Giovanni Decunto Painting Catalog

52 x 60 in Acrylic 2006 $40,000 Studio E-10-12-165

Richard Branson Richard Branson has a good-hearted smile with white teeth. The locks of his white hair is sculpting the sides of his face and leads to a prominently strong and luscious beard. These mark the traits of the great Richard Branson. His joviality and well-being come through in his reddish complexion, done with a mixture of light strokes and dots. His face at times appears even pinkish. The color running over the red is a flesh color, interwoven with the layers beneath it. He does not have a direct gaze. His eyes are small, and the impression is that all of him is in the strong smile of his mouth and the overflow of his golden beard. He is less looking at you and is very satisfied in himself. This is Richard Branson. “Richard Branson to me he is an explorer that creates opportunity.”


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