Giovanni Decunto Painting Catalog

IV Going past that diluted fantasy-

At first there were strange pangs of hunger: But finding retreat in the pleasures of appetite. He became fast asleep and Became embodied in a dream Much like that of a child who becomes enchanted By thoughts of persecution Lying motionless, half naked Obscure the beginnings comes flight Takes way falling nowhere Only to be suspended like a plaster puppet Knowing the while he was bound To the shell of flesh Still dreaming he opened his eyes As a woman;s face appeared soft and gentle

Woke by laughter he saw her image once more a virgin queen Mounted on a thrown of wax melting as the sun’s intensity Grew as now the Medieval precession had ended papers were Scattered thoughtlessly about creating shimmering patterns as Now the inhabitants woke scurrying towards the melting throne Scooped the wax to feel her innocence unborn fit in Crystal Chandeliers that hung from the ceilings in all the caves Otherwise desolate of all other wealth.

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