Strategic Plan Implementation Update

1 PROFESSIONALISM AND . Promote a culture of mutual respect within the Fort Worth Police Department.


This strategic direction allows the community an opportunity to review the department’s expectations of its employees. Building a professional police force is not only prudent, but essential to providing the level and quality of service the citizens of Fort Worth expect. Goals and action items for this strategic direction are below.


4. Represent the population that the Fort Worth Police Department serves.  Began creating a Diversity Journey Plan to increase diversity. (FY18) 5. Recruit, hire, promote, and retain the best candidates to serve the Fort Worth Community.  Recruiting Unit is creating a video presentation to give insight on how to prepare and apply to become a Fort Worth Police Officer. (FY18)  Recruiting Unit marketed at the following diverse institutions: Prairie View A&M University, Texas Christian University, University of North Texas, Mississippi Valley State, Ala- bama State, and NY John Jay College. (FY18) 6. Ensure the department’s organizational structure is appropriate to respond to community needs.  Organizational structure with six new Patrol Bureau Commanders updated in November 2017.

 Created external complaint procedure that is on the Fort Worth Police Department website for the public to utilize. (FY17)  Ask the Executive Staff Link created for personnel to submit questions/ideas. (FY17) 2. Improve the interactions of members of the FWPD and the community.  Following training scheduled: Strategic Management and FBI LEEDA. (FY18)  Provided presentation on Procedural Justice to Civilian Training Advisory Board. (FY18). 3. Continuously build relationships with diverse populations within Fort Worth to create and expand the future recruiting base.  Recruiting Unit visited the following locations seeking college graduates: University of North Texas, Prairie View A&M University, Re- mington College, Texas Christian University, Tarrant County Community College and Dunbar High School. (FY18) sponsored by the following organizations: Handley Safety Fair, Jet Relays Soul Festival, NY John Jay College Law Enforcement Career Fair, P.R.I.D.E. and U.N.I.T.Y. marches. (FY18)  Recruiting Unit participated in events

 Created a sixth patrol division. (FY17)


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