Giovanni Decunto Painting Catalog

48 x 48 in Acrylic 2018 $40,000 SOLD E-10-12-2018

The Wall Series 1

“The Walls are made to keep the water in or keep the water out,” ‘The Walls’ all connect through energy and movement creating a larger than life chaotic presence. These panels appear as madness with order. Each one pulls you n and leads to another panel. The thick impasto technique causes the paintinng to jump out and move into the viewers space. There are so many directions and layers to this ainting. At first, the choas causes you to not know where to look but as your eyes settle you began to see the order and the method to the madness, There is a unifying concept to each of the paintings. The soul of the painter apperars uniquely in each variation. Inside is a fury of energy and urgency that is incited by a global sense.



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