Giovanni Decunto Painting Catalog

60 x 60 in Acrylic 2015 $46,000 SOLD E-10-12-187

DATA How does the flood of social data change us? Is it in our perception of beauty, or in the way our beauty is perceived by other people? Today social media rules everything around us. So much of the younger generation is controlled/addicted to social media and the affirmations and instant gratification that comes from it. Social media in a way hacks our lives. It puts forth a false reality, highlighting only the best parts of our lives. On the other hand, there is so much good that comes from social media and the exposure it brings. Everyone’s individual social expression is able to reach millions of people because of social media. Here, a woman appears in the center and in the middle of new symbols: stars, inscrip - tions, radioactivity. Giovanni is putting his hands on the newness of social expression.




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