King's Business - 1950-08

more facts about the bombing o f To­ kyo for historical purposes. But there was another objective which had to do with Jacob De Shazer, engineer- gunner on one o f the planes which took off from the carrier, Hornet, eight years ago, and this is the story that Lowell Thomas told to the world: “ Sergeant De Shazer, one o f the 80 original Tokyo raiders, was one of the fliers unfortunate enough to be captured by the Japanese. Three o f the prisoners were executed and one starved to death. The other four went through a bitter ordeal. Then they came home after the war, and one thing that happened was a gay glit­ tering party at New York’s fashion­ able Stork Club. Col. Ross Greening, pilot o f the eleventh bomber in that famous take-oif, was sitting beside De Shazer. They were having champagne, and Greening noticed that Jake was merely toying with his glass. “ ‘You’re not drinking,’ said the colonel to the sergeant. ‘How come?’ ( Continued on Page 32)

The Press and the Christian World (Continued from Page 3) proval was given for application for a television station to be operated on a non-commercial basis with a con­ tinuous educational, religious, and public service program. This is the first such application made by any school or religious group in America. Zondervan Reprint The Zondervan Publishing House, publisher o f evangelical religious books, is announcing a special reprint series in connection with their twen­ tieth anniversary. The series will in­ clude the famous work by Bishop J. C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts on the Gospels, and the well-known daily devotional book by Andrew Murray, God’s Best Secrets, as well as the re- issuance o f a number o f outstanding Christian classics now out o f print. Free Methodist's Crusade Recently an intensive evangelistic crusade has been started by Youth Crusade o f the Free Methodist church in the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Canada, and the United States. Over 17,000 miles were trav­ eled and a total o f 63 youth meetings and mass meetings were held. Hun­ dreds of youth were converted and scores were recruited for mid­ century crusade teams and summer evangelism. 1. Jesse was the father o f David. 2. Dan was the eldest o f Jacob’s twelve sons. 3. The river Jordan empties into the Mediterranean. 4. Noah’s ark was cemented with red clay from Mount Nebo. 5. David never had the opportunity to slay his tormentor, Saul. 6. Ishmael was Adam’s third son. 7. Matthias was chosen as one o f the twelve disciples. 8. Joseph, the husband o f the Virgin Mary, was a carpenter by trade. 9. Leprosy was unknown in Old Tes­ tament times. 10. Thomas said, “ I will not believe.” 11. Elephants were among the “ for­ bidden” animals mentioned in Le­ viticus 11. 12. Thessalonica was located in Sicily. 13. Paul was taught by Gamaliel. 14. Elkanah is the name o f an Old Testament book.' 15. Benjamin was the youngest of Jacob’s twelve sons. —Vernon Howard in Lively Bible Quizzes Answers on Page 3U T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S BIBLE QUIZ True and False

Editorially Speaking (Continued from Page 5) Tokyo Raiders’ Reunion

We quote verbatim a news release from the Free Methodist Church of North America which comprises an­ other chapter in the amazing story of God’s dealings with Jacob De Shazer. “ In the desert where General Pat­ ton had trained his troops for the North African campaign, Lowell Thomas sat before his microphone one day this spring and told the world the story o f Free Methodism’s Jacob De Shazer, missionary to Japan since December, 1948. “ Each year General James H / Doo­ little and his ‘Tokyo Raiders’ hold a reunion to ‘make good’ the broken promise o f a party at Chungking fol­ lowing the famous Tokyo raid. This year the reunion was held at Palm Desert, California, where about two- thirds of the remaining 60 Doolittle boys met to assemble and classify


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