95 x 77 in Acrylic 2005 $80,000 Studio E-10-12-75
Colosseum “Man has pitted himself against \himself since the beginning of human time.” What would it be like to fight in a Roman colossum? Here Giovanni paints the colosseum over a background that re - semblesSaint Peter’s Basilica. An irony of juxtaposition: Roman death in front of Roman’s holiness. The gore of the col - osseum itsel takes on almost a psychdelic form, aslant, as if floating in space and not part of the normal order of things. Inside the bowl of the colosseum, a choas of dead bodies from Auschwitz lye in agony and slain. Giovanni’s vision of death here is unusual: it is painted not in colors of death, but in a calm mixture of bright tones. It is a death that is not grotesque which is dream-like and even cosmic.
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