Giovanni Decunto Painting Catalog

Marele Bay Rock Resort Lanai, HI Marriot Hotel Corporate Offices Burlington, MA Massachusetts Company Boston, MA Monarch Club Honolulu, HI Old West Church Boston, MA Queens City Hospital Honolulu, HI New England Subaru Headquarters Norwood, MA Reebok Corporation Canton, MA Ropes and Gray Boston, MA Reich Corporation Zurich, Switzerland San Donato City Hall Romy, Italy Scudder, Stevens and Clark Boston, MA United Nations New York, NY United States Embassy Hong Kong University of Kentucky Lexington, KY Vek Land Development Corporation Marlboro, MA Vista International Hotels Washington, D.C. J. P. Morgan

Boston, MA Area Nine Denmark & Boston Wilbur Theater Boston, MA

Metro New York, NY Mourlot Gallery Boston, MA Mu Gallery Boston, MA Pierce Galleries, Inc. Hingham, MA Renaissance Gallery

Children’s Hospital Boston, MA


Georgetown, Washington D.C. Wallace L. Anderson Gallery Bridgewater, MA Boston Design Center Boston, MA Cross Town Gallery Boston, MA

Babson College Babson Park, MA Boston Symphony Hall Boston, MA Cauajal Pan American Gallery Boston, MA Dallas Design Center Dallas, TX


Very Special Arts World Tour Birmingham, AL Brooks Brothers Headquarters San Fransisco, CA Butler Institute of American Art Youngstown, OH Covington and Burlig Washinton D.C. Design Galleries of the Americas Miami, FL Erector Square Gallery New Haven, CT Fuller Craft Museum Brockton, MA General Accounting of CE Washington D.C.

Daniel Rene Boston, MA

Ergane Gallery New York, NY Fidelity Investments Boston, MA Francesca Anderson Gallery Boston, MA Gallery of the Southwest Taos, NM Gary Wortzel Gallery Kennebunkport, ME Kittinger Design Center Boston, MA

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