King's Business - 1950-08

GOD’S SON IS REJECTED TODAY John 12:48 Probably there never was a time when more money was given to charity than today. Gre&t funds are being spent for the relief of poverty and pain. Huge foundations are established for the bene­ fit of human relief and education. How­ ever, Christ is neither mentioned nor known in these movements. The world loves charity but hates any charity con­ nected with the name of Christ, the love of the Lord Jesus, or the gospel of His grace. Since Christ is the Prince of peace, there can be no peace among na­ tions or individuals without Him.

GOD’S PLAN OF LIFE IS REJECTED Isa. 59:15 The marginal reference of this pas­ sage reads, “He that departeth is ac­ counted mad.” In our day both in school and in- business the one who will not enter into the social sins of the day is held to be “ cracked” or a fanatic or a fool. Purity of life is no longer either a requisite or even a desirable quality in many circles. That one who refuses to go the way of the world and will not dance nor attend the theater nor smoke nor do things that are immoral is held up to ridicule as a “prude” or a “ crack­ pot.” Our great country owes its great­ ness to the godliness of its founders. GOD’ S CHURCH IS REJECTED Gal. 1:13 Throughout this country, men and women are finding it necessary to sever their connections with many great move­ ments in order to live godly lives and have orthodox Bible teaching. The truth about the church has been discarded. The world wants a church in which it can rule and control the activities. The godly church is despised. It is unnoticed and ignored by great religious leaders. The world wants a worldly church, not God’s church. The world wants a church in which human philosophy and human pleasure has full sway. Let us stay true to God. THE RUSSIAN BEAR PROWLS FORTH TO DOOM (Continued from Page 12) The magazine from which we just quoted, declares that Russia, however, could not win a war against the allied nations, because in such essentials to war as steel, coal, electric power, oil, transportation, and atom bombs, the “ Production Power” o f the allied na­ tions far outstrips that o f Russia and her satellites ; so that, in the long run, Russia would be defeated. That is true! But, be it remembered that the Scriptures at no place reveal Russia as a victor, but, as we shall see, just the opposite. However, the point is, Russia is taking her place in thé great and final drama o f our age, exactly as Ezekiel and John both declare she will. And, in the fulfillment o f these great prophecies, the saints well un­ derstand the other tremendous, and to them, glorious, events about to take place. If the “ red horse” and his rider are now appearing on the horizon just below the setting sun o f Gentile pow­ er and glory, how tremendously sig­ nificant is the hour in which we live! Instead o f being distressed, arouse, ye saints, the sight is glorious!

And, “ to him that sat thereon [on the red horse ] it was given to take peace from the earth7’ ! It is now five years since General Eisenhower an­ nounced the surrender o f “ what is left o f two German armies.” Yet the world awaits the signing o f the trea­ ties o f peace! Billions o f dollars are being spent in the carrying on o f a new kind o f warfare, “ cold war.” Who is it that has taken “ peace from the earth” ? Who, but “ Gog” on his “ red horse” ? And, since, as yet, what we see is only the foreshadowing o f the four horsemen, and the stupendous scene does not have its culmination until after the translation o f the saints, how near must the translation (1 Thess. 4:13-18) be! And, now is it not clearly written as to what shall happen to the great northern “ Red Army” when it marches forth in Israel’s land “ to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take great spoil” (3 8 :1 3 )? “ And it shall come to pass in that day, when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord Jehovah, that my wrath shall come up into my nostrils . . . And I will call fo r a sword against him . . . And with pestilence and with blood will I enter into judgment with him; and I will rain upon him, and upon his hordes, and upon the many peo­ ples that are with him . . . great hail­ stones, fire, and brimstone” [atom bombs?] . . . “ thou shalt fall upon the mountains o f Israel . . . And they that dwell in the cities o f Israel shall go forth, and . . . shall plunder those that plundered them . . . that I will give unto Gog a place for burial in Israel . . . And seven months shall the house o f Israel be burying them . . . in the valley o f Hamon-gog. . . . Thus shall they cleanse the land” (Ezek. 38:18, 21, 22; 39:4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16). (The forces that the God o f Is­ rael will use for the accomplishment of this terrible judgment upon “ Gog” is another subject.) And there, in a vast graveyard, “ in the valley o f Ha- mon-gog,” ,the dream o f atheistic Communism will come to an end; and, the profaners o f God, the latter day enemies o f Israel, shall lie and rot and wait “ the resurrection o f damna­ tion” (John 5:29, A .Y .)! “ Behold, it cometh, and it shall be done, saith the Lord Jehovah” (3 9 :8 )! The Fourth Prophetic Message in this Semes will Appear in the Sep­ tember Number. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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