King's Business - 1950-08

has two posters on its door. Attached to a gate in a Japanese home are two posters. Japanese women stop daily to read them. “ Send us more posters!” they all cry. Another missionary pleads: “We want all the posters you can spare. They are a great help in my work among University students in Tokyo.” Students have placed the posters in the colleges, railroad stations and store windows. Best Seller posters quadruple the work o f the missionary. Miss Eleanor Fairchild, graduate of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and missionary in Italy, wrote shortly before her recent death: “ There are 292 streetcars, 55 buses, and 32 elec­ tric buses in Naples where it is pos­ sible to place cards.” Miss Fairchild had caught the vi­ sion o f the tremendous help Best Sell­ er posters can be to the missionary, but Miss Fairchild, in God’s great wis­ dom, has been released from her earth­ ly task. Who has caught her vision? Who follows in her train? Ways and Means Best Seller depends entirely upon God and His people for its support. There are donors such as the 83-year- old Denver resident with only an old- age pension; the Iowa newspaper boy who wrote, “ I filled my bank with pennies I got on my route. Here’s a dollar” ; the Kentucky pastor whose salary is less than $40 per month who sent $5.00. One lady gave a diabetic neighbor insulin shots, saved the money she was paid, and sent it to Best Seller. Another sent a thanks­ giving offering for a successful oper­ ation. With such sacrificial gifts the Lord is well pleased and through them the work continues to bless needy hearts. Even more valuable are the constant prayers o f the faithful prayer partners o f the work. It is a great consolation to realize that on that streetcar involved in such a tragic accident recently there was a Best Seller poster! Thirty-two per­ sons were killed, and who knows how many in the last terrifying moments o f their lives lifted their eyes to the Word o f God, believed it, and found the Saviour of sinners. Years ago Martin Luther said, “ The Word o f God is like a tiger; turn it loose!” That, by the grace o f God, is just what Best Seller Publicity is doing. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Thanks to Best Seller Publicity, John 3:16 is prominently displayed to multi­ tudes on a transportation bus. Thousands o f similar colorful car posters, designed by well-knoum Christian artists, and imprinted with Scripture texts, are distributed each month from New York to California, in 37 countries, in 10 languages.


same everywhere: “ Give us more posters!” Don Hillis, Best Seller extension worker in India, writes: “ People have eagerly accepted the posters sent to India, even putting them outside the walls o f their homes so that passersby might see them.” Right now 100,000 posters are ur­ gently needed in India and Japan. A barber shop in Tokyo keeps Best Seller posters on display. The Chris­ tian owner opens his shop for two Gospel meetings a week. A leper church in Central Japan

church, two hospitals, a doctor’s o f­ fice, two schools, a bus depot, two railroad statiohs, a round house, a beauty shop, and a grocery store. A fruit owner in Indiana arranges posters in a variety o f places, among which are two factories. Two posters hang above the time clock and on the wall o f the personnel office! To the “ Uttermost Parts” In their headquarters composed o f two small rooms at 189 W. Madison Street, Chicago, Best Seller receives calls from all over the world.- It is the Page Eight

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