King's Business - 1950-08

maintain security, but Israel will not be tested by the might of its army. The great historic test will be a spiritual test. Even our security will not be on sound foundations unless based on moral a n d spiritual supremacy.” Forty-one Countries Affirm *3* The military action by the United Nations now taking place in Korea received affirmation o f support by 41 countries, or more than two-thirds of the United Nations’ 59-country mem­ bership. Only four—Czechoslovakia, Poland, Russia, and Yugoslavia— de­ clared its action illegal and two— Egypt and Yemen— took no position either for or against it. Of the dozen countries yet to be heard from, most were from the Arab bloc. Conscience Payment >3* Along with the U.S., Canada’s West Coast was swept by panic against its Japanese population at the outbreak'of the last war. So from the province o f British Columbia, most all o f the 23,000 Japanese who lived there were abruptly hustled into the interior with their farms, homes, and fishing boats- confiscated by the government and sold cheaply. Recently, after about three years of study on the subject, it has been de­ clared that the property thus taken was sold at too low prices. The Canadian government announces that it will pay nearly one and a quarter million dollars to citizens o f Japanese descent to compensate them for these losses. [ -------» YOUNG PEOPLE MAY KNOW the other hand, the New Testament with its biographies, history, letters, and prophecy becomes an indispen­ sable commentary on divine guidance. We cannot be too emphatic here. The child o f God should be absolutely saturated in Biblical truth. He should read and reread, study and meditate, compare and contrast. The sayings of the Bible should be constantly at his finger tips, and on his tongue’s end. He should live with the Book, eat it, chew it, memorize it, use it, love it. Every bit o f extra time can be profitably employed in reading and ( Continued on Page 32) THE WILL OF GOD ( Continued from Page 22)

THE BIBLE IN THE NEWS (Continued from Page 20) $42,000,000 Donations <3* Last year the Seventh-Day Ad­ ventists throughout the world con­ tributed a staggering $42,000,000 to support their world-wide activities, including 3,650 elementary schools, 292 colleges and academies, 1,573 missionary representatives abroad, 52 publishing houses. The zeal of this doctrinally unsound group is certain­ ly an incentive to those who know and preach the truth, but who, in many instances, are divided on minor doctrinal issues and have much to learn about the grace o f giving. Too Much Rain Making <3* Dr. Irving Langmuir, sometimes called “ the high priest o f scientific rainmaking,” sounded a very solemn warning last week. He declared that those who sow too many rainstorms may reap nothing but droughts. Sneaking at the School o f Mines in New Mexico, Langmuir denounced the commercial rainmakers as woe- f'd 'v ignorant o f the art o f bringing moisture. “ Some o f them,” he said, "lin g hundreds o f thousands of tu'-'es too much seeding with silver iodide, which mav condense the mois­ ture in the air. The snowflakes which are too small to fall, can even rise, and never yield any rain.” This con­ firms a recent declaration by the U.S. Bureau o f Weather which charged that there was little or no truth to the claim o f any method actually to produce rain. Many firmly believe that in rain-making man is meddling with a medium which is God’s pre­ rogative. Israel Notes <3* The General Tire and Rubber Company o f Akron, Ohio, announces the establishment o f a rubber-manu­ facturing company in Israel which will make tire tubes and allied products. The capital of this new corporation will be supplied by American and Israeli investors. The Zionist Organization of Amer­ ica revealed that the Jewish national fund has spent more than $58,000,- 000 in buying land in Israel during the last year. The Hebrew University o f Jeru­ salem celebrated its twenty-fifth an­ niversary. Speaking on this occasion, Premier David Ben Gurion declared: “ Israel will concentrate for a long time to come on most o f its strength and resources to upbuild its land and A U G U S T , 1 9 5 0

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