start of understanding and communicating with one another and letting go of the toxins that we’ve created in our world. S E R I E S GOD
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76 x 76 in Acrylic 2018 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-104
Little Wings “Little Wings is a poem to his mother, he was the greatest guitarist of all time.” Music of fire and the little wings. The rockstars gaze is far off – in his lips, power, arrogance and slight disdain – appears in a halo of a furrowed gold. There is this wondrous way in which the golden wings are integrated into the red hair sur- rounding his face. The wings encompass Jimi Hendrix’s face creating a halo. The wings and halo are representing the guardian angel Hendrix is referring to in his song ‘Little Wings.’ Wrapped up inside the soul of the painting is the music that inspired this piece, you can feel the rhythm of the song in the movement of the paint.
MixMedia Original
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76 x 76 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2018 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-805
Biggie “How Biggie lived made him a perfect example of what a rapper should be.” The background crackles with electricity, silver currents, and bronze squiggles. In the midst of it all is the notorious B.I.G. The two-tone black and white composition plays off the gold of the GOD with no other interruptions. Biggie Smalls is shown here with a golden GOD written across his forehead, as if it were a crown for the king of 90s rap. Emit- ting off of Biggie is confidence and power.
MixMedia Original
76 x 76 in Acrylic 2018 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-600
Sun in the Stars “Madonna had a lot to do with liberating contemporary women.”
If the painter beholds his visions in the fire of an interior sun, then to stare too closely is to risk blindness, even mad - ness. In ‘Sun and the Stars,’ A face emerging out of blinding light and instantly the surroundings are ordered. The silver in the background, the quietude of the moon, and the nine stars, all belong to her. Here in the midst is a flower, out of which blooms a lover. As you make out a face, it dissolves into a woman in the midst of pleasure, her red lips and her hair is as if the petals of a flower, stretching out like flames of fire. The portrait emits a goddess or higher power feeling representing historically and literally Madonna with a halo.
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76 x 76 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2018 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-102
Radioactive Rihanna “Radioactive Rihanna, ain’t she though.”
Rihanna is a god. A constant factor of Giovanni’s ‘God Series’ is in each portrait the word ‘God’ appears at the top and is inverted at the bottom. Here in rihanna’s portrait the ‘O’ in ‘God’ appears at the top of Rihanna’s head like a halo. Hu- manity now has the power of gods, a nuclear arsenal that could destroy the world and remove all possibility of recovery. In the middle of these emblems Rihanna’s seductive indifference stands out, a vision of a god in the midst of weapons.
MixMedia Original
76 x 76 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2015 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-149
Guys and Dolls Often in times of horrific events there are cartoons inspired by it. This was inspired by the event in which Colonel Hig - gins was captured and beheaded in 1990. It reminded me of playing PAC-MAN back in the 60s. Because in the game you are focused a certain mission, but in the end what you are looking for is also looking for you.
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54 x 54 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2012 $30,000 Studio E-10-12-779
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108 x 96 in Acrylic 2011 $70,000 Studio E-10-12-77
A New Meeting Place 1 “Social media is the new religion.” Giovanni says that art must keep up with the march of technology, in order for art to thrive it has to be at the forefront. Art facilitates a connection with humanity and allows for us to understand one another and the world. Giovanni finds himself excited by social media, and in here is a universe of symbols. Here is a visualization of the highest possibility of the internet. Golden signs, stars, and religions are combined with the newest innovations. Leaves a strong statement about the interrelation between religion, technology, and art. If the internet can have such power, doesn’t art need to reflect the trends and developments of such newness?
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108 x 96 in Acrylic 2011 $70,000 Studio E-10-12-76
A New Meeting Place 2
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62 x 62 in Acrylic 2015 $50,000 Studio E-10-12-110
Eyes 1 Who judges us for our actions as a generation? Perhaps it is the dead. They are the eyes. They see the damage we have wrecked upon ourselves. Not only from natural calamities but what we brought upon ourselves, out of our own reck- lessness, our mismanagement of our own knowledge and technology. Giovanni’s paintings are not only a harsh judg- ment upon the current era but a prophecy, or a revealing. “The environmental changes make us tribal.”
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68 x 70 in Acrylic 2015 $55,000 Studio E-10-12-111
Eyes 2
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68 x 70 in Acrylic 2015 $55,000 Studio E-10-12-136
Eyes 3
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60 x 60 in Acrylic 2015 SOLD E-10-12-112
Eyes 4
76 x 76 in Acrylic 2018 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-800
Prometheus “The Gods still challenge us everyday.”
This painting tells the greek mythological story of Prometheus who gave fire to humankind. Zeus and other Gods were furious at Prometheus for this and chained him to rock naked and tortured him. They ensured that everyday an eagle would come and eat his liver away. Language has changed since ancient greek times so the words EAT ME are written as if Prometheus is saying F*** YOU to the gods.
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60 x 60 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2015
Love in all Languages “The title of this painting is a message that the world should take very seriously. ” Does love speak one universal language? Perhaps that of the kiss, the luxurious lips. If there is one thing that unites hu - manity, it is the language of love. Here the language of love is within the lips. Red and lightly flecked with white, domi - nates the words of the complex language. When iridescent, the lips turn purple, become less gaudy, darker and softer, in the foreground of the white-green backdrop. Love id a complex language that we all speak and constantly connects one another. Love has the power to conquer all.
60 x 60 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2015 $55,000 Studio E-10-12-186
Solar Energy “Solar power is the most logical energy that we have and is the reason why we are still here.” Solar Energy is a very relevant topic of discussion these days. It is so important to have renewable energy during this time of global warming and climate change. In this painting the sun is being depicted as a god. The sun could be the answer to our crisis that man has put us in. We are able to use the sun’s energy to power our everyday needs. This allows us to make an impact against global warming and reduce our carbon footprint.
