the season. The newly revamped legal journal and legal roadshows concept have been particularly well received. Youth studies and workshops have generated great engagement while our Women’s football “Be a Changemaker” strategy continues the implementation of its projects across its six strategic goals. The evolution of the ECA administration’s staff and organisational model is ongoing albeit at a slower pace than initially budgeted, requiring (as per budget) the leasing of additional office space in Nyon as of season 2022/23. Finally, as validated by the ECA Board and presented to the ECA General Assembly in March 2022, ECA – under the supervision of the Board appointed Ukraine Relief Committee and facilitated by the UEFA Foundation for Children - contributed an overall €1.0m donation to member clubs’ efforts with humanitarian initiatives in order to assist the Ukrainian people so terribly affected by the tragic circumstances in their country. The presented 2021/22 ECA accounts were audited by E&Y and approved by the ECA Executive Board at its meeting on 25 August 2022.
This report covers the financial year 2021/22, corresponding to the fourteenth ECA financial period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. All displayed amounts are in EUR thousands ('000) and are reported under Swiss GAAP. The presented figures have been audited by Ernst & Young (E&Y). The 2021/22 financial year has been notable for (i) the return of physical events enabling enhanced Membership and stakeholder engagement and (ii) the delivery of certain key projects such as the approval of the Post 2024 UCC format and access, as well as the framework around UEFA Club Competitions regulations (“UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Sustainability Regulations”). The overall relationship with UEFA including the creation and interim operations of the new Joint Venture to manage commercial matters going forward has been and continues to be a major project for the administration. On the services side, on top of the daily support rendered to members on all key club football matters, the 4 th edition of the Club Management Programme (“CMP”) was successfully launched, and various research initiatives (such as fans and women’s football matters) have been active through
Financial Report 2021/22
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