King's Business - 1950-08

As I fold this heart with a red cross on it over the word “ JAMES” it reminds us that he received Christ as his Saviour. Saving faith had taken the place of doubt. When we place this heart over the word “JAMES” we see that instead or reading “JAMES” it now reads “JESUS.” James became the pastor of the church at Jerusalem. When people saw him they were reminded of Jesus instead of the old doubting James. Objects: A flashlight and the outline of a cross cut out of cardboard, covered with red cellophane paper. Lesson: How many of you would like to have a flashlight like this one? I don’t blame you—it is a beauty! But there is one thing about it that is not good. Can you guess? It always attracts attention to itself and its own light. There was a time when Paul was just like this flashlight, in that he attracted attention to himself and shone for his own glory. True, he was a brilliant man, and had a wonderful education. Doubt­ less people thought he would make a great name for himself as a Jewish leader. The time came, however, when Paul’s light died out. (Turn off the flashlight.) He realized that he was nothing in the sight of God. He no longer thought of becoming a bright and shining light in the Jewish religion. What should he do? He realized that he was a lost sinner. The cross of Christ was revealed to him. He accepted Christ as his Saviour and hid behind the cross, just as I place this flashlight behind this red cross. (Hold the flashlight a little way from the cel­ lophane so that the light bulb will not be seen through the cellophane.) Paul’s light begins to shine again, but now it does not call attention to Paul, but to the cross of Christ. We can see the cross better because the light is shining through it. Wherever Paul went, he caused the light of the cross to shine forth. In Philippi, this light shone. “ And a cer­ tain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul” (Acts 16:14). Wherever we see the Apostle Paul he is always letting his light shine for Christ. September 24, 1950 The Right Light

This finished ceramic reminds me of Mark in later years. It was at one time like the piece of clay which I marred a few minutes ago. Now it is solid and beautiful. The thing that has made the difference is that it has gone through the fire. Job said, “ But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold” (Job 23:10). Evidently Mark had gone through great testing fires and had come to the place where he could be trusted by the Apostle Paul. We often wonder why God’s people have so many trials, but it is in order that they may come forth as gold. Object: A piece of paper 8% x ll inches. (Fold into 3 panels, making the size 3 2/3x8 inches. Open and on the center panel print perpendicularly the word “ JAMES” in large letters. From the two outside panels, cut hearts large enough to cover the letters “ AME” in the word “ JAMES.” Fold one of these hearts over the center panel and print the letters “ AME,” completing the word “ JAMES.” On the inside of the other heart draw a red cross. Fold this heart over the center panel and print the let­ ters “ ESU,” completing the word “ JE­ SUS.” Outline a heart on the center panel the same size as the others. In­ side this heart print “ SIN, DOUBT and UNBELIEF.” Make several splashes with black ink. Fold the first heart over the center panel and the other in back of it.) September 17, 1950 Doubt Goes Out


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Lesson: On this piece of paper we see the word “ JAMES” written. James was one of the sons of Mary and Joseph— a half-brother of Jesus Christ. There was a time in the life of James when he did not believe in Christ. In John 7:5 we read, “ For neither did his brethren believe in him.” Evidently they did not believe that the One who was living in their home was the Son of God and the Messiah. When there are doubts and unbelief in the heart there is always a reason. Let us open James’ heart and see what we find. (Fold the heart back.) We now see sin, doubt and unbelief in the heart. We are glad this condition did not continue in the heart of James. He came to the place where he recognized and received Jesus as the Saviour from sin.

C. WHITFIELD SIMS Phone CLeveland 66129

6176 Myosotis Street

Los Angeles 42, Calif.

BIBLE QUIZ (Continued from Page 18)

1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. False

6. False 7. True 8. True 9. False 10. True

11. False 12. False 13. True 14. False 15. True

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Page Thirty-four

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