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60 x 60 in Acrylic 2015 $46,000 SOLD E-10-12-187
DATA How does the flood of social data change us? Is it in our perception of beauty, or in the way our beauty is perceived by other people? Today social media rules everything around us. So much of the younger generation is controlled/addicted to social media and the affirmations and instant gratification that comes from it. Social media in a way hacks our lives. It puts forth a false reality, highlighting only the best parts of our lives. On the other hand, there is so much good that comes from social media and the exposure it brings. Everyone’s individual social expression is able to reach millions of people because of social media. Here, a woman appears in the center and in the middle of new symbols: stars, inscrip - tions, radioactivity. Giovanni is putting his hands on the newness of social expression.
48 x 48 in Acrylic, Phosphorescent, & Gold/Silver Leaf 2015
Overpopulation “With the restrictions that they put into China it has leveled off the population temporarily.” Of Giovann’s ethical concerns, at the forefront is that whichaffects humanity as a whole He is obsessed with elements that might damage or destroy humanity’s progress. He is also just as excited by new discoveries that may further prog- ress. Art, he says, must keep in touch with realityand with the advances of technology.Sociallyinformed art has purpose. In ‘Overpopulation,’ he drawsa portrait of a Chinese woman with his characteristic silver strokes that solidify as they approach the center of the face, leaving the darkness at the edges. The GOD is composed of silver, cold, and copper leaf, a collage. Giovanni has in mind the problems that China faced in the 1980’s with overpopulation, and the complexity of its response toward the problem. The relation of the portrait to the concept is indicated in the inscriptions that run throughout. It is a piece that is more than art, it is a statement about contemporary program in a beautiful form.
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60 x 60 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2015 $40,000 SOLD E-10-12-190
Recycling Eyes Recycling is being represented literally and metaphorically in this piece. The physical act of conserving waste is taking place here and displaying the importance of preserving our world for the future. Multiplying sets of eyes stare into your soul. What does it mean to recycle eyes? It has to do with the cycle of the generations. Each generation gives birth to its own eyes, and these eyes judge us for how we have treated the earth, how we have left it for subsequent eyes. “Her sexy stare makes you want to be clean.”
60 x 60 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2014 $50,000 Studio E-10-12-127
Anatomic Supersonic 1 “Anatomic Supersonic is about the girls I met in Miami.”
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60 x 60 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2014 $50,000 Studio E-10-12-128
Anatomic Supersonic 2
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60 x 60 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2014 $50,000 Studio E-10-12-129
Anatomic Supersonic 3
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60 x 60 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2014 $50,000 Studio E-10-12-130
Anatomic Supersonic 4
MixMedia Original
64 x 54 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2013 $40,000 Studio E-10-12-71
Music Box These eyes belong to Tupac. Tupac’s gaze is multiplied and judgement seems more severe. They are set in front of Giovanni’s characteristic GOD letters and repeated in an endless vertical array. A column of eyes and letters interrupted with Tupac’s lyrics. The black of the eyes, rises out of the painting and reveals a different side in the dark. “All of Tupacs poems combined into one painting.”
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100 x 86 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2013 $65,000 SOLD E-10-12-178
Cosmic Prayer
40 x 40 in Acrylic 2014 $15,000 SOLD E-10-12-123
Soviet Flag
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40 x 40 in Acrylic 2014 $15,000 SOLD E-10-12-122
American Flag
55 x 69 in Acrylic 2022 $35,000 Studio E-10-12-2039
Roe V. Wade
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POR T R A I T S For the most part, my portraits exemplify people who have shaped our ideas of humanity. Some of my subjects may surprise viewers but these men and women are among those who have made a difference. Each subject looks at you and mobilizes and thrusts positivity that you can take and use. I don’t create the message, but I help each individual to leave their own message. -Giovanni
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76 x 76 in Acrylic & Phosphorescent 2018 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-105
Bob Marley “The crown prince of reggae.”
An artist incorporates as much passion as possible – a passion which may appear like madness. In Giovanni’s vision, he is caught in the calmness and tranquility of Bob Marley’s music. Reggae music has a way of making you feel stress and worry free. Giovanni was channeling this feeling and turned the process of painting this portrait into a meditative process.
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52 x 60 in Acrylic 2006 $40,000 Studio E-10-12-165
Richard Branson Richard Branson has a good-hearted smile with white teeth. The locks of his white hair is sculpting the sides of his face and leads to a prominently strong and luscious beard. These mark the traits of the great Richard Branson. His joviality and well-being come through in his reddish complexion, done with a mixture of light strokes and dots. His face at times appears even pinkish. The color running over the red is a flesh color, interwoven with the layers beneath it. He does not have a direct gaze. His eyes are small, and the impression is that all of him is in the strong smile of his mouth and the overflow of his golden beard. He is less looking at you and is very satisfied in himself. This is Richard Branson. “Richard Branson to me he is an explorer that creates opportunity.”
MixMedia Original
48 x 58 in Acrylic 2014 $35,000 Studio E-10-12-145
Simplicity “The stages of knowing and understanding women.”
Simplicity, duplicity, multiplicity- the stages of getting to know a woman, When you first meet a woman you see what is on the outside. You see their beautyand how they portray themselvesto the world. This is the simplicity. As you began to learn more about the girl you get to know her and see that there is more than what the eye can see. You see her inner beauty and see what makes her the person she is, this is duplicity. Once you know the person you are able to experience the multiplicity inside of them. You see all the good, bad, and crazy combined to create this woman.
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48 x 58 in Acrylic 2014 $35,000 Studio E-10-12-146
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48 x 58 in Acrylic 2014 $35,000 Studio E-10-12-147
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