King's Business - 1950-08

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Show our popular, fast-selling line—SCRIPTURE TEXT CHRISTMAS CARDS, Everyday Cards, Plaques, Calendars, Beautiful Stationery, Bibles, Books, Novelties, Lovely Gifts, Etc. Good Profit easily made. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write today for full information, and liberal Wholesale Price list. C. W . BOYER CO., Dept. KB, Dayton 5, Ohio LINDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE CO LLEG E AND SEMINARY Liberal Arts Theology Christian Education Dormitory Housing tor Both Married and Single Students A vailable Immediately APPROVED FOR VETERANS SAN D IEG O II C A L IF O R N IA DON'T BUY THAT BIBLE U n til yo u h a v e seen THE INSTANT INDEX All. books of Bible and New Testament chapters visible by Index. Locate, passages with mere flick of finger. Eleven prices $’8.25 to $19.95. Large print. King James. Write Instant Bible Index Co.. Flora, 111. SACRED PIANO SOLOS “There's a Wideness in God’s Mercy” Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations, Chimes. Suitable for radio performances. Each 35c, ALL THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Calif. FREE PLASTIC POCKET CALENDAR The LORD’ S PRAYER on One Side No Obligation Robt. E. Pfaeffle 45 Guerrero St. San Francisco 3, Calif. W E S T E R N B A P T I S T B IB L E C O L L E G E 528 33rd St. OAKLAND 9, C A LIF. H. O. Van Gilder, D.D., President Three-year intensive Bible Course in Mis­ sions, Pastoral, Chr. Ed., Music. Approved for veterans. Write for Catalog. “Blessed Be the Fountain” “Safe in the Arms of Jesus” VACATION japan : I Through the summer, PTL Evan- gelistic Teams will be preaching to countless thousands of Japanese —distributing half a million Gos­ pels and Testaments. Remember, them in prayer and support., TREE, WRITE FOR THRILLING ANDERSON STORIES MO

about only by the discipline of trial, and fidelity to this law o f the king­ dom, that we please Him who hath chosen us to be His soldiers. —Selected Quite often when a man thinks his mind is getting broader, it is only his conscience stretching. Love Prompted Service A missionary family was returning after a rest in America to the work in Tabriz, Persia. As the little party came to the crest o f the hills . . . its members stopped to look across the gray plain to the gray city and the great red rocky hills beyond . . . It was a dreary sight after the green fields of home, and one o f the little girls at last looked up into her moth­ er’s face and said, “ It’s not nearly so nice as America, Mother, is it? ” “ No, my child,” the mother replied, “ that’s why we have come.” There was love in those hearts, and thus there was loving service in their lives. — S. H . Edgcumbe The more profoundly we study this wonderful Book, and the more closely we observe its divine precepts, the better citizens we will become and the higher will be our destiny as a nation. —President McKinley Enjoyment in Giving A rich man who was a Christian was making out a check for five hun­ dred dollars for a deserving cause when he suddenly realized that he was grudging the money; the giving came hard. At once, with great energy he tore up his check for five hundred dollars and rapidly wrote one for a thousand dollars. He explained the change to the astonished but pleased collector by saying: “ I cannot afford to grow stingy. If I begin to dislike giving, I shall soon cease to give alto­ gether. I must give, and give often and give generously, until I enjoy giving once more.” —Hallock Over five thousand places mentioned in the Bible have now been identified in the Holy Land alone.

America's Hope O bright, against the clouded sky, The well-loved banner gleams; Its silken folds the ancient hope Of all our patriots’ dreams. Yet never, through the troubled years, Has love o f land sufficed: That nation, only, shall endure That bows to Jesus Christ. —Helen Frazee-Bower There is never much real work done fo r God without the roaring o f the adversary. — The Brethren Evangelist A Soft Answer A man who bought a farm soon afterward came across his nearest neighbor. “ Have you bought this place?” asked the neighbor. “ Yes.” “Well, you have bought a lawsuit!” “ How is that?” “ Well, sir, I claim your fence is ten feet on my side, and I am going to court to prove it.” The newcomer said, “ Oh, don’t do that. I f the fence is on your side of the line, we will just take it up and move it back.” “ Do you mean it? ” “ Of course I do,” was the reply. “Well, that fence stays where it is !” —Selected I f 1,000 missionaries were today to land in India, each one would have a parish all his own of 550 villages. A Soldier's Task “ A good soldier,” it has been said, “ both abstains and sustains.” This is to endure hardness. He has not only to fight in aggressive conflict, but he has to withstand in defensive warfare as well. His power is seen far more in what he can bear, than in what he can do . . . To be a good soldier of Jesus Christ we must know the dis­ cipline o f laying aside every encum­ brance, every weight, every entangle­ ment. We must learn by actual ex­ perience how to refuse, as well as to accept. The “ hardness” that is essen­ tial to a good soldier can be brought A U G U S T , 1 9 5 0

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