King's Business - 1950-08

WE SHOULD AVOID ANY FALSE OATH Zech. 8:17 Frequently Christians are called upon to appear in court to present evidence. An oath is required before God that statements made will be true and ac­ curate. Sometimes this oath is made carelessly and thoughtlessly. Sometimes that which is told as hearsay or as sus­ picion or guesswork is stated as fact. This is neither pleasing to God nor profitable for the soul who does it. We read of those who swear to their own hurt and change not (Psa. 15:4). WE SHOULD AVOID FALSE TESTIMONY 2 Tim. 3:3 In the heat of a political campaign, it is very easy to make false statements about those with whom we differ. We always hold in high esteem those whose opinions agree with ours. We feel satis­ fied with the philosophy of those who think as we do. There is a possibility of taking delight in excoriating and scourg­ ing those in the public eye who have de­ cided opinions of their own with which we disagree. False statements are made about what these leaders teach and prac­ tice. Only one side of the case is pre­ sented. Advantage is taken of the igno­ rance of the hearers to make false re­ ports. Let the Christian never be found guilty of such tactics.

September 24, 1950 IMPORTANT ISSUES FACING OUR COUNTRY TODAY Mic. 4:1-5; Psa. 67:1-7 Our great and wonderful nation is suffering from the encroachments and wicked practices.of nine enemies: Com­ munism, Roman Catholicism, labor unionism, atheism, liquor, tobacco, nar­ cotics, evil literature, and sex perver­ sion. All of these are a curse to our country and a blight to civilization. All would undermine the Bible, the gospel, Christian liberty, health of the body, clear thinking, and social purity. We need to proclaim boldly God’s- good gospel as the only preventive and anti­ dote and remedy for these nine evils. GOD’ S WORD IS REJECTED TODAY Jer. 8:9 Everywhere in our educational system except in a few private schools, the Word of God is rejected and repudiated. No longer it is revered and honored. No longer are the children reared to be­ lieve its precepts and to fear the punish­ ments recorded therein. No longer is the appeal made to the teachings of the Word of God as our guide in public and private life. No longer is the teaching of the Word held to be essential for godly living and upright dealings. This is the cause for the present apostasy.

raised in recognition of the honor due a woman. We have largely lost those gracious marks of respect that once pre­ vailed. The student in the classroom re­ fuses to recognize the authority and position of the teacher. Prominent men are publicly ridiculed and called by their first names in derision. All of this is a result of drifting away from the Word of God. September 17, 1950 PROMOTING CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES IN GOVERNMENT Mark 12:30,31; Rom. 13:1-14 The expression Christian principles is rather misleading. A Christian is one who belongs to Jesus Christ, is saved by the precious Saviour, and has been given the gift of eternal life. The word Christian cannot and does not apply to things, sects, and systems of men who deny the saving power of the Saviour and reject God’s good gospel of salvation by grace through faith. If you ask a follower of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, Are "you a Christian? that one will usually reply, No, I am a Christian Scientist. If you ask a Catholic, Are you a Christian? he will answer, No, I am a Catholic. Christian principles are those marks of eternal life which are exhibited in a truly saved person. WE SHOULD AVOID FALSE BALANCES Prov. 11:1 Cheating in business has no place in a Christian’s activities. We should give full measure, heaped up, pressed down, and running over. Sand should not be mixed with sugar. Let the Christian be known as one who will go the second mile and who seeks to give over and above what is expected of him. This plan makes it easy to preach the Word to those with whom we do business. This program of righteous and upright deal­ ings invites the confidence of those to whom we would like to give the gospel. WE SHOULD AVOID FALSE The true Christian will seek to honor the Lord in what he says about others. Stories are easily altered and enlarged. Someone will make a statement as to his “ guess” ; the' next person passes it on as a fact. That which started out as a hypothesis ends as an axiom. That which was only an evil surmising becomes a certainty as it is gossiped around. Our Lord condemns,such action severely and our own hearts should condemn it. Why should there ever be a desire to malign another person or bring him into evil repute? Let us not suspect our fellow men of evil in the absence of definite evidence. REPORTS Luke 19:8

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AMERICAN SUNDAY; SCHOOL UNION 1816 Chestnut Street Philadelphia 3, Pa. AmA* 1 m s T r it ìi (fy U à t eUo*ty tâe oieC faicé t o a d Est. 1817

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