Giovanni Decunto Painting Catalog

II Just before the sun had risen High enough to see on such a bleak damp morning. A young woman slept between silken sheets. She dreams of her lover’s misfortune, His weakness and strength, But she dreamt eternal. Far off through the haze The figure of a man crept slowly by. Deaf, dumb, and blind, Carting such a packed load. Now, looking through the semi darkness. Crows circled overhead Crying for the man of so many dreams, Unable to express his own. Those damn crows for took their freedom for the words he will never speak Still grudging the stumbling man Lost within himself wishing to give message to death Suddenly he fell from the ledge As the crows also met defeat. Sucked from the sky to his shallow hidden grave Where they laid their eggs. While screams far off bellowed And provoked her to awaken,

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