Cement operation eyes
Hawkesbury location
between the tracks and the highway, wrote
civil engineer André Desjardins on behalf of
853853 Ontario Inc.
Ayear after being rejected inChamplain
“The areas are more appropriate to an
Township, Eastern Ontario Ready Mix is
industrial development,” he said in his
eyeing Hawkesbury as the location for its
application to the town.
new prepared cement operation.
The lands will not be developed as a
Theplantwouldbe built onabout 28 acres
residential area inthe foreseeable futuresince
of vacant landsituatednorthofCountyRoad
the municipality does not plan to extend
17, immediately west of the 17-McGill Street
municipal water and sewage services to that
intersection and southeast of a residential
area, said Desjardins.
“Thearea ismore suitable tobedeveloped
The industry took one step closer to
as an industrial sector to be serviced with
becoming a reality when the town of
private water and septic systems,” he wrote.
Hawkesbury approved a zoning change on
The site is located east of the property at
the two lots of land, altering the designations
County Roads 17 and 4 where the company
from “residential” and “trade and industry
had attempted to start an operation last year.
policy” to “development” and “industrial.”
That plan was stalled when residents
mounted a campaign against the
a public meeting was held April 26. The
development, arguing that thenoiseanddust
application was submitted in March to the
fromthe businesswouldhave a “disastrous”
municipality. The proposed amendment is
impact on them.
now before the united counties of Prescott-
But during the debate last year, Pierre
Mercier, a consultant working for Eastern
The lands are situated between County
Ontario Ready Mix, stated that there was a
Road17 and theOttawaCentral Railway line
bigdifferencebetweenaconcrete factoryand
that services the IvacoRollingMills steelmill
a ready-mix processing operation. “It is like
in L’Orignal.
comparinganoil refinerywithagas station,”
Photo Richard Mahoney
The areas are not appropriate for
he said.
An overhaul of water and sewage services on several Hawkesbury streets has shifted
to the intersection of Higginson Street and Cartier Boulevard where traffic is being
North Glengarry motorcyclist
detoured around the work site.
The project includes the separation of storm and sanitary sewers, the replacement of
water mains and the reconstruction of Cartier Boulevard, and sections of Higginson,
Hampden and Régent Streets.
killed in collision with deer
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A36-year-oldNorthGlengarryman is dead after hismotorcycle collidedwith a deer
325, rue Régent Street Hawkesbury, Ont. 613 632-2867
on County Road 24 last Thursday night.
Roch Pierre Thibodeauwas pronounceddead at the scene of the collision around 10:40
p.m. on County Road 24 near Blyth Road.
A section of County Road 24 was closed for about eight hours as SD&G OPP officers
$ 5 00 PECAN PIE TARTE AUX PACANES Reg./Rég. $ 6.00 564g
assisted by OPP Technical Traffic Investigators continued the investigation. It was the
second fatalmotorcycle crash in the spanof sixhoursThursday. Amanwas killed ina4:30
p.m. collision with a truck at the intersection of Cornwall Centre Road and McConnell
Avenue. Another motorcyclist was injured in a secondary crash with a Cornwall police
cruiser just east of theoriginal accident sceneonCornwallCentreRoad. Theofficerdriving
the cruiser was also taken to hospital.
Sexual assault charge
Reg./Rég. $ 2.15 450g
Ouvert le dimanche de 9 h à 15 h / Open Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
En vigueur du samedi 25 juin au jeudi 30 juin 2011 • Valid from Saturday, June 25 to Thursday, June 30, 2011.
A 21-year-old North Glengarry man has been charged with sexual assault
after Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry Ontario Provincial Police officers responded to a
report of an assault on a girl in the village of Maxville.
The investigation revealed that a man had sexually assaulted a young girl while at a
residence. The male was also found to be breaching his earlier release conditions.
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