Giovanni Decunto Painting Catalog

76 x 76 in Acrylic 2018 $60,000 Studio E-10-12-104

Little Wings “Little Wings is a poem to his mother, he was the greatest guitarist of all time.” Music of fire and the little wings. The rockstars gaze is far off – in his lips, power, arrogance and slight disdain – appears in a halo of a furrowed gold. There is this wondrous way in which the golden wings are integrated into the red hair sur- rounding his face. The wings encompass Jimi Hendrix’s face creating a halo. The wings and halo are representing the guardian angel Hendrix is referring to in his song ‘Little Wings.’ Wrapped up inside the soul of the painting is the music that inspired this piece, you can feel the rhythm of the song in the movement of the paint.


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