territory, stretching from Manitoba to
Newfoundland. In the United States, Voith
Voith Paper
does business with paper mills in Maine,
Vermont, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania
and New York.
on a roll in
One of its most important clients is
Cascades in Lachute. “One sectorwhere the
demand for products has increased is the
facial tissue market,” relates Chaîné.
machine rolls, considering the investment,
brand new.
“By having us recover the rolls, our
customers are extending the lives of these
Quality is crucial when a break can cost a
lot of money.
“Our clients are depending on us to do a
good job. These rolls are running in
equipment that operates non-stop, 24 hours
In the “paperless society,” technology
a day, seven days a week.”
has replaced many conventional forms of
Voith workers deal with rolls of all sorts
However, changehas actuallybenefited
and in length from 100 to 500 inches.
oneHawkesburycompany that hasbeen in
A roll canweigh anywhere from10 to 50
the pulp and paper industry for decades.
Voith Paper has been doing quite well
The local operationstartedasScapaRolls
over the last few years, says operations
in1985, andwas later operatedasKRCRolls
manager Bernard Chaîné. One of the main
before it was bought by Voith 12 years ago.
reasons for the success of the Tupper Street
The family-ownedbusinesswas founded in
operation is the need for paper makers to be
Germany in 1846.
more efficient.
The international company has a total of
“As thedemandfor certain typesofpaper
Photo Richard Mahoney
40,000 employees. While the Hawkesbury
At the Voith Paper plant, large rolls are recovered and repaired.
plant may, in the grand scheme of things,
become more efficient. That has played in
appear small, “We are important andwe do
eastern portion of North America. At one
good work,” says Chaîné.
The Voith Paper plant in Hawkesbury
time, there were five companies providing
companies in the industry – Cascades,
He adds that, when spinoffs are
specializes in the making and repair of rolls
the service in this part of the continent.
Kruger, Abitibi-Bowater, Domtar.
that are used in paper-making machinery.
Its 200 customers are located in a vast
Voith is the only firm of its kind in the
150 jobs.
“Our customers realize that it is more
profitable for them to have us take care of
their rolls instead of trying to do that work
themselves,” says Chaîné.
Currently employing 50, the local
New principals
operation has been expanding. “We plan to
Students insomeareaEnglish-language
hire four more people in the short term and
possibly fourmore further in the future,” he
year begins. The Catholic District School
Board of Eastern Ontario has announced
difficult years. We had layoffs in 2007 and
that Judith Boucher, now principal of St.
2008. But things are going very well now.
Finnan’s Catholic School in Alexandria,
The employees here are proud to work for
will succeed Marlene Picard at St. Jude
Voith. We offer a good work environment.
Catholic School in Vankleek Hill. Picard
We put emphasis on health, safety and
will become the new principal of St.
cleanliness. We are proud of our safety
Andrew’s in St. Andrew’s West.
record,” says Chaîné.
Academy in Williamstown, will become
the new head of St. Finnan’s. He will be
succeeded by Kennedy MacDonald,
currently principal of St. Anne’s Catholic
School in Cornwall.
Dalkeith Celebrations
June 25 at 10 a.m. an unveiling of a
Grenville (Qc) 819-242-3131
plaque honouring Dalkeith’s bicentennial
will be held at Robertson Mills Park, on
County Road 23 at the Rigaud River. Also
Submitted photo
reserve 1 p.m. June 26. That is when a
Constructon of Autoroute 50 inArgenteuil is continuing on schedulewith a section from
Bicentennial Rural Heritage Garden Tour
Grenville to Fassett set to open this summer. The Plaisance-Fassett section will be
will begin from 1851 Dalkeith Road.
completed next year.
Strawberry Supper
Riceville United Church holds at
Glengarry Nurse
strawberry supper Sunday, June 26 from
4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the SouthPlantagenet
hall, 3210 County Road 10 in Fournier.
Practitioner-Led Clinic
There will be sandwiches, salads, veggies,
and of course, strawberries, ice cream and
homemade desserts. Adults $10; children
6-12, $5.
Strawberry Tea
The St. Jude’s Catholic Ladies
Association hosts a strawberry tea June 26
A new Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic in Glengarry will help provide 1,600 people
from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the church located
in thecommunity,whoarewithout aphysicianorhealthcareprovider, access tohealth
at 372 Geneviève St., Hawkesbury.
care services.
Admission is $5 per person. There will be
June 24, at 11 a.m., a ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held to officially open the clinic
FRI. & SAT. AT 6:30 & 9:00 SUN. & WEEKDAY AT 7:00
door prizes, a bake table, a white elephant
at 137 Military Road, Lancaster.
table and music by “Just Friends.”
A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse with advanced university education who
Fiddling And Dancing Competition
provides personalized, quality health care to clients. Nurse practitioners work in
VankleekHillwill bealive to the sounds
collaboration with physicians, other health care professionals and pharmacists.
of violinmusic June 24and25when the 15 th
The GlengarryNurse Practitioner-LedClinic has received 1,270 client applications in
annual Fiddling, StepDancing and Square
the first threemonths of operation. Once fully operational, the clinicwill be able to serve
Dancing Competition is held at the
1,600 clients and help themmaintain a healthy, active lifestyle, and to understand and/
community centre. The opening dance
or treat their illness. The Clinic’s team of staff includes an administrator, two (2) nurse
practitioners, two (2) registerednurses, one (1) registeredpractical nurse, asocialworker,
begins at 9 a.m. Saturday. For information,
a dietitian, administrative assistant and receptionist. The clinic will also work with a
www.cinemaclock.com Quebec Grenville
callValerie (613-348-3062),Verne (613-678-
physician who collaborates with the nurse practitioners in care decisions and delivery.
2626) or Harvey (613-674-5638).
The Glengarry service was Ontario’s fifth such clinic to become operational.
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