King's Business - 1950-08

MAKE IT MEANINGFUL ( Continued from Page 13) we done to make sure that our young- sters understand their songs any bet­ ter? Children love to sing. They memorize hymns almost without knowing it. What an opportunity, then, to see that eternal truths, rightly understood, are stored up in young minds! Have we ever stopped to think that through our selection and presentation o f hymns we may set the lifetime mold for our children’s experiences o f praise and worship? How do we choose our hymns? How do we teach them? Are they poten­ tially meaningful to the child, or are they just hymns we like, adult in con­ cept, and incapable o f explanation to children ? To store the child’s heart and mind with treasures from the Word o f God and from the gems o f Christian hym- nody might well be angel’s work—yet it is a responsibility committed to every parent and Sunday school teach­ er. It is true that only the Holy Spirit can illumine the things o f God and make them real to the child; yet Christ has graciously charged us all with the task o f feeding His lambs. Surely this means breaking the Bread of Life to His little ones in crumbs that they can digest and assimilate, that His Word may become part and fiber o f their very being. Let us en­ deavor to make His truths meaning­ ful! YOUNG PEOPLE MAY KNOW THE WILL OF GOD (Continued from Page 17) When one is fully acquainted with the truths o f Scripture, it seems that he, to a large degree, will just auto­ matically understand the will o f God. God has set forth in His Book great facts which are in themselves a reve­ lation o f His character. Nor can,we point to any one par­ ticular portion o f Scripture and say this is less important. The Books of law, for instance, carry amazingly ac­ curate and up-to-date advice for to­ day’s problems. The Books o f history show in minute detail what the plan o f God was with the people o f ancient times. The Books of wisdom and the prophets offer exceedingly valuable information as to how to meet the perplexing questions o f our lives. On ( Continued on Page 23) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

day, but not tomorrow. Crucified yesterday, ignored today, He still pleads for forgiveness for the souls o f men, yours among them. By His atoning death and mighty resurrec­ tion He continues to save lives, change natures and transform souls into the pattern o f His own loveli­ ness. He will save you if you respond now (2 Cor. 5:19-21). Your Soul’ s Response Admission o f your guilt, forsaking o f your sins, and a simple, childlike (not childish!) faith in your Saviour, is the only response that God respects (Rom. 10:8-10; Prov. 28:13). This response is an immediate duty, fo r any delay demonstrates the unwillingness o f your heart to be­ come reconciled to God through the death o f His Son (2 Cor. 6 :2 ). No reformation is genuine without a coming to Christ. No preparation fo r coming to Christ is necessary, and none can be made. Make your response now by breath­ ing in prayer the wonderful words o f Wesley’s great hymn: and let the following words o f Char­ lotte Elliott be the language o f your soul this very hour: Just as I am, without one plea, But that Thy blood was shed fo r me, And that Thou bidst me come to Thee, O Lamb o f God—I come! Jesus, Lover o f my soul! Let me to Thy bosom fly._

Your Soul’ s Rebellion But your soul has not honored its Creator, nor recognized and respected its Owner. It has not kept the laws and studied the precepts o f its mighty Sovereign, nor lived grate­ fully to its Benefactor. It has not re­ sponded with a life o f devotion and holiness to the unmerited but freely given provision of its suffering Re­ deemer, neither has it walked in the fear o f the Lord, the righteous Judge, all its days upon the earth. Rather has your soul ignored its Creator, flouted His ownership, broken His laws, esteemed not His benefits, dis­ credited His plan o f redemption, neg­ lected His house, dishonored His day and despised His service, trampled on His love and mercy, and insulted His only begotten Son. You have ignored and forgotten God and lived unto self. “ The God in whose hand thy breath is . . . hast thou not glorified” (Dan. 5 :23 ). Your Soul’ s Risk You can be an infinite loser. It is possible for you to sail the fitful seas o f time only to miss the heavenly haven o f your soul and to go down with your miserable cargo o f baubles upon the unseen rocks along the eternal shore. Meet God you must, for the day is fixed* and the issue is eternal either way, everlasting life or everlasting shame and contempt. (Dan. 12:2 ; Mark 8 :36 ). Your Soul’ s Redeemer Jesus, the Lover o f your soul, your Kinsman-Redeemer, is available to­


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