
This is unofficial party season in our

had turned the deciding game into a snore.

fair land.

If the BIA is to survive and thrive, it will

With summer, our shortest season, just

require, among other vital elements, a good

warming up, we have many reasons to be

dose of feel-good.

happy — school is out, pools and tennis

Anyway, while it is not always easy to

courts are open again, golf courses are

put on a happy face, a smile is a free and

lush, fire flies dance in meadows and you

essential component of doing business.

can hear the corn growing. Is life grand or

People do not want to do business with


grumps. That’s why successful salespeople

There are also several opportunities to

Time to vent, celebrate

are always content, or at least pretend that

take part in official festivities. We have St-

they are always glad. When everything is

Jean-Baptiste, Canada Day, and

equal, consumerswill buy frompeoplewho

Detractors say the commission has run its

Multiculturalism Day.

that are taxed by the commission. About 25

enjoy what they are doing.

course; defenders insist the main drag will


people attended the annual meeting.

Fortunately, the gloomy gusses are a

be toast if the BIA dissolves.

government decreed that June 27 of each

The paltry turnout could be linked to the

minority and the vast majority of business

As expected, certain members were not

year would be observed as Canadian

fact that the meeting was competing for

operators go out of their way to ensure that

pleasedwithmembership fees, even though

MulticulturalismDay, “an opportunity to

attention with Game 7 of the Stanley Cup

their customers are happy.

the charges have been reduced this year and

celebrate our diversity and our

final. But themeeting started an hour before

As we prepare to celebrate St-Jean-

the budget more than halved. Business

commitment to democracy, equality and

the puck dropped, and wrapped up shortly

Baptiste and the birthday of Canada, we

owners have legitimate concerns about the

mutual respect and to appreciate the

after the second period had begun. Besides,

should take some time to consider how

past and the future of the organization.

contributions of the various multicultural

theHabs weren’t playing, so it wasn’t a vital

fortunate we are to live in a country that

However, some aimed their aspersions

groups and communities to Canadian


offers us so much freedom and choice,

at former and current board members.


Fortunately, the meeting ended on a

whether it is in a public forum or in the

The persistent criticism got to the point

Everyone could use an opportunity to

generally positive note, and before Boston


where, Reno Viola, one of the brave

reflect on what makes us so special, or to

volunteers trying to save the BIA, observed,

simply stop and smell the roses. It is hard

“Jesus Christ was only crucified once.”

Letter to the Editor

to look at the Big Picture when you are

Clearly, certainmembershave issues that

fixated on a tiny screen, talking on a cell

cannot be resolved by the BIA. For instance,

phone and trying to make a living, all at

Do unto others...

shots were taken at a restaurant patio that

the same time.

was set up last summer. The big beef was

It seems that, despite all of the

see how the election turned out and that

that the installation resembled a cattle pen.

The Editor,

technological advances that are supposed

they had confidence in Mr. Harper to give

While everyone is entitled to his or her

I was glad to read the letter by Lorie

to make our lives easier, our stress levels

him a majority government, and we saw

opinion, and a bovine motif may not help

Boudreau (Vars), “Terrible Attacks,”

are reaching historic levels. The

that the people didn’t have confidence in

corral any more consumers, obviously, the

Tribune-Express, May 27, 2011.

communications explosion helps us get

Mr. Ignatieff. What Mr. Ignatieff wanted for

BIA cannot take on the role of Good Taste

How many times I said how terrible Mr.

messages out easier and faster, however,

Mr. Harper came on his own head. Defeat.

Police. Neither can the town be expected to

Ignatieff was in his calling Mr. Harper a liar

communication skills are deteriorating.

Apparently, his own party did not want


or referring to him as telling lies, etc. Mr.

Like that old song said, there are many

him any longer either. He even lost his own

municipal regulations.

Ignatieff brought about this past election by

people who are talking without speaking,


Of course, it is healthy to express your

a non-confidence vote, saying the people

peoplewho are hearingwithout listening.

frustrations and to “vider le coeur.”We can


had no confidence in Mr. Harper. Well, we

Face-to-face, “sit-down” meetings are

talk about problems until the cows come

becoming less frequent because of the

home, however, griping can be contagious.

dominance of gizmos.

Imaginarium opens for Pagliaro

Negative sentiments tend to spread much

Another reason for this trend may be

faster than positive vibes.

that occasionally, certain people use

As it was pointed out, Hawkesbury’s

meetings to vent their frustrations about


downtown business community must

matters that are not on the agenda.

accentuate the positive if it is to effectively

For example, the recent annualmeeting

promote the core.

Québec veteran rocker Michel Pagliaro and local group Imaginariumwill be among


One of the biggest challenges is apathy.

the entertainment at Canada Day festivities at Confederation Park inHawkesbury July

Area Commission at times resembled a

It was telling that of the 16 members


gripe session. The goal of the gathering


The fun starts at 8:30 a.m. with a brunch. Following the official opening at 10 a.m., there


board of directors. After seeing the current


whichhas been indoubt since the boardof

board slammed, nobody in the hall was

at 7:30 p.m. The event will be capped by a fireworks display at 11 p.m.

directorsquit enmasse inDecemberof last

going tostepforwardandriskbeingblasted,

Because many celebrants bring their best, four-legged friends to the party, the town is



waiving its ban on dogs this year. Owners must keep their dogs on leashes, and pick up


There are about 180 business premises

after them.

Université d’Ottawa

University of Ottawa

2011 CENSUS Count yourself in!

Centre d’enseignement et d’apprentissage médiatisés Service d’appui à l’enseignement et à l’apprentissage Consultez l’horaire des cours hors campus pour la session d’été 2011 de l’Université au . Les cours de la session d’été débutent le 17 juin 2011. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant! Centre for MediatedTeaching and Learning Teaching and Learning Support Service View the University’s Summer 2011 off-campus course timetable at Courses begin on June 17, 2011 for the Summer session. Register today!

Renseignements / Information Francine Levac La Cité collégiale, 570 Kitchener Hawkesbury ON 613-632-1657 |

